Seeing the little girl's cute angelic appearance, Qin Lang's heart also softened.

Put her gently on the crib and let her sleep well on the headrest.

Then put Yutong on the head pillow of another crib to sleep well.

After more than ten days of headrests and adjustments to their sleeping styles, the heads of the little guys are gradually changing and developing towards a round head.

It's getting better and better.

After kissing the two little girls and covering them with thin quilts, Qin Lang walked out of the room lightly and closed the door.

At this moment, Su Shihan had already cooked the noodles, turned off the cooker hood, and came out of the kitchen with the noodles.

The two looked at each other and Su Shihan asked him if the baby was awake. Qin Lang said no. He slept well, but Kexin slept well and slept until the end of the bed. He put the two little guys in the crib.

There is a head pillow in the crib, which allows them to sleep comfortably while keeping them from moving.

Because the sleeping posture is comfortable, they won't move.

Su Shihan nodded.

Qin Lang drank the sober soup first, and then talked to Su Shihan about the baby's head shape. After setting the shape, he should be able to sleep with beautiful round heads. Now there is a trend of round heads.

Speaking of this, Su Shihan smiled, "Well, fortunately, my mother came over on my birthday and bought a specific head pillow for the babies. I checked on the Internet and many mothers said that the baby is three months old. The head shape is finalized, and it is difficult to change it."

"Fortunately, we can change it for them."

"Yeah." Qin Lang nodded and began to eat the noodles Su Shihan gave him.

"How is it? Is it delicious? I made a noodle soup base for you with the leftover soup from the chicken I ate at night, and put a fried egg, what do you think?"

When asked this, Su Shihan put his small hands on the dining table, folded his hands against his chin, and blinked and looked at Qin Lang with big beautiful eyes.

He looked forward to being praised by Qin Lang.

At this moment, Qin Lang seemed to see two fluffy pink rabbit ears on Su Shihan's head, which were very cute.

He stretched out his hand and rubbed her little head pettingly, and said, "It's better than before. The soup base is delicious. The noodles have the flavor of the soup, and the salt is just right."

Su Shihan, who was praised, smiled, "I'm smart this time. After cooking the noodles, put them in cold water and simmer them in the soup for five minutes, so that the chicken broth and egg broth are all in. It's in the noodles. Isn't it delicious? Give me a bite."

With that, Su Shihan leaned over and opened her pink lips, and Qin Lang fed her a bite of noodles.

You two take a bite, and I finished the bowl of noodles in one bite.

When there was only one piece of noodles left at the end, the two of them ate one end of the noodles, and finally kissed one piece.

Sweet and sweet~

Early the next morning, after breakfast, Fang Yaxian called a video call.

First, I miss the little guys, and second, tomorrow Su Shihan's school will officially open, and Fang Yaxian has a lot to say to her daughter.

At the beginning of this semester, Su Shihan is in his junior year.

If you are a junior, you have to start thinking about whether you are looking for a job after graduating from your senior year, or whether you want to take a postgraduate entrance examination.

For postgraduate entrance examinations, you can now start to look for schools, set majors, and inquire about the information about the major courses that the schools in the picture need to take.

Because the postgraduate entrance examination is about December 23rd of the last semester of the senior year, the initial examination results will be issued in February of the following year, and then there will be preparations for re-examination or adjustment, etc.

Su Shihan chatted with Fang Yaxian, showed her three little guys, and specially showed Fang Yaxian the head shapes of the three little guys.

In the living room, Qin Lang chatted with Qin's father and Qin's mother.

Because Qin Ma was going home, she bought a high-speed rail ticket for two o'clock this afternoon.

I originally bought it for Dad Qin, but because Dad Qin and Wu Bo had a chat last night, Wu Bo called this morning and told Dad Qin that he would go to his factory today to see the equipment.

Wu Bo's factory is not in China Shipping, but in Yangcheng, where the logistics extends in all directions.

Dad Qin said yes.

At this moment, Qin Lang is refunding Dad Qin's ticket, instead of buying a plane ticket to Feiyang City.

From Zhonghai to Yangcheng, it takes nearly seven hours by train, and only two hours and 45 minutes by plane. Moreover, the train ticket is nearly 800 yuan. If you fly by plane, the cost of fuel construction is less than 600 yuan.

Dad Qin and Bo Wu were going to fly over.

Dad Qin asked Qin Lang to buy air tickets for him and Wu Bo so that he could buy a seat together.

Wu Bo said to call Dad Qin the money for the plane ticket, but Dad Qin said no.

Wu Bo not only sold him the machine, but also introduced him to various stores and retailers that make auxiliary materials, which is equivalent to giving Da Qin the resources of his contacts in the shampoo industry for more than ten years.

This is a very large intangible asset, so buying a plane ticket for Wu Bo for less than 600 yuan is nothing at all.

When Qin Lang was buying the plane ticket, Su Yongsheng, who was on the video call with Su Shihan, heard the conversation between Qin Lang and Dad Qin.

He asked Su Shihan to call Dad Qin.

Then he chatted with Dad Qin and asked Dad Qin if he was coming to Yangcheng.

"Yes, my dear, Langlang is going to open a shampoo factory. My friend has some equipment to be transferred. I will go and see. His factory happens to be in Yangcheng."

Su Yongsheng smiled and said: "Then the relationship is good, I just happened to be fine these two days, which day will you come? I will accompany you on a trip, I am very familiar with Yangcheng."

After spending so many days at Dad Qin’s house, Dad Qin had to be a host and let Dad Qin eat and drink, sleep and have fun.

During the time when Dad Qin and Su Yongsheng were chatting, Qin Lang refunded Dad Qin’s train ticket and bought the plane ticket. He bought the plane ticket at 6 o’clock in the afternoon. It happened to be around 9 o’clock in the evening when he arrived at Zhong Hai.

Su Yongsheng said that he would come to pick up Dad Qin at that time.

Su Yongsheng couldn't refuse his family's enthusiasm, and agreed with a smile.

After hanging up the phone, UU Reading www.uukā Qin Ma received a call from Aunt Xia. Aunt Xia discussed with Ma Qin and met at the gate of the train station. She went directly to her son.

Qin Ma said she wanted it.

The train tickets for Qin Ma and Aunt Xia were bought at two o'clock in the afternoon.

It takes forty minutes to drive from Qin Lang to the station.

Qin Lang was going to send Qin Ma to the station at 12:30 noon.

In the morning, Qin's father and Qin's mother are going to see the community where the house Qin Lang is going to buy is located.

This community is a bit far from the community Qin Lang rented. It takes an hour to drive there in Jing'an District.

However, the high-speed rail station from Jing'an District is much closer than the house he rented, and it only takes 20 minutes to get there.

So Qin's father and Qin's mother brought things in the car, and then after seeing the house, he could go directly to the high-speed rail station.

Came to Yunxin Garden in Jing'an District.

This is the school district room that Su Shihan previously photographed on the Internet. It has not only a large flat floor but also a villa.

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