After the police took Ye Ruoyi back to the police station, Chief Gao Chengwu immediately took her from the police officer.

When he saw that Ye Ruoyi only had some scratches on her body and no other serious wounds.

Gao Chengwu was relieved.

"My eldest lady, it's a good thing that you are not in trouble, otherwise your grandfather will have to trouble me."

Ye Ruoyi, who was sleeping, did not hear Gao Chengwu's complaints.

The police officer next to him discussed in a low voice.

"Whose child is this? It makes Director Gao so nervous."

"It must be someone important, otherwise Director Gao would directly arrange our team to deal with it?"

"Keep your voices down, Director Gao is still here."

Gao Wucheng also heard their mumbling behind him and frowned.

After putting Ye Ruoyi on the sofa in his office to rest.

Gao Chengwu walked out of the office again and said with a serious look in his eyes.

"You guys are so free, aren't you? Now the suspect has been lost! You're sitting here like nothing happened!"

Several policemen were frightened by Gao Chengwu's momentum and stood still, lowering their heads, not daring to say a word.

"Why are you still standing here! Go find someone!"

Gao Chengwu said angrily.


Several policemen trembled all over and said in panic.

As soon as several policemen walked out of the police station, a stretched Lincoln stopped in front of them.

The driver hurriedly got down from his seat, but before the driver opened the door.

Ye Lin had already opened the door and walked into the police station with a gloomy face.

"Hey, wasn't that Ye Lin just now?"

"Yes, his eyes were so serious, could there be something wrong?"

"Could that little girl just now be his illegitimate daughter?"

"Don't talk nonsense! As a police officer, you can't make up rumors."

"But it's not impossible. Even if she's not an illegitimate daughter, they must be very close, otherwise who would make us so nervous."

Several police officers looked at each other and nodded, and at the same time realized the importance of this incident.

We have to arrest the suspect quickly.

Ye Lin called Gao Chengwu.

"Old Gao, I'm in your police station. I don't know where your office is."

"Don't worry! I'll take your granddaughter downstairs now."

After saying that, Gao Chengwu hung up the phone, carefully picked up Ye Ruoyi and trotted downstairs from upstairs.

When Ye Lin saw Gao Chengwu carrying Ye Ruoyi down, his face looked a little anxious, but he didn't dare to speak too loudly.

His face turned red before he managed to utter one sentence, "Run slower!"

Gao Chengwu didn't hear what Ye Lin said at all, and thought Ye Lin asked him to run faster.

He hurriedly quickened his pace.

When he came to Ye Lin, he couldn't help but smile.

"Old classmate, you have fulfilled your mission and brought your granddaughter back."

Ye Lin stretched out his trembling hand and gently took his granddaughter.

When he saw Ye Ruoyi breathing evenly and smacking her lips, his heart finally relaxed.

Gao Chengwu looked at Ye Ruoyi in Ye Lin's arms with some doubts.

"Old Ye, when did you have a granddaughter? Why didn't you tell me?"

Ye Lin glared at Gao Chengwu, "I only found out that I had a granddaughter two days ago."


Gao Chengwu was stunned for a moment and looked at Ye Ruoyi in Ye Lin's arms.

This child doesn't look like she was just born.

Ye Lin looked at Ye Ruoyi in his arms with gentle eyes and explained.

"You also know the relationship between Xiaokai and me. I also found out about it some time ago."

Gao Chengwu only remembered the situation of Ye Lin's family at this time, and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

When a man's business finally started to pick up, his wife passed away and his son left home.

Others thought Ye Lin was very successful, but only this group of old friends could understand the pain in Ye Lin's heart.

Gao Chengwu said, "I don't want to ask too much about your family affairs."

"I'm sorry to bother you this time. Come to my house next time." Ye Lin smiled and said softly, fearing that he would wake up Ye Ruoyi in his arms.

Gao Chengwu waved his hand.

"In this position, how can I have time to have a good drink with you? I'll wait until I retire. Okay, you go back first. I'll call you when the suspect is caught."

Ye Lin carried Ye Ruoyi back to the car.

Because there was no baby seat, Ye Lin could only hold Ye Ruoyi in the car.

Although a little tired, Ye Lin enjoyed it.

Halfway through the journey, Ye Lin remembered that he had not communicated with Li Cheng yet.

Ye Lin held Ye Ruoyi with one hand and took the other hand out of his trouser pocket with difficulty.Took out the phone.


Li Cheng, who was taking care of Ye Kai in the hospital, started to vibrate his phone.

Seeing that it was Ye Lin who called, Li Cheng couldn't help but get nervous.

What was the situation of the young lady now? This call was a foregone conclusion.

In order to prevent Ye Kai and Chen Yilin from hearing the bad news, Li Cheng decided to finish the call outside.

"Yilin, take care of the young master, I'm going out to answer the phone."

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