Dad: I Was In College and Was Blocked By the Goddess of the School Flower

Chapter 322: Shi Hoorong was stunned by Qin Lang's words! My son found...

Because now there are really many men who pretend to be women and then fish for triumphs.

Especially in the area of ​​online dating, even if there is no voice changer, some men have practiced voice change and can make their voices similar to female voices. In addition, men understand men better and don’t know how to do so. As a result, some men actually fall into this category. Trap, I was defrauded of a lot of money by the other party, and finally found after calling the police that the other party was not a woman, but a man!

After all, the ladyboys of Titanium are so long that they really can't see men and women.

"Okay, don't show it to me, don't think about the five-billion-dollar thing!" After speaking, Shi Hourong was about to hang up.

Shi Linming looked back at Tang Xian'er. After getting Tang Xian'er's eyes, he hurriedly called Shi Hourong, "Dad, don't hang up, you have to see your daughter-in-law, can I not show it to you?"

"Tang'er agreed. I'll go to remove my makeup, Dad, wait."

Shi Hourong breathed a sigh of relief, and as expected, money was good.

Next, Shi Hourong and Shi Linming talked about the loss of 300 million yuan. After hearing Shi Linming's explanation, he would not be angry.

Sure enough, it was that woman to blame.

Compare with others!

It directly caused his son to lose three hundred million yuan, and the comparison has not ended yet, and he has released ruthless words, and the comparison will continue!

If it hadn't been for Qin Lang to help him see Tang Xian'er, he would really want to go through the phone line now, and then get fat and beat his obsessive son.

Liang Guanglai picked up the wine glass and clinked with Qin Lang.

The tea Qin Lang chose to drink, Liang Guanglai didn't mind if he didn't drink it.

When you mind, he is in a higher position than the other party. If he drinks and the other party drinks tea, he will be unhappy.

However, now he wants to ask Qin Lang, so he is happy what Qin Lang drinks.

After the two of them had almost eaten a bowl of rice, Shi Hourong waved at them.

It means that Tang Xian'er is here!

Liang Guanglai waved his hand, saying that he would not look at it, for fear that he would have nightmares in the middle of the night.

Qin Lang got up and passed by, standing behind Shi Hourong.

Shi Hoorong deliberately cooperated with Qin Lang and placed the phone where Qin Lang could see it.

As a result, Shi Hourong showed fewer faces, and Qin Lang appeared in the video.

After Shi Linming saw this, he immediately asked in confusion: "Dad?"

Shi Hoorong simply stopped appearing in the camera. He put the phone in front of Qin Lang and asked Qin Lang to look carefully, and then asked Qin Lang with his eyes, which meant: Did you see anything?

Qin Lang said: "Turn off the filter."

Shi Hourong said immediately, "Son, turn off the filter."

Shi Linming condensed his eyebrows and said, "Dad, who is he? What are you doing?"

"Don't you want to see Tanger?"

Shi Hourong said, "Son, this is Dad's friend. How do you speak? Be nice!"

"Didn't I see your girlfriend just now? Let my friends also see it now."

Shi Linming was suspicious. He had basically met his father's friends, but he had never seen the person in front of him.

Also, this is too young, right?

He looked much younger than him, probably only 20 years old, how did he become his dad's friend?

But for the sake of five hundred million, he still endured it without asking.

Turn off the phone's filter.

His Tanger can still play even if she has no makeup, even if the filter is turned off!

Just as beautiful!

There is nothing shameful!

But what he finds strange is that the 20-year-old in front of him said that if he asked him to turn off the filter, his dad actually asked him to turn off the filter.

Moreover, the young man's eyes are too pure, and there is an invisible depth.

After Qin Lang looked at Tang Xian'er, he raised his head and nodded to Shi Hourong, then returned to his position.

Shi Hurong also reappeared in front of the camera, and he didn't want to say more to his son for half a word. He said ‘Hang up first’ and then hung up the phone.

Then he looked at Qin Lang anxiously and asked, "Master Qin, have you seen anything?"

"Is there a problem with that woman?"

"I really think she has a problem. Otherwise, how can I train my son into the ultimate licking dog?"

Liang Guanglai also looked at Qin Lang curiously, wondering what Qin Lang had seen.

If Qin Lang really understands Xiangshu Fengshui, then he has really made a super power!

Faintly, Liang Guanglai was excited.

Qin Lang said, "Well, let's not talk about the emotional story between the noble son and Ms. Tang. It's hard to say about the relationship. After all, everyone's preferences are different."

"However, there is one thing I can say. This Ms. Tang has had five births. It is easy to get pregnant. It is difficult to keep the baby healthy."

"In addition, this Ms. Tang has other marriage lines. In addition to the boyfriend of your son, she has three other boyfriends."

"And, this Ms. Tang is an orphan, no father, no mother, no brothers and sisters."

"Also, this Ms. Tang, now called a lady, is not an exaggeration. When she was born, she was a male. She had **** reassignment surgery five years ago and became a female. She is 32 years old."

When Shi Hourong heard these words from Qin Lang, his temples burst, and he almost fainted without regaining his strength.

Fortunately, Liang Guanglai quickly pinched his Hegu point.

Let him not faint.

Liang Guanglai was also amazed.

Call a good guy!

If what Qin Lang said is true, then...

He could only wipe the cold sweat for Shi Hourong, which was too scary.

"Master Qin, are these true? It turns out that... even the **** used to be...male!!" Shi Hourong felt that he was really going to faint.

He had guessed it before, but he didn't expect it to be true...! !

Qin Lang said: "You can find these by checking her information."

"Master Qin, I sent someone to investigate before, but what she found was fabricated for my son. There are parents, brothers and sisters in the family. They all work in Pengcheng. The rented place is very shabby. , Very poor, from time to time something happened at home, I asked my son to pay money in the past and so on for all kinds of help."

Qin Lang said: "You can ask a private detective to investigate."

When Shi Hourong heard Qin Lang's words, his head instantly brightened. Before, he asked the bodyguard to inquire about it, and then found that there was nothing wrong.

However, UU reading can be created!

Especially when they are in Pengcheng, the environment of Pengcheng is complicated, and they are basically outsiders.

Let private detectives investigate, that is professional!

These things can definitely be found out!

"Master Qin, I will deal with this matter now. I can't accompany you tonight. When I find out the matter, I will pay Master Qin absolutely at the price that should be available." Shi Hourong couldn't sit still.

Qin Lang nodded.

The things he saw were only from Tang Xian'er's face, and there was no other evidence.

After all, Tang Xian'er must be hiding well.

So it was necessary for Shi Hourong to send a private investigator to investigate.

At that time, you will find that what you find is exactly the same as what he said!

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