Dad: I Was In College and Was Blocked By the Goddess of the School Flower

Chapter 292: 2 treasures and 3 treasures have high muscle tone!

After reading Dabao's data, the doctor said that Dabao was a little overweight, so he could take him more exercises and asked if he would turn over.

Su Shihan heard the doctor say that her son was fat and uncomfortable, and did not immediately reply. Qin Lang responded, "Dabao will turn over."

"Well, if you can turn over, you can let him practice leaning and sitting, as well as exercise the baby's sense of balance when sitting, and increase visual stimulation."

Qin Lang said, "Okay."

Last night, after the three basic examinations and the cardiopulmonary function, the doctor showed the babies the development of the air valves and hip joints, and they are all well developed.

Then do a blood test to check whether the baby is lacking in vitamin D and whether it is anemia.

During the blood routine, the nurse pierced the baby's finger to draw blood. Dabao and Erbao were drawing blood. It was okay. They just cried.

The blood is drawn.

When the Sambo was drawn, the needle was pierced many times, and the fingers were squeezed many times, but there was not enough blood to be squeezed out. Su Shihan's eyes were red with distress.

I regret taking the three little guys for a blood routine, but if I don't do it, I worry about their physical condition.

After five minutes, the blood was finally drawn for Kexin. The little girl couldn't cry. Su Shihan took it over and kept coaxing gently.

The results of the blood test will not come out until two hours.

It took more than ten minutes for Kexin to coax the little guy.

Then the two took the babies to do some checks on the muscle tension of the upper and lower body.

When they came out to check the results, Su Shihan and Qin Lang were both stunned.

The above shows that Erbao and Sanbao have high muscle tone!

Dabao is normal.

After checking the term inferior muscle tension, Su Shihan learned that the muscle tension is too high, which belongs to encephalopathy, which may cause cerebral palsy in children!

She was so scared that she cried on the spot!

Qin Lang hugged her quickly. Qin Ma hurriedly called Doctor Cao and told her that her second and third treasures had just checked the muscle tension and showed high muscle tension.

"Don't worry, baby's muscle tension is a common phenomenon, it's not that serious. Wait for me in the physical examination department, and I'll come over and show the babies later."

"Okay, thank you Doctor Cao."

Ma Qin came over and said to Su Shihan that she had just called Doctor Cao and said that high muscle tone is common in babies who are more than three months old, so don't worry too much.

There was also a baby who got the test result right next to him. Hearing what Qin's mother said, he hurried over to ask about the situation, because their baby's test sheet also showed high muscle tone!

Most of the parents who brought the physical examination for this project found that their babies also had high muscle tone, and only a few of them were normal.

The doctor tells everyone that rehabilitation training can be done in the hospital. If the muscle tension does not decrease, the baby will easily walk with scissors when he grows up.

A group of parents were scared to death.

Many parents take their babies to the rehabilitation department to sign up for rehabilitation training.

Su Shihan looked at Qin Lang worriedly, and Qin Lang said, "Wait for Doctor Cao to take a look."

He thinks his two daughters are okay, but he likes to clenched his small fists and buckle his thumbs inward. It feels no big problem.

Moreover, since so many babies have the problem of high muscle tone, it is certainly not a big problem, but it should be paid attention to.

Let's wait for Doctor Cao to come and have a look.

Dr. Cao is a professional pediatrician in Shao City.

Better than the doctors in the medical examination department.

Soon, Doctor Cao came over and went to a separate room to check the health of the three little guys.

Muscle tension is a numerical value, and you can also look at the baby's condition truthfully by checking the baby's physical condition.

After seeing Erbao and Sanbao, Dr. Cao said: "Don't worry, there is no high risk, but the physiological muscle tone is too high. After five months, the baby's muscle tone will decrease."

"After you go back, you can do more passive exercises for the babies, and come back for a review one month later."

After listening to Dr. Cao's professional words, Su Shihan's heart fell, and Qin Lang, who was nervous with his two daughters, calmed down.

Qin Ma put her hands together and worshipped the Bodhisattva and ancestor, thanking and blessing.

Bless the three little guys grow up in safety, health and health.

Then Dr. Cao taught Qin Lang to do passive exercises for the baby, "rub the baby's arms, then gently squeeze the baby's hands, then cross and open the baby's hands..."

Su Shihan was recording a video next to him, and Qin Lang was recording Dr. Cao's words.

After Dr. Cao demonstrated it again, Qin Lang came to do passive exercises for Kexin, all of which were done in accordance with Dr. Cao's instructions. The set was very standard.

Doctor Cao said with a smile, "Very good."

Next, Doctor Cao asked about the physical examinations of the three little guys. After learning that Dabao was heavier, he hugged him.

He smiled and said: "It looks okay. I didn’t expect to hold a heavy weight and look very solid, but this weight is okay. It’s just a little bit fatter. I control his diet and take him more exercises. All right."

Then Dr. Cao asked the babies about taking vitamins.

Su Shihan said that the three little guys now eat alternately with AD and d3.

Dr. Cao said, it’s been almost four months for the little guys, and they only need to eat ad.

Qin Lang and Su Shihan remembered these words.

Because Dr. Cao had to go to work, he looked at the three babies, and when there were no other problems, he left.

Qin Lang asked Qin Ma to send some gifts to Wu Gu, and Wu Gu to give some to her sister-in-law Wang Aili, and then Wang Aili to send some to Doctor Cao.

Madam Qin said it was okay, saying that Dr. Cao was a good person. They were all worried to death just now, and there are still professional doctors. The three little guys are fine.

After Qin's mother told Qin Lang to go back, she taught her to do passive exercises for her baby. She just watched it again, but she didn't remember.

I am old and have a bad memory.

Qin Lang said there was no problem.

After waiting for the babies' blood routines, it didn't take long for the blood routines to come out, and the blood routines of the three little guys were quite good.

Because it was already 12 o'clock noon after finishing this, the family found a restaurant outside to cope with lunch. UU read www.uukā and went home after eating.

Su Shihan couldn't wait to do passive exercises for the two treasures and three treasures.

I want to lower the muscle tension of their sisters sooner.

In this way she can truly feel at ease.

When he arrived home, Dad Qin asked the babies about their physical examinations. Mom Qin told Dad Qin and followed Su Shihan to do passive exercises for the babies.

At this moment Qin Lang's cell phone rang, and it was his express delivery.

He received a text message two days ago, and the patent and copyright of the wood carving work he applied for has been approved, and it will be delivered to the address left by him from now on, so that he can pay attention to receiving the courier.

I think this thing should have arrived.

He went downstairs, received the courier, and opened it, and it turned out that the patent and copyright certificate of the woodcarving work arrived.

There was a happy event at home, so that the sad cloud between Su Shihan and Qin Ma's eyebrows washed away a bit.

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