Dad: I Was In College and Was Blocked By the Goddess of the School Flower

Chapter 319: I'm thinking about money and I'm sending business

Qin Lang: "No problem."

It is a good thing to be able to make up a marriage.

Then Qin Lang chatted with his roommates again, and it was about 6:40 when Aunt Wang had prepared the food.

After Qin Lang and Su Shihan finished their meals, and Aunt Wang went back after finishing the housework, Qin Lang asked Su Shihan to go back to the room and sleep for a while.

Su Shihan was indeed sleepy, and went back to the room to sleep with the three little guys.

In the living room, Qin Lang thought about the Feng Shui skills he acquired today, and how to use this skill to make money.

Because of this, those who believe are willing to pay, but those who do not believe are unwilling to pay.

It is something that is more difficult to make money than carving.

However, once you make money, you can make a lot of money.

There are about three years of non-opening, and three years of opening.

Because many rich and powerful people believe in these feng shui doctrines and are willing to pay for them. However, they are generally looking for famous masters.

I don't just find some Feng Shui gentlemen who I don't know, or even tender.

However, there is no need to worry about this. It just so happens that he has already started to gain a foothold in the carving industry. In fact, many customers in the carving industry and Feng Shui industry overlap.

Because the people who have money to buy tens of millions of sculptures he carve are rich people, because the things he carves now are not regarded as collections.

Because he hasn't died yet...

"Ding Ding..." Qin Lang's cell phone rang.

It was a call from Liang Guanglai.

Qin Lang picked it up.

"Master Qin, are you in Zhonghai now?" Liang Guanglai asked with a smile on the phone.

"Come here for a few days."

"That's right, I just went to Zhonghai tonight on a business trip. Will I be free to invite you to have a meal at noon tomorrow?"

"Where to eat?" Su Shihan will report to the school tomorrow afternoon. Her roommates come to their house for dinner in the evening.

Going out for lunch is no problem, but the distance cannot be too far.

Liang Guanglai heard Qin Lang's words and immediately said: "At Judequan, not far from your school, it only takes ten minutes to drive."

Liang Guanglai knew that Qin Lang was going to take three babies with him, and he was busy with his studies and carving works for him. He was very busy, so he deliberately chose a place that tasted good and was not far from Qin Lang's school.

If he didn't know where Qin Lang lived, he would definitely choose the delicious restaurant closest to where Qin Lang lived.

But he thought, Qin Lang's place should not be too far away from the school.

Because it is convenient to go to school.

Qin Lang knew the location of Gathering, and it looked like eight minutes when he drove past home.

"Yes." Qin Lang said.

When Liang Guang came to see Qin Lang's agreement, he laughed and said, "Well, the time is arranged at 12 o'clock tomorrow noon, then I will gather to wait for Master Qin."


After speaking, Qin Lang hung up the phone.

Liang Guang came here and hung up the phone. He looked at his friend Shi Hourong, who was sitting opposite him, with a smile on his face, and said, "You are so blessed that you don't have to go to Shao City to see Master Qin this time. "

Shi Hoorong drank a cup of tea and said with a smile: "Is it as magical as you said?"

"That's just a twenty-year-old boy."

"Don't be clumsy."

Liang Guanglai was upset, "I'm not happy when you say Master Qin like this! Didn't I show you the design draft of "Three British Fighting Lu Bu" painted by Master Qin before? That design draft, but never before. It is completely original creation by Mr. Qin. The most important thing in the woodcarving industry is innovation. If you just draw a gourd in the same way, there is no sense of creativity at all."

"Furthermore, the wood carving work carved by Master Qin, I will show you this picture. It is a birthday gift he carved to his wife."

"A castle and a birthday cake."

"How is it? Exquisite, right?"

"I went to check, and the styles of these two works have never been before. They were all creatively designed by Master Qin himself."

"Don't even think he is only 20 years old, but his creativity and woodcarving skills are truly unique."

"I also sincerely treat you as a friend, so I am planning to take you to see Master Qin tomorrow. If you say anything bad about Master Qin, I won't take you there tomorrow."

"I don't want to neglect Master Qin because of you."

"Such a good woodcarver is really hard to find!"

"It's much better than those fake masters who seek fame and reputation."

Shi Hourong said in a dubious voice: "Well, when you talk about the advantages of your Master Qin, you can't stop talking. If you say a word or two, you will look like you are about to break up with me."

"Sure, I'm definitely not talking bad about him, I just feel curious, how can a 20-year-old guy have such a powerful carver?"

"See you in person tomorrow."

Liang Guanglai lifted his chin and said, "Where is a genius that you can think of? Otherwise, aren't you also a genius?"

Shi Hourong smiled and said, "Look at the one who gave you to 嘚Se, don't say I am not friends enough, you will introduce me to a master carving master tomorrow, and I will not suffer from you. I will take you to see me tonight. The feng shui master who came here, this master Zhao, has real abilities in feng shui!"

"Sure it is the real Feng Shui master? Not a fake master?" Liang Guanglai asked suspiciously.

A true Feng Shui master is completely unattainable.

Because the masters who are really capable in this area will not talk to ordinary wealthy people, they are either hidden in the city, or only serve those powerful and powerful.

But it's not that they can be seen by people who are worth a billion characters.

Shi Hoorong also said with a face turned, "Lao Liang, I am not happy about what you said. Of course I am the real master. I will see you later, so please don't talk nonsense and say the wrong thing in front of the Feng Shui master. If you do, many consequences are invisible, you have to be careful!"

Liang Guang came to see Shi Hourong's serious look, reminding him of his unhappy mood when he heard Shi Hourong talking about Qin Lang just now, so he said: "Okay, rest assured, I won't talk nonsense."

No matter if the other party is a real Feng Shui master or a fake, he will not talk nonsense in front of the Feng Shui master.

Just like what Shi Hourong said, saying the wrong thing, many consequences are invisible.

Because Feng Shui masters can count, speculate, and so on.


On Qin Lang's side, it was almost nine o'clock in the evening, and he called his dad.

Dad Qin answered the phone, and Qin Lang knew that Dad Qin must have arrived at Yangcheng Airport safely.

After chatting with Dad Qin, Dad Qin said that Su Shihan's father called and he was about to answer.

"Langlang, don't worry, Dad is not going out for the first time. This time Dad will definitely get things done. You are thinking about the start of school with Shihan. You must be very busy at the beginning of school."

"Okay, dad just hung up the phone, Shihan's dad called, dad has to answer it, and it rang for a while."

"Good." Qin Lang nodded.

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