Dad: I Was In College and Was Blocked By the Goddess of the School Flower

Chapter 317: Mom Qin is going home, all three babies are crying

   She also knows the pressure of her son. Since the big city can hardly stand up, she will go back to the small county to develop, and she can live more leisurely and contentedly.

The house where    lives is also spacious, and there is no need to squeeze a bus every day. You can buy a scooter worth one hundred thousand yuan to live the life of a wife and children who go to get off work like a pension.

   Although she also hopes for her son Jackie Chan, she knows that the hope of her son Jackie Chan is too slim, without Qin Lang's outstanding appearance, nor Qin Lang's talented craftsmanship.

   So, when her son said that she couldn't afford a house in Zhonghai in his life, she asked Qin Lang about the recruitment of employees at the factory when he arrived.

   Qin Lang looked at Zhou Xiangpeng, Zhou Xiangpeng frowned slightly, he actually wanted to work hard in the big city.

   Not willing to go back home so early.

Qin Lang saw Zhou Xiangpeng’s thoughts. He smiled and said to Aunt Xia: “This matter has not been decided for the time being. When the factory is set up, I will talk about it. Then I will be responsible for the personnel management to my parents. Auntie, you can talk to my parents."

   Zhou Xiangpeng glanced at Qin Lang gratefully.

   Otherwise, he would have to argue with his mother about going home to work again.

   Aunt Xia smiled and said yes.

   After chatting for a while, Aunt Xia checked the time and said that the car was coming soon and she had to get in and go through the security check.

   At this moment Qin's mother is playing with three little grandchildren, and when she hears Aunt Xia's words, she is full of dismay.

  Su Shihan asked the three little guys to kiss Mother Qin one by one.

   "Let's kiss grandma, next time we meet, our family Xuanxuan, Yutong, and Kexin will know that they are called grandma, right?"

   "咿呀~" Xuanxuan waved a small fist.

   Yutong seemed to know it was time to part, and her eyes were a little red. After kissing Qin's mother, she turned around and threw herself into Su Shihan's arms, then turned her small face and looked at Qin's mother reluctantly.

   Seeing that Qin Ma hated to have to leave.

   But I still have to go.

   Kexin immediately cried when she saw her grandma leaving.

   As if the little guy couldn't bear to love her grandma and leave.

   Qin's mother's eyes were also red, "But sweetheart, don't cry, you can see grandma soon."

  Because the time was almost up, Madam Qin had to bear her heart, turned around and entered the ticket gate of the high-speed rail station with Aunt Xia.

People who    see off can only send it here.

   Qin Lang comforted Kexin, patted her on the back and said that when the Mid-Autumn Festival, we can see grandma.

   But the little guy didn't know what the Mid-Autumn Festival was at all. He leaned forward and cried towards Qin Ma, crying with tears.

   Qin's mother heard it too, but she was afraid that she would not bear to leave as soon as she turned her head, so she could only harden her heart and continue to walk in.

   After entering the high-speed rail station, Qin's mother was no longer visible.

   Kexin cried louder, Xuanxuan also began to cry, Yutong also cried.

   The three little guys cried together.

  Xuanxuan Zhou Xiangpeng was holding him right now, and Zhou Xiangpeng suddenly didn't know what to do.

  Originally when he was his age, sending parents to the station would only give them the feeling of finally sending them away.

   There will be no such sadness of parting.

   But at this moment, seeing the three little guys crying so sad, he also felt parting. He remembered the scene of when he first went to live at school when he was a child, and wanted to go back with his parents.

   suddenly thought that he seemed to have seen the **** sideburns turn a little white.

   Damn, getting old.

   I remembered how his mother rubbed her old waist just now after putting her luggage at the ticket gate. His mother was really old.

   was deeply moved.

While    coaxed, he also seemed to coax himself.

   I seem to be very unfilial. I have been working in Zhonghai for four years after graduation.

   In the past four years, his parents have gradually grown old.

   If he continues to stay in this big city and spends the days of renting a house, bus, and company, he will not have time to go home to be filial to his parents.

   Thinking about it, Zhou Xiangpeng also cried, and cried with Xuanxuan in his arms.

   is like being moved to cry by Xuanxuan.

  Because Zhou Xiangpeng cried, he cried so loudly that he was dumbfounded, and then stopped crying, with big tearful eyes, staring at Zhou Xiangpeng who was still crying.

   Gradually, Yutong and Kexin stopped crying and looked at Zhou Xiangpeng curiously.

   I felt Zhou Xiangpeng, who was being watched, finally wake up from crying, and then saw the three little guys looking at him.

   His face flushed with just one brush.

   Qin Lang said with a rounded smile: "Brother Xiang Peng, I didn't expect your method to work well. The little guys cried, so we cried, so they won’t cry."

   "Next time they cry together again and again, I will use this trick too."

   "Go, go to our house for dinner tonight."

Zhou Xiangpeng was grateful for Qin Lang’s relief. In his face, he quickly put the Xuanxuan in the stroller, wiped away his tears, brewed his emotions, and told Qin Lang that he had only taken a three-hour vacation and had to go back. work.

  Before leaving, he told Qin Lang that if you want to hire a computer staff in the future if you need to hire a computer staff, you can consider him.

After    said, he left in a hurry.

Dad Qin looked at Zhou Xiangpeng's hurried departure and said, "Zhou Xiangpeng was probably infected by the cry of Xuanxuan and their cries. Before I saw that he didn't want to go back to his hometown for development. At this moment, he suddenly wanted to go back to his hometown. grown up."

   sometimes grow up, just in an instant.

   Qin Lang said, "Dad, when things stabilize in the shampoo factory, you and mom will come to Zhonghai to live with us."

   Dad Qin said with a smile: "No, you think it's okay to open the factory remotely, you have to stare at it yourself."

   "Moreover, it is not far from Zhonghai to our Shao by high-speed rail."

   "My mother and I have been living in my hometown for a few years."

   "You are different from Zhou Xiangpeng. He is still in Zhonghai, so he can't leave his home, so going back to Shao City is actually a better choice for him."

   Speaking of this, Dad Qin remembered the price of the house he fancyed today.

   More than 40 million!

   Office workers with a monthly salary of 15 thousand, even if they don’t eat or drink, they have to save for three hundred years!

   When I have money, I don’t think tens of millions is too much. When I don’t have money, I think tens of millions is simply a mountain that cannot be reached.

   Dad Qin sighed.

  The house prices in good places are too expensive, really not affordable for ordinary people.

   Open up my son's shampoo factory and make more money, so that when I can buy a house next year, my son can buy the house with all the money.

  Because the loan interest is too high...

   Now the interest on mortgage, even for the first home, has reached 5.22%.

   Qin Lang patted Dad Qin on the shoulder and said, "Dad, don't have any pressure. I can handle the money I buy the house by myself. Don't worry."


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