Dad: I Was In College and Was Blocked By the Goddess of the School Flower

Chapter 304: When they arrived at Qin Lang's house, Qin's father, Qin's mother, and A

Especially the kitchen and the laundry room on the balcony.

Both Ma Qin and Aunt Xia were dumbfounded.

"Feast for the eyes!"

"Langlang, what kind of pot is the pot on the kitchen stove? How come I have never seen such a beautiful pot?” Aunt Xia pays attention to hygiene. The kitchen stove at home will be wiped dry with wet kitchen tissues every night. Clean, the pots and utensils are also wiped.

However, the pot is directly burned with gas, which causes the bottom and the outside of the pot to become black, which makes the stove unsightly.

However, the stove in Qin Lang Rental House, including the entire kitchen, is particularly beautiful.

It feels like a kitchen for fairies!


Cooking in such a kitchen makes me feel good, and the food is more delicious.

Qin Lang told them that this was a cast iron pot. On the countertop, he put a 26cm deep-shaking pot and a 22cm round pot. The color he bought was all rose.

Placed in the kitchen, under the background of the light, these two pots are very beautiful, especially in line with women's aesthetics.

The deep-fried pot is used by Qin Lang for cooking, and the round pot is used for stewing soup.

Aunt Xia was going to mention this pot, and then found out, "Oh, my God, this pot is so heavy! At least ten catties!"

Qin Lang said, "Well, cast iron pots are heavier."

"Is it rusty?" Qin Ma asked.

There is an iron pan at home. If others use it, it will get rusty. Because Dad Qin is a chef and has a way of using iron pans, the iron pan at home doesn't rust, but the iron pan doesn't look good.

Women love beauty, as if Mom Qin has fallen in love with this cool colored cast iron pot, but she is worried about rust.

After all, they had never used such a pot before, and they didn't know how to deal with it.

Unlike an iron pan, it has been used for decades and knows exactly how to deal with rust prevention.

"It does not rust. The method of raising the pot is the same as that of an iron pot. If you use it normally, you don't need to brush the oil to keep the pot. If you don't use it for a long time, you need to brush some oil on the edge of the lid to prevent rust."

"Does fried eggs stick to the pan?" Aunt Xia asked while looking at the pan excitedly.

"Pay attention to the method so that it won't stick to the pan, or it will stick to the pan. I will show you how to do it." Qin Lang smiled and came to the stove.

Aunt Xia used to use iron pans, but she couldn't use it, which made it not only sticky but also easy to rust...

So she simply changed to a non-stick pan that was simple and easy to clean without rusting and light.

However, using non-stick pans, she heard that the coating of non-stick pans is not good for the health after a long time.

It's really a tangled thing.

But now I see such a beautiful pot, which is good for protecting the pot, does not rust and does not stick to the pot, then she loves it!

Just like this, she loves it so much!

Qin Lang demonstrated the fried eggs to Qin Ma and Aunt Xia.

Fried eggs can best be seen in the sticky non-stick pan.

"Ah, really non-stick pan!"

"This pot is so good!"

"Langlang, is this pot expensive? A few hundred yuan, right?" Qin Ma asked.

In the past, when the family was rich, they used iron pans. Good iron pans were expensive, costing several thousand yuan apiece.

But Dad Qin bought them, and she didn't understand them.

Because before Dad Qin's hand hurts, Dad Qin basically cooked all the food at home.

Even during the time when I was rich, the family did not invite aunty to cook because I had no appetite if I had eaten delicious food and those that were not delicious.

As well as making good food for his family, Dad Qin is very happy.

Qin Lang said, "Well, two to three hundred, Mom, if you and Aunt Xia like it, I will buy it online for both of you and send it to your home."

"Otherwise, this pot is too heavy, and you will be tired if you bring it back."

This pot costs two to three thousand yuan a piece, but if he said that, his mother and Aunt Xia would definitely not want it.

Aunt Xia said: "I'm sorry, I just look good at it, Langlang, you don't need to buy it for Auntie."

Ma Qin patted Aunt Xia on the shoulder and said, "Buy, buy, buy, two or three hundred. Although it's a bit more expensive, it has the advantages of being expensive, and it's beautiful."

"Langlang, you buy two such pots for me and your Aunt Xia, the same as these two, one for stir-fry and one for stew. The color is also chosen by your Aunt Xia and I. It's so beautiful."

Aunt Xia kept saying no. Qin Lang placed the order on her mobile phone and bought it all at once. The address was filled with his home address, and they were delivered together.

At that time, Qin Ma delivered the goods to Aunt Xia after receiving the goods.

"Langlang, it cost you money." Aunt Xia said embarrassedly.

"Auntie Xia, it's not a waste, it should be." Aunt Xia helps them with their homes on weekdays, and this time she helped them bring their babies to Zhonghai.

It's nothing to buy two pots.

Aunt Xia is very happy, because her family mainly cooks food, and there are two beautiful pots, and her cooking mood is crooked.

Continue to look at the house.

When they saw the washing machine on the balcony, Madam Qin and Aunt Xia were confused.

"So many washing machines!"

"One, two, three, four, five, five stations! Damn!" Aunt Xia was stunned.

Qin Lang told Ma Qin and Aunt Xia that there were four washing machines and one dryer. Of the four washing machines, two were used for washing clothes for him and Su Shihan separately.

The wall-mounted two washing machines are used for the three little guys to wash clothes separately.

One is for Xuanxuan, and the other is for Yutong and Kexin.

In Qin Lang's hometown, Qin's mother only put a washing machine in Qin Lang's suite.

The babies' clothes and Su Shihan's clothes were all hand-washed by Qin Lang.

At this moment, seeing Qin Lang buying so many washing machines for her family, she thought about Qin Lang asking her to go back to renovate the house. She immediately took out her mobile phone and said, "I have to write this down. Sort washing, wave, and then mom will add a few more washing machines to your suite. When you come back from the winter vacation, it is already very cold. The baby’s clothes are hard to dry. It is indeed necessary to have a clothes dryer."

"The three little guys need two wall-mounted washing machines. I remembered. By the way, Langlang, don't put your socks and Shihan's socks in the washing machine and wash them together with your clothes."

After being reminded by his mother, Qin Lang said, "Then I will buy a washing machine for socks."

Qin Ma was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Yes, then I will add a washing machine for you to wash your socks."

Qin Lang thought of one thing and said, "Mom, if you buy a washing machine at home, you can check out the functions of the washing machine more. It is best to take air washing or light dry cleaning."

"In this way, those woolen sweaters or silk clothes that cannot be washed can be washed with light dry cleaning."

"Furs can be air-washed for clothes that cannot be washed or dry-cleaned."

Before Qin Lang’s family had money and had not hired a nanny, Qin’s clothes, except for coats and furs, were basically washed in the washing machine at home, and coats and furs were washed in a dry cleaner.

Later, a nanny was hired, and these were all sorted out by the nanny, and she didn't care about it.

At this moment, I heard my son say that washing clothes are so meticulous. While typing, she nodded and said, "Okay, the air washing function and the light dry cleaning function are available. Okay, I remembered it."

In the winter, wool coats and furs are available. Cleaning is indeed a problem. If you can do it at home, you can do laundry at home. The money for going to a dry cleaner will be saved, and it will be cleaner and hygienic. , Cross-infection and the like will not occur.

Qin Lang's washing machine was also ready to be replaced by a light dry cleaning machine, because when he renovated the house and bought the washing machine, he didn't think much about it, so he bought all of the high-terminal brand Casarte from Haier.

But Casarte's washing machine only has the air washing function, not the light dry cleaning function.

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