After Ye Kai closed the door.

The people who were still teasing Ye Ruoyi in the rest area also returned to their seats.

The hotel is also equipped with baby seats.

Chen Yilin went to the side and carried the protagonist Ye Ruoyi to the seat at the main table.

The main table was occupied by Ye Kai's family of three and Zhang Chu's family.

The rest of the people were assigned to small tables.

After everyone was seated, they all looked in the direction of Ye Kai.

Ye Kai slowly stood up and picked up the cup next to him.

"Thank you very much for coming to this full moon wine. I have to drive, so I will thank you all here with tea instead of wine."

The people sitting below applauded.

After Ye Kai sat down, he also began to unpack the bowls and chopsticks in his hand.

Zhang Chu picked up a piece of fish and put it in his son's bowl.

"Xiao Kai, when are you going to come back?"

"Is there a problem with the project? If you are in a hurry, I will go back the day after tomorrow."

Ye Kai said nervously.

The master's wife beside him smiled softly and said, "Don't bother with Lao Zhang. Go ahead and get busy. Master's wife will ask for leave for you."

Zhang Chu felt a little embarrassed when he saw Ye Kai's nervous look.

Just now, he saw that there was nothing to say at the scene, so he just found a topic to chat about.

"Xiao Kai, I don't mean that. It's okay here now. You don't have to rush back."

"Okay, okay, it's the full moon wine for her daughter. Why are you always talking about work with others?"

Master's wife saw that Zhang Chu didn't know how to talk, and she couldn't help but feel a little angry.

Ye Kai smiled and said, "Master's wife, it's okay. I'll be back after I get stable in the next two days."

Chen Yilin sat next to him and didn't know what to say.

She could only eat beside him with her head down.


Chen Yilin choked because she ate too fast.

Ye Kai patted Chen Yilin's back gently and said gently.

"Don't be in a hurry, eat slowly, no one is snatching it."

Chen Yilin felt so embarrassed in front of Master Ye Kai, and her face turned red with embarrassment.

Master's wife Huang E said with a smile, "Xiao Kai, you haven't introduced your partner to me yet?"

Chen Yilin said hurriedly.

"Master's wife, my name is Chen Yilin, and I am a student like Ye Kai. I am currently on leave in my senior year."

Huang E couldn't help showing a surprised expression on her face.

"Are you Chen Yilin?"

Chen Yilin looked at Master's wife with some doubts and asked, "Master's wife, do you know me?"

Huang E chuckled, "I am also a teacher in your school, but not in your college, but I have heard a little about your school beauty incident back then."

Chen Yilin's cheeks turned red, "I was ignorant back then, just joking."

"No, how good, young people should live their own way." Huang E said with a smile.

At this time, Chen Yilin found how gentle Master's wife was, whether eating or talking, she was very decent.

Chen Yilin couldn't help but yearn to be like Huang E.

After eating a few bites, Ye Kai looked in the direction of Chen Yilin and said.

"Yilin, let's go and thank the guests first."

Chen Yilin nodded gently.

The two stood up and poured two cups of tea before walking to other tables.

They first went to the table of Chen Yilin's roommates.

When Ye Kai and Chen Yilin walked to their table, several people at the table also stood up.

Ye Kai smiled and said, "Thank you all for coming to Yiyi's full moon wine today."

Several girls also picked up the cups in their hands and toasted to Ye Kai and Chen Yilin.

After the toast, Sun Manzi said with a smirk on his face.

"You were so polite some time ago, but you got the marriage certificate right away. When will our Yiyi's brother and sister be born?"

Chen Yilin didn't know how to answer this question, but her face was flushed.

Ye Kai smiled and said.

"I'll try my best!"

Chen Yilin's face flushed as she kicked Ye Kai, "Go to hell, there are so many people, what are you talking about."

Ye Kai smiled and chatted with a few people for a while before leaving Chen Yilin's roommate's table.

The next table was shared by Ye Kai's roommate and other team leaders.

Ye Kai looked at this group of friends who he had known for a short time but could be close to.

He couldn't help but smile.

A few people looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh.

"Old Ye, happy wedding, although today is Yiyi's full moon wine, but I'm looking forward to your wedding."

Ye Kai nodded, "During this period, due to my personal problems, I haven't been in the team much, and I'm sorry to bother you with work."

Liu Hao shook his hand and said."We can be tired no matter how hard we try, but we must not let your two suffer any more."

Ye Kai smiled gently, "Don't worry."

After that, Ye Kai gently held Chen Yilin's hand beside him.

Chen Yilin also picked up the teacup beside her and came to Liu Hao and said.

"Brother Liu, I haven't had time to thank you for helping me take care of us last time."

Liu Hao tilted his head and smiled, "You're welcome, just take good care of yourself in the future."

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