Chen Yilin said with a smile.

"I don't want the child to know that the child's father is a criminal."

Ye Kai raised his head and looked in the direction of Chen Yilin.

Chen Yilin said with a pursed mouth.

"It depends on your performance in the future."

"If you perform well, then I will let you go. If you perform poorly, hehe!"

Ye Kai instantly felt a chill in his crotch.

One night, whatever Chen Yilin wanted, Ye Kai must do it himself.

After all, he is a sinner now.

Chen Yilin's body has not recovered yet, and her body is still in anemic state.

Chen Yilin fell asleep very early.

Ye Kai looked at Chen Yilin sleeping in front of him and felt a variety of guilty expressions in his heart.

Ye Kai never knew that he had done something so intolerable.

This incident almost made him become Ye Lin.

But fortunately Ye Kai found out.

And now he has to slowly compensate them mother and daughter.

He owes Chen Yilin too much.

While Ye Kai was sighing, his cell phone vibrated.

Ye Kai picked up the cell phone and went to the corridor of the ward.


"Hello! Old Ye, are you coming back tonight? If you are, please bring the charger back from the lab for me."

"I'm not going back tonight. You can use my charger."

Ye Kai already knew that it was his roommate Liu Hao who called.

"No, why are you always in the lab?"

"I'm not in the lab."


Hearing that Ye Kai was not in the lab, Liu Hao felt like he had discovered a new world.

Since he met Ye Kai, Ye Kai's life has been more regular than a robot.

"Then where are you? You're not going out to play, don't tell your brothers."

"I'm in the hospital?"

Hearing this, Liu Hao couldn't help but frown.

"Are you sick again? Do you need me to go over there?"

"I'm not sick. My daughter is born."

"Oh, if you're not sick, what!!!"

Liu Hao listened to the words on the phone with disbelief on his face.

Can a computer man still have a daughter?

"My daughter is born. I'm with her in the hospital. Okay, the hospital is closed. I won't chat with you anymore."

Zhou Han turned to look at Liu Hao and asked.

"Is Old Ye sick?"

Liu Hao looked at Zhou Han in shock.

"Old Ye's daughter is born."


The whole dormitory exploded.

Except Zhou Han, Zhao Tianchu was also excited when they heard the news.

Because in their impression, Ye Kai is like a robot.

Get up on time every day and go to the laboratory. The only possibility is that sometimes he spends the night in the laboratory.

Zhou Han said with a smile.

"Old Ye secretly gave birth to a child and shocked everyone."

Zhao Tianchu looked at Liu Hao and asked.

"Does your team know that Old Ye has a child?"

Liu Hao shook his head hurriedly. He and Ye Kai are in the same team and have the closest relationship.

But their team has no news about this matter.

Zhao Tianchu slapped his thigh.

"No, we have to find a time to go and see."

Zhou Han nodded.

"It's our goddaughter, and Old Ye actually wants to hide her."

When they were chatting in the dormitory at night, they had an idea that no matter whose child it was, they had to recognize the other people in the dormitory as godfathers.

This was originally for everyone to be able to keep in touch in the future.

But no one expected Ye Kai to act so quickly.

Liu Hao said with some worry.

"Should I tell other people in the team about Old Ye's daughter?"

Zhou Han said hurriedly.

"Don't do it yet. If Old Ye is willing, he will tell us himself. We shouldn't do things that are beyond his ideas."

Zhao Tianchu also nodded in agreement.

Liu Hao couldn't help but sigh.

"I'm afraid that Old Zhang will be angry."

Zhao Tianchu looked at Liu Hao with contempt.

"Zhang Chu almost regards Ye Kai as his own son. How could he be angry? Do you think it's you?"

Liu Hao was also speechless for a while.

While the dormitory was still discussing, Ye Kai posted a photo of his daughter in the dormitory group.

Liu Hao saw the message in the dormitory group.

"Damn! He actually posted a photo to show off his daughter!"

Ye Kai not only posted the photo, but also changed his daughter's photo to his profile picture.

"Brothers! There is a traitor!"

Zhou Han looked at the dormitory group and said loudly.

Then a huge crusade appeared in the dormitory group.

If it wasn't too late at night, Liu Hao and the other two would definitely take a taxi to the hospital to see their goddaughter.

Ye Kai was also laughing foolishly while looking at the photo of his daughter.

At this time,Ye Ruoyi suddenly woke up.

Because her eyes were not open yet, Ye Ruoyi started crying loudly after waking up.

Ye Kai quickly put down his phone.

He ran to Ye Ruoyi and picked up the little one.

Ye Ruoyi also felt that her father was beside her, and her crying slowly stopped.

She just kept opening her mouth.

Ye Kai looked at his daughter and couldn't help but smile and said.

"You little glutton."

While holding Ye Ruoyi, Ye Kai warmed up the goat milk that Aunt Liu left before she went home today.

After the temperature was right.

Ye Kai was about to feed Ye Ruoyi himself, but Ye Ruoyi held the bottle with her own hands and drank it.

After Ye Ruoyi finished drinking, Ye Kai coaxed her for a while.

Ye Ruoyi slowly fell asleep.

Ye Kai looked at the two people who fell asleep and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

He was still living in school before, but now it is definitely not possible.

I don't mind going out to find a house to rent, but I will give Chen Yilin and Ye Ruoyi the best environment.

But money is another big problem.

Ye Kai took out the black card that Li Cheng gave him before.

Ye Kai knew that this was for Ye Lin to use.

But he had never used this card before today.

It was also when he was at his lowest point that he was motivated by looking at this card.

For the first time, Ye Kai felt powerless, a feeling that was even more uncomfortable than the failure of his laboratory experiment.

Ye Kai fell asleep beside Chen Yilin in a daze.

A voice also sounded in Ye Kai's ears.

[Daddy Sign-in System Started]

[System Loading]

[System Detection]

[Detection of excessive damage to the host's body]

[Starting body repair]

[Repair Completed]

Then the system's voice disappeared.

This became the night when Ye Kai slept the best, and Chen Yilin and Ye Ruoyi did not get up in the middle of the night.

When Ye Kai woke up, he felt much more energetic.

At first, Ye Kai thought it was because he hadn't had a good rest for a long time.

When he got to the sink, Ye Kai was surprised to find that his dark circles were gone.

And even his body looked much stronger.

When did sleeping have such an effect!

Ye Kai looked at himself in the mirror with some shock.

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