"I'm thinking about you."

Ye Kai turned his head and looked in the direction of Chen Yilin, smiling softly.

Chen Yilin blushed slightly.

"You're talking nonsense again. Am I not here?"

"I'm thinking about you. What delicious food will you bring me today?"

Ye Kai looked at the plastic bag next to Chen Yilin.

"Pigeon porridge." Chen Yilin said.

Ye Kai said with a depressed look on his face, "Why is it porridge again?"

Chen Yilin said while packing up.

"Today, there is only a porridge shop downstairs. Other shops are not open for business."

After finishing everything in her hands, Chen Yilin sat next to Ye Kai.

Take the pigeon porridge out of the bag and put it aside to cool.

Seeing Chen Yilin packing up, Ye Kai still felt that he should not hide it from her.


"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Chen Tao was arrested."

Chen Yilin paused for a moment, and then continued to work.

"Then just arrest him. Isn't what he did bad enough?"

Ye Kai didn't see any reluctance on Chen Yilin's face, but he still asked with some doubt in his heart.

"Yilin, do you feel that?"

Chen Yilin gently placed her finger on Ye Kai's mouth.

With a smile on her face, she said, "Don't say it. I know what you want to ask, but I have nothing to do with him anymore."

"When he put the knife to my neck, he was already dead in my heart."

Ye Kai gently held Chen Yilin's right hand.

After Chen Yilin fed Ye Kai breakfast.

Because Ye Kai's body had not recovered, and he was sleepy after eating, he closed his eyes and fell asleep again.

Chen Yilin looked at the sleeping Ye Kai, and the smile on her face slowly slowed down.

Looking at Ye Kai's appearance, she felt a little distressed.

Ye Kai was only two years older than her.

But for the past month, Ye Kai has been taking care of herself.

Whether it was when he was hospitalized or when he was discharged from the hospital to recuperate.

Basically, Ye Kai took care of all the work he could and couldn't do.

He lived like a useless person for the past month.

Chen Yilin patted her face gently and murmured.

"Chen Yilin, how could you become so depraved?"

When she was in college, she was considered to be independent.

After Chen Yilin gave herself a breath, she got up and simply packed up the things around her.

Seeing that Ye Kai hadn't gotten up yet, she left the hospital first after leaving a message on Ye Kai's mobile phone.

Chen Yilin returned to the house she rented before.

Because she was too scared before, she never dared to come back to live.

She lived in the new house.

After opening the door, the bloodstains that Ye Kai had shed on the ground were still clearly visible.

When Chen Yilin saw the bloodstains, she was a little distracted for a moment.

But soon, Chen Yilin adjusted herself.

Picking up the things around him, he began to clean the rental house.

At the same time, he contacted the moving company again.

When the last moving company arrived at the house, they saw that the door was open and there was a pool of blood on the ground.

The employees were scared away.

This time, the moving company was unwilling to come to Chen Yilin's house again.

There was no way, Chen Yilin could only pay a higher price to hire other moving companies.

Although it cost more money, the attitude of the moving company was more professional.

This time, everyone brought their own cartons.

One of the people in charge walked up to Chen Yilin and asked.

"Excuse me, is this Ms. Chen Yilin?"

Chen Yilin nodded gently.

"We have packed most of the things, and there are still some other messy things left. I'll trouble you."

Several people nodded.

The two began to pack up the other things in the bathroom and kitchen.

The rest of the people moved all the things that Ye Kai and Chen Yilin had packed to the car downstairs.

Soon all the things in the rental house were placed on the moving company's car.

Chen Yilin closed the door of the room reluctantly and went downstairs.


When Ye Kai woke up again, it was about one o'clock in the afternoon.

Ye Kai looked around and found that Chen Yilin was not in the ward, and he couldn't help but feel confused.

But not long after, Chen Yilin came in from outside panting, holding Ye Kai's lunch today.

Chen Yilin wiped the sweat from her face and sat down next to Ye Kai.

Ye Kai said softly, "Don't worry, go slowly."

Chen Yilin smiled and nodded"Today, I bought you chicken soup rice for lunch. I went to the school to buy it."

Ye Kai's face lit up. He had mentioned this to Chen Yilin once before.

There is a chicken soup rice restaurant near the school that is particularly delicious. I didn't expect Chen Yilin to go so far to buy it for her.

When Chen Yilin just put the rice on Ye Kai's dining table.

Ye Kai's phone started to ring.

Chen Yilin took the phone and looked at the name.

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