Chapter 313

At that time, the delivery will be a rough delivery, and you can make changes according to your needs.

Qin Lang and the others are very satisfied with this big house.

But this is a model house, and it will definitely not be a model house when it is bought, so after viewing the model house, Qin Lang and the others will go to the site to inspect the house.

Now the house needs to be completely repaired and can only be sold after the greening is completed.

At this moment, the main body of the house has been completely repaired, and the dry-hanging stone of the outer wall is being pasted.

After this, we still need to make greening, and greening will take a long time, so the house of this phase will open until September next year.

It happens that Qin Lang will be eligible to buy a house in October next year.

Because the house has not been completely repaired, he needs to wear a safety helmet to see the house. Dad Qin asked Qin's mother and Su Shihan to take the babies in the place where the sightseeing bus was parked outside. He and Qin Lang wore safety helmets to go in to see the house.

Because in this way, you can better see the orientation of each house, the surroundings, and the area of ​​the garden.

Although you can see these in the sand table map of the sales department, the specific situation still depends on the site, especially the area of ​​the garden given away.

You can't see the specifics on the sand table map, you can only look at it roughly.

Dad Qin and Lang Qin walked into the construction site under the leadership of the real estate consultant.

Sightseeing cars are not allowed inside the construction site, so you have to walk in.

Because greening and ground have not yet started, the ground is still a dirt road.

Fortunately, the weather is good now, so stepping on the mud road will not make the shoes too dirty.

The real estate consultant directly took Qin Da and Qin Lang to see the 523-square-meter detached house.

Although it is a large detached house, it is still a kind of detached house, that is, between a detached house and a detached house, there is only a side garden separated by a side garden. The side gardens of the two households are connected, and there is no real detached house.

As a result, the garden area of ​​middle households is smaller than that of border households.

Of course, if the property area is the same, the price of the frontier households will be more expensive than that of the middle households.

"Ding... It is detected that the host is buying a house for the family and rewards the host with a set of Feng Shui manuals."

Feng Shui Manual?

The sound of the system just fell, and a large amount of knowledge about Feng Shui, Five Elements Bagua, I Ching, Eight Characters, Seven Governments and Four Elements, etc. was input into his mind.

He was very interested in gossip for a while, and he bought the "Book of Changes" and went home to read it, but after opening it, he realized that he really took the words apart and read them and could understand them, but combined the words to read them. , I was completely confused at a glance, completely unable to understand.

Not to mention divining predictions and so on.

In the end, I had to put the book on the shelf and it fell out of dust.

But after comprehending the knowledge rewarded by the system, he opened up the two lines of Ren Du with martial arts people, and he instantly understood the gossip explained in Zhouyi and so on.

As well as the eight characters, the seven politics and four more than knowledge.

Not to mention the fortune-telling, but it is more than enough to look at the house and find a feng shui place.

Immediately, Qin Lang began to take a serious look at the Feng Shui of these houses.

Dad Qin likes a set of large frontier houses, with a garden area of ​​1,000 square meters, which is the largest in the same apartment of 523 square meters.

It is even bigger than most of the gardens of the 700 square meters apartment type!

"Langlang, what do you think of this set of border tenants? This garden is big. We can dig a pond and raise some fish by ourselves so that we can eat pollution-free fish every day. They are much better when they were young. Eat some fish and be smart in the future."

"When you were a kid, I used to make fish for you. Look at how smart you are now."

Moreover, he saw that the feng shui of this villa was also very good, just right in the position of receiving qi.

After Dad Qin got rich that year, he also studied Feng Shui, and he also worshipped masters and studied with those masters for a period of time.

He also asked the master to go to his house to change the Feng Shui Bureau.

During that time, his career was flourishing, and he felt that Feng Shui Bureau played some role in it.

However, after he went bankrupt, he went to find the master how to change his life, but the masters avoided him one by one.

He knew that he was probably fooled...

But he still believes in some Feng Shui.

Therefore, when choosing a house for Qin Lang this time, he also used some of his own Feng Shui knowledge very seriously.

Try to choose a house with the best feng shui for my son.

Qin Lang said: "Dad, this one you chose is really good, but I think this one is better. Although the garden area is not as large as 1,000 square meters, it should be 800 square meters, which is enough for us. ."

Because this set of border households is the best feng shui place.

Smooth sailing.

He didn't ask for prosperity, but he hoped that the whole family would be safe, healthy, and prosperous.

Even if there is a small illness or a disaster, it can turn a good luck.

The property consultant told Qin Lang that Qin Lang is not recommended to choose this set, because this set of frontier households, there is nothing to see at the moment, but at that time a highway will be developed in the back of the row. It will be noisy here.

Of course, the house price of this building is definitely much cheaper than the one in Qin's father's picture.

Not only is the unit price cheaper, but if the garden area is smaller, the total price will be cheaper.

Qin Dad heard this from the real estate consultant, thinking that the total price would be much cheaper. Although the highway will be developed in the rear, isn't it still undeveloped?

At that time, the highway will really be repaired. If you make a noise, just make it louder. As long as the doors and windows are made, and the selected window and broken aluminum bridges, the sound insulation effect can be very good.

So he didn't say more.

Qin Lang said: "I will choose this set for now, can I place a deposit?"

After looking around, this set is one of the best feng shui villas here.

Qin Lang wanted to order it first.

The real estate consultant exclaimed: "Yes, but Mr. Qin, if you want to book this house, you need to pay a deposit, and the positioning is fixed. If you don't buy it at that time, the deposit is not refundable."

"The deposit is 200,000."

Qin Lang nodded, "Okay, go out first, I'll discuss it with my family."

"Okay, Mr. Qin from UU reading" The real estate consultant smiled so that her eyes were narrowed. After all, if such a large villa was sold, her estimate would be six figures.

"Do I need to look at anything else?" the property consultant asked.

"No need," Qin Lang said.

"Okay, I will take you out."

Dad Qin took out his mobile phone, took a few photos, and then went out of the construction site with Qin Lang and the others.

After leaving the construction site, the three little guys immediately babbled when they saw Qin Lang.

Desire to express, want to get the attention of dad.

Qin Lang took off his safety helmet and handed it to the real estate consultant, then smiled and walked towards the children in a stride, and took the big treasure held by the driver.

Then he posted another two treasures and three treasures that were leaning toward him.

"Wait, dad is back, dad and grandpa just went to see our new house, I have already taken a fancy."

(End of this chapter)

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