Dad Qin and Madam Qin bought some food, and when they passed by a maternal and child store that opened, Madam Qin said, "Ah, I'm going to buy something. It's been almost four and a half months, so they can start feeding them some rice cereal. "

"I'll buy some and give them a try. I can also teach Langlang and Shihan how to make rice cereal."

The three of them entered the maternity store.

Dad Qin is in charge of looking at things at the door, Ma Qin and Aunt Xia are in charge of choosing rice cereal.

The two have experience in this area.

Choose pure rice formula and high-speed rice paste.

Because the pure rice is more delicate, the baby tastes better and is easier to digest.

The high iron content is because the iron brought by the baby in the mother's body is used up at about 4 months, and the baby needs to be supplemented in time. The iron content in breast milk is not enough, so additional rice paste is needed to supplement the baby's iron. element.

Soon they chose the rice cereal.

Buy rice cereal and go home.

Just after walking into the community, Qin Ma looked at the community with tall buildings, looked at the building number written on each building, blinked a little dazedly, "Huh, why is it wrong? I clearly remember that Langlang lives. 26 of the buildings are in this direction. Why are there 25 buildings here?"

Aunt Xia looked to the side, "This is 28 buildings."

Dad Qin said, "There are 32 buildings over there. I didn't see 26 buildings. Did you remember the wrong direction?"

"That's right...o(╥﹏╥)o" Qin Ma thought for a while.

Aunt Xia murmured: "Why don't they arrange the building numbers according to the serial number? In this case, it is easy for us to find it?"

"It's all in random rows here, 25, 28, 32."

"How can I find so many buildings?"

Dad Qin said: "When I came out, I didn't feel that this community was big. After I came in, I felt that it was big and I couldn't find a place."

"Why don't you give Langlang a call?"

Madam Qin said, "No, the three of us are still lost, so we can't be laughed at by our son when we go back? And Langlang has been tired after driving in the past two days. Maybe we will go back to sleep right now."

"I'll ask someone to ask."

At this point, many people come out to run or buy groceries.

But after looking for three or four people, they didn't ask where the 26th building is.

Because they all only know the location of the building they live in, or the building next door, but they don’t know the location of the building in the entire community.

Because Dad Qin couldn't lift things before his hands, Ma Qin and Aunt Xia brought things up.

Qin Ma and Aunt Xia were a little tired after asking three or four people. They put their things on the grass next to them, sat on the big rock with their bottoms, fanning the wind with their hands as a fan, and complained: " Why is there no sign? We can't go wrong if there is a sign?"

Dad Qin remembered, and said, "There is a sign when you enter the gate."

"Should I ask a security guard?"

The security guards who want to patrol must know where the 26th building is.

Qin Ma finally gave a thumbs up to Qin Dad, "Hurry up!"

Qin Lang, who had bathed the babies at home, looked at the time. It was already eight in the morning, but his parents and Aunt Xia had not returned.

You should walk back after walking logically?

Isn't it lost?

Qin Lang was about to take out his mobile phone to call Qin Ma, when he heard the sound of the door key unlocking.

Then I saw the door opened. Qin Ma and Aunt Xia walked in with both hands and hands. Dad Qin followed behind.

Qin Ma entered the door and lowered her complaints, for fear of awakening Qin Lang and the others, "Oh, in the future, Lang Lang buys a new house, he must download the floor plan of the community in advance and send it to us, otherwise we can't find it. place."

Aunt Xia said, "Yeah, this is still a high-rise building. It is enough for us to find. At that time, your family will buy a villa. The area of ​​the villa complex will be bigger. If we go wrong, we probably won’t be able to go back after an hour’s walk. ..."

Dad Qin said in a special voice: "If you can't find the building number, just find the security. You can solve the problem easily. The security will bring us directly and help us with things. I have to say that the quality of the security in this community is acceptable. ."

Mom Qin said to Dad Qin while changing her shoes, "Let you pretend to be there."

"Langlang, you are up." Dad Qin smiled, then raised his head to see Qin Lang coming from the balcony and shouted.

"Dad, Mom, Aunt Xia, are you lost in the community?" Qin Lang asked as he took the food from Aunt Xia.

Aunt Xia didn't let Qin Lang pick it up. She had changed her shoes, and said with a smile: "I can carry it to the kitchen. It's some chicken, duck and fish. It's fishy and bloody. You have to take your baby. Don't get it on it. "

Ma Qin also followed Aunt Xia into the kitchen, and while processing the ingredients in the kitchen, she told Qin Lang outside that they had lost their way in the community just now.

Dad Qin said that fortunately he was smart, so he found a security guard and asked the security guard to bring them back.

Ma Qin glared at Dad Qin, "You are smart."

"No." The daily bicker opened.

Qin Ma asked Qin Lang if Su Shihan had woken up. Qin Lang said he hadn’t. Qin Ma told Qin Lang that he would go and accompany the babies. The kitchen was handed over to her and Aunt Xia, and then she closed the kitchen door.

In this way, when they turn on the cooker hood in the kitchen and talk, they will not disturb Su Shihan who is sleeping.

Dad Qin continued to blow his wise martial arts with Qin Lang in the living room.

Said to the grandchildren.

Particularly show off.

He made a puff of laughter and started to spout.

Daddy Qin directly sprayed drool on his face, who was approaching and teasing.

The spray was caught off guard.

Dad Qin was stunned, and Xuanxuan was still making a popping sound.

But it's not as high as the spray, it's just on his lips.

Qin Lang quickly took a tissue to wipe his mouth, and handed one to Dad Qin.

Dad Qin wiped his face and said to go to the bathroom to wash his hair, because not only was drooling on his face, but also on his head.


Xuanxuan played with the sound of puff and puff and had a great It was hard to stop when it started, and Qin Lang held Xuanxuan and asked Qin's mother in the kitchen.

I want to know if Xuanxuan is uncomfortable, because it has been pouting for more than ten minutes and has not stopped.

The more puffed, the more excited he was. It was so loud. Just now Dad Qin was slobbering.

After Qin saw it, she smiled and said, "It's okay, this is a good thing, don't worry, this is our family's fangs."

"Long teeth? Didn't it take five or six months to start growing teeth?" Qin Lang asked in surprise.

"Some babies' deciduous teeth erupt early, and they begin to grow deciduous teeth in more than four months. This is because it is uncomfortable to grow teeth, so I want to make myself more comfortable."

Qin Lang remembered the fact that Xuanxuan had been crying for a long time last night. He asked Qin's mother if she would feel uncomfortable at night when she had teeth.

"Yes, because when you have baby teeth, you will basically feel itchy and painful gums, which will make your baby uncomfortable and he will cry."

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