"Have this idea." Qin Lang said.

"It's good to start a factory, it means that the initial investment required to start a factory is relatively large. It happens that the teacher has some money in his hand, and the teacher will invest 1 million for you, how about it?"

Qin Lang smiled and said, "Teacher, don't use it for now."

He is not short of money now, and if he makes investments, he will certainly not make them casually.

Finance told him that he suggested that he open a limited liability company. In this case, he has limited liability. Even if the company goes bankrupt, after bankruptcy liquidation, he will only have limited liability. The amount of capital contributed is his responsibility, and the bankruptcy liquidation will compensate the creditors. It is the assets of the legal person of the company, and he does not need to lose additional money.

But if he opened an unlimited joint liability company, it would be like the Sanqinzhai he is currently running. It is an individual business and belongs to unlimited joint liability. No matter how much money Sanqinzhai owes, he will pay it back.

Sanqinzhai is okay. Basically, there is no debt. Shampoo factories are different. It is very complicated to set up factories and enterprises.

Then he will turn the shampoo factory into a limited liability company.

As for the candidate of another investor, he is going to choose his father.

Because his parents only have one son, there is no need to consider the issue of inheritance.

Because if he uses the words of Su Shihan or Babies, it is actually not a limited liability company in the true sense. Su Shihan and him will be a husband and wife at that time. They will belong to the joint property of the husband and wife, or belong to a sole proprietorship, and they will bear unlimited joint and several liability.

The babies are still young, not more than 18 years old, he also has to bear unlimited joint and several liability.

His parents form a company with him, which is a limited liability company.

Basically, he can be sure that if his shampoo factory is set up in the future, it will definitely make money, and he has money in his hands now, so he is not planning to attract other people to invest in it.

Teacher Tang was stunned. He didn't call Qin Lang these days because he was doing ideological work for his wife.

Because he is optimistic about Qin Lang's shampoo, which has real effects, as long as you invest more and promote it, it will definitely become a hit.

Especially now that the aging population is increasing, the pressure on students and adults is also very great, as large as to catch a lot of hair loss on the road, the demand for anti-hair loss and hair growth shampoo is very high.

It will definitely be a big air outlet for making money in the future.

He has been a teacher all his life, and he really didn't make much money. It can only be said that he can support his family so-so.

But he also has a dream of getting rich.

I want to take a gamble and make more money before I turn 50, so that I can buy a house and car for my son in Yangcheng, marry a wife and have children.

After a few days of ideological work, his wife agreed that he would use money to invest in Qin Lang, but the family only had a deposit of more than 200,000 yuan. He also asked someone to estimate the amount of money in the house he lived in. It was 80. Ten thousand, almost one million can be put together.

He just called Qin Lang.

It's just that Qin Lang didn't need investment.

Is Qin Lang rich? ? ?

According to what he learned from Qin Lang’s head teacher these days, Qin Lang’s family was originally rich and opened a restaurant in Zhonghai. He heard that his assets exceeded 100 million when he was good, but he went bankrupt and returned to his hometown in Shao City, and still owed it. A lot of foreign debts.

Has the foreign debt been paid off in recent years? Save a lot of money?

However, it’s not right. Starting a business requires a lot of principal, and one million is considered less.

Generally, it is necessary to attract investment, and it is only possible to find a lot of people to invest.

No five or six million, I guess it can't be done, right?

After all, once the plant, personnel wages, machinery and equipment, utilities, etc. are moved up, a lot of money will be spent in a day.

Especially when there is no profit in the initial stage, it is very difficult.

No matter how good the quality of the product is, it still requires a lot of investment in advertising if you want to sell it.

Moreover, the unit price of general shampoo is not expensive, a 500ml bottle can be used for half a year for one person, and a steady stream of new customers must buy it to increase sales.

"Qin Lang, think about it carefully. It takes a lot of money to start a factory and set up a business. If you need it, please tell the teacher at any time. The teacher is very optimistic about your shampoo, and wants to invest in you and earn some money with you. Extra money." Teacher Tang said with a smile.

"Okay." Qin Lang didn't say anything too absolute, because setting up a shampoo factory not only needs to produce shampoo, but it also needs to be sold.

Selling things requires channels, sales, and so on.

If Teacher Tang really wants to make money with him and has the ability, he can participate in the sales process.

The popularity of being a teacher is wide.

However, these are all things to do. When the time comes, he will be responsible for these things to his parents, who have experience in starting large companies.

After hanging up the phone, Li Yuanfa looked at Qin Lang in surprise, and told him that he did not expect Teacher Tang that stingy would be willing to invest 1 million in Qin Lang.

It seems to be very optimistic about Qin Lang's shampoo.

Li Yuan asked Qin Lang whether he needed investment.

Qin Lang said no, he was rich, and Li Yuanfa looked envious when he thought that Qin Lang could make a work of 20 million.

Others who set up factories and enterprises all ask grandpa to tell grandma for all kinds of investment, but they don't want to ask their own brothers and investors to come to the door.

This is the confidence to be rich and capable!


Those with real things like Qin Lang who do not need investors to dilute their equity are the best. Not only can they fully control the direction of the company, but they also don’t need other shareholders to pay dividends. In the end, they may become working for major shareholders. , The cruel scene of being kicked out at last.

Speaking of this, Li Yuanfa told Qin Lang about the recent hot pot incident in which the original shareholder of the company was finally kicked out.

If Qin Lang is rich, don't accept investment from others lightly.

If you want Qin Lang to start a company, you must ask a professional legal team to read more books on company law, legal law, and criminal law.

After talking with Li Yuanfa, Qin Lang returned home, everything was almost organized.

Early the next morning, Qin Lang and Su Shihan sent Fang Yaxian and Su Yongsheng to the station.

When parting, Su Shihan asked Fang Yaxian to take care of her body at home. She must make sure that her body is restored to a fertile time before getting pregnant. Don't be too anxious.

Although it is said that there are few cases of maternal hemorrhage and death in childbirth, Su Shihan is still very worried about his mother.

Fang Yaxian reassures Su Shihan, she and Su Yongsheng know it in their hearts.

After sending Fang Yaxian and Su Yongsheng away, Qin Lang and Su Shihan returned home and began to move things into the car.

Because there are three babies, we discussed how Qin Lang and the others will return to Zhonghai last night. They were originally planning to rent a driver and a nanny, just like returning home from Yangcheng to Shao City.

In this way, all three babies can be well taken care of.

But Qin Ma was worried, saying that she and Aunt Xia went to Zhonghai with them, and the steering wheel of the car was still in the hands of her son. In this way, Qin Lang drove, and she sat in the back with Aunt Xia and Su Shihan holding a baby.

In this way, the baby is safe and the whole family is at ease.

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