After hanging up the phone, Ye Lin made another call.

An excited voice came from the other end of the phone, "Boss Ye, how come you have time to call me."

"Lao Gao, you are still the chief of the police station, right?" Ye Lin said coldly.

"Yes, I will retire in a few years. Why do you want to find me..."

"My son was beaten seriously and my granddaughter was kidnapped."

"What! This happened to my nephew! When did it happen!"

Ye Lin took a breath, "It happened this morning. I have just contacted the black market to issue a reward."

After a moment of silence, the other end said, "What do you want me to do?"

"Just act normally and try to let some professional teams solve it."


After hanging up the phone, the man on the other end of the phone couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"This old classmate, after so many years, can still cause trouble for himself."

The man picked up the phone next to him, "Ask a group to come to the office, there is an urgent task!"


Ye Kai felt his body getting colder and colder, and everything around him was black.

"Am I dead?" Ye Kai said with some confusion.

[The system detected that the host's body was seriously broken]

[Start automatic repair]

"How can I die? This sound is still there, it's really annoying."

"I don't know if Yilin and the others ran away."

"It's really abominable. I knew I wouldn't pack up my things so quickly, otherwise I could have something to fight against them."

Ye Kai said to himself.

When he thought of Chen Tao, the madman, Ye Kai couldn't help but shudder all over.

[Body repair is 80% complete]

[The system energy is consumed and now needs to enter a dormant state to replenish energy]

"System?" Ye Kai said puzzledly.

At this time, a beam of light rushed into Ye Kai's eyes.

"Okay, the wound has been bandaged. After confirming that there are no other problems, send the patient out."

Ye Kai slowly opened his eyes, and a huge surgical light appeared in front of Ye Kai.

The nurse was shocked when she saw Ye Kai open his eyes.

"Doctor, the patient has opened his eyes."

The doctor turned back with some worry. After all, the amount of bleeding was so large. If he opened his eyes now, there might be other problems.

Ye Kai wanted to get up, but his whole body was numb.

He couldn't use any strength at all.

The doctor came to Ye Kai and looked at Ye Kai's eyes.

Fortunately, there was spirit in his eyes, not dilated pupils.

"Can you hear it? Blink if you can."

Ye Kai blinked twice, and the doctor took the surgical record book and began to record it.

"Because the anesthetic effect has not worn off, you should not have regained consciousness yet, don't worry too much."

The doctor saw Ye Kai frowning slightly and said.

Ye Kai gave up getting up.

Ye Kai was also pushed out of the emergency room.

Li Cheng, who was outside, had been waiting for a long time, and followed Ye Kai's bed into the ward.

Ye Kai, who did not see Chen Yilin and Ye Ruoyi, was somewhat anxious.

But only his eyes could move at the moment.

After his mouth began to regain consciousness, Ye Kai opened his still trembling lips and said.

"Uncle Li... Yilin... Yiyi."

Li Cheng immediately understood what Ye Kai wanted to say.

"Yilin is fine, she is resting in another room now, and there are police watching."

Ye Kai found that Li Cheng did not mention Ye Ruoyi.

"Yi... Yi."

Li Cheng said with some embarrassment, "The lady was taken away by Chen Tao."

Ye Kai could not help but close his eyes tightly, tears sliding down from the corners of his eyes.

"Go... to... save"

Li Cheng held Ye Kai's hand and comforted him.

"Master, stop talking. The police and the master have started to act. Miss will be fine."

Chen Yilin also woke up at this time, and accompanied by the police, came to Ye Kai's ward.

Chen Yilin saw Ye Kai, who was bandaged like a mummy, and felt guilty.

If it weren't for her, Ye Kai would never have been injured like this.

If it weren't for her father's addiction to drugs and gambling, if she hadn't been so scared that her legs were weak that she didn't run out of the house.

Ye Kai wouldn't have been injured so badly.

Chen Yilin held back her tears and sat next to Ye Kai.

Ye Kai looked at Chen Yilin gently and made a mosquito-like sound.

"Don't... cry."

Chen Yilin gentlyAfter wiping away tears, she nodded.


"Old classmate, the robbers have raised the ransom to one million."

Ye Lin said on the other end of the phone.

"Promise him! You must ensure that my granddaughter will not have any accidents. I will have someone transfer the money to you now."


Ye Lin hung up the phone with a cold smile on his face.

"One million, right? Let's see if you have time to spend it in this life."

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