Su Shihan nodded and called Fang Yaxian. After asking, she learned that Fang Yaxian hadn't done it.

Because Fang Yaxian is only 44 years old now, she has not leaked urine yet.

But when they reach the age of 50 or 60, women who have not had pelvic floor muscle repair will have 9 out of 10 women leaking urine.

Leaking urine is urinary incontinence.

Moreover, as the age gets older, the phenomenon of urinary incontinence becomes more obvious. The consequence of the worsening condition is that urine will leak when walking.

Fang Yaxian was surprised, because she hadn't heard people of the same age talk about urine leakage before. Older women generally would not tell these things. After all, it was not good to hear.

Because you will have a smell of urine when you urinate, if you don’t change your clothes immediately, you will continue to have an unpleasant smell on your body, which will affect your social life.

Therefore, many women have leaked urine without telling them, and they don't even know that leaking urine can actually be cured.

Find the root cause of the problem.

The root cause of the problem lies in the pelvic floor muscles. Whether it is urine leakage caused by pregnancy, childbirth, or pressure, it can be cured.

Fang Yaxian asked: "Hanhan, you are a baby born by caesarean section, shouldn't the pelvic floor muscles be damaged?"

She thought that it should be during normal delivery that the abdominal pressure during delivery would cause damage to the pelvic floor muscles.

Su Shihan looked at Qin Lang, because she didn't understand this, she just heard Qin Lang talk about it.

Qin Lang said that whether it is a normal delivery or a cesarean section, the pelvic floor muscles will be damaged because it has nothing to do with the way of delivery.

During pregnancy, progesterone will secrete relaxin, causing the pelvic floor muscles to relax. As the uterus gets larger and heavier, it will cause a long-term compression on the pelvic floor muscles, which will make the pelvic floor muscles more relaxed.

After listening to Fang Yaxian, she said, "Hanhan, then you should have a pelvic floor muscle test and then repair it. If your mother and me, I will ask my obstetrician and gynecologist first, because your father and I are undergoing recuperation. Physically, prepare for a second child. The second child must be born early and well, or after the second child, I will do pelvic floor muscle repair together."

Su Shihan nodded. Her mother already knew the importance of the pelvic floor muscles. As for the repair at this time, it is better to wait for the repair after giving birth to the second child, and wait for her mother to ask a professional doctor.

After talking about the pelvic floor muscles, Fang Yaxian asked about Su Shihan's registration status and the course of this semester.

This semester, Su Shihan's courses are obviously much less than those in the freshman and sophomore years, and there are only professional courses.

Regarding the second major, because she was pregnant last year and gave birth this year, she didn't have any further rehabilitation.

As a junior, she is not planning to take a second major for the time being, because she has to bring a baby. There are three babies at home and there are a lot of things.

Qin Lang is responsible for making money. She has to prepare the rear of the house so that Qin Lang can make money with peace of mind.

As for whether to go to work or take the postgraduate entrance examination after graduating from the senior year, she discussed with Qin Lang, and she decided to go to work and start working.

Because it is useless to learn too much theoretical knowledge for animation majors, you still need to draw, practice, and learn from practice.

In particular, the animation is not only related to whether the characters you draw are good-looking, but also related to the plot of the animation?

Does the plot appeal to the audience?

Otherwise, even if the animation is too sophisticated and the plot is stretched, there will not be many readers, and even after the entire animation is completed, they will not be able to pay back, let alone make money.

Fang Yaxian respected Su Shihan's choice, and asked Su Shihan if he didn't take the postgraduate entrance examination, would he go back to Pengcheng for development?

Pengcheng is not far from Yangcheng, only two hours by car.

Zhonghai is much farther from Yangcheng, driving for more than ten hours.

Fang Yaxian still hopes that her daughter can be by her side and walk around easily.

Su Shihan told Fang Yaxian that instead of going to Pengcheng and developing in Zhonghai, they had already seen the house and signed a contract with real estate to buy a house next year.

And, although China Shipping’s animation is not as developed as Pengcheng, the comic exhibition is held either in Yangcheng or Pengcheng.

However, China Shipping has a unique advantage that Yangcheng and Pengcheng do not have, that is, China Shipping has the largest literary IP producer in the country.

Animation and literary works are inseparable.

Animation design also has original design, but original design requires a huge team. Sometimes it takes a few years to make an animation and play it out, but it is not liked by the public. It is difficult to make money.

Therefore, now many animation companies have begun to choose to receive literary works IP, online literature or comics, etc., to be the popular IP in online literature and comics, which can guarantee a part of readers, and also guarantee a wide audience. Small group, the failure rate of works is much lower.

Su Shihan is also ready to go in this direction.

What she discussed with Qin Lang is that after graduation, she plans to open an animation production company, and she is responsible for recruiting editors, animation productions, storytelling and other people related to her profession.

Because she is in this industry, she also knows where to recruit these people, and she also knows how to distinguish the talents of these people.

She can build a cartoon team, and the other thing is that she needs literary works and screenwriters.

In this piece, she was originally planning to make a female-oriented cartoon, so that if the cartoon becomes popular, she can also be adapted into a TV series to make money.

Because most of the audience of TV shows are women.

Qin Lang's suggestion to her was to make male-oriented cartoons with fantasy content.

The reason is that Qin Lang likes to watch fantasy, likes the magnificent world of cultivating immortals in the fantasy world, as well as the cultivation skills and so on.

If all these are photographed, he thinks the audience will be very wide.

In addition, he also knows a little about the Internet, and he knows that many top gods made their debut in fantasy.

He gave Su Shihan a few examples, and went to Tencent Video to show Su Shihan a few fantasy animation blockbusters that had been made.

As well as data such as hits, member sales, etc., show to Su Shihan, it is all explained that the market for UU reading fantasy cartoons is very good.

Su Shihan has also seen fantasy, so she also has some understanding of these. After analyzing and analyzing with Qin Lang, and then consulting her roommates, she also thinks that fantasy cartoons are indeed good.

However, she did not know the author in this area.

Qin Lang said that this is simple. Dad Qin’s friend Zhang Ping is an Internet author. Although he is not an author at the level of a great god, he knows which works are sold well, knows which fantasy authors are great, and has a good reputation, and so on.

Qin Lang said to find a time to invite Uncle Zhang out to have a meal, and everyone would have a chat.

Su Shihan said no problem.


The next day, Qin Lang accompanied Su Shihan to the hospital for an assessment of the pelvic floor muscles.

It was found that the pelvic floor muscles were damaged to a great extent, because Su Shihan was pregnant with three babies. The three babies caused a big belly, which would secrete more relaxin and relax the pelvic floor muscles to ensure that the three little guys were in There is room for survival in the mother's belly.

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