Dad: I Was In College and Was Blocked By the Goddess of the School Flower

Chapter 331: Su Shihan is going to start an animation company

In the next few days, Qin Lang and Su Shihan went to school, and on Saturday, Qin Lang made an appointment with Zhang Ping for lunch.

Zhang Ping couldn't say go out to eat, and asked Qin Lang's family to come to his house for dinner.

It happened that his wife wanted to see Qin Lang's wife and children.

Because last time Qin Lang’s engagement banquet was with the babies, his wife Yuan Guilan was traveling abroad and just arrived home last night.

Yuan Guilan was sitting next to him at the moment. Hearing Qin Lang's call, she asked him to invite Qin Lang's family to come home for dinner.

On Saturday, Qin Lang asked for a driver. He and Su Shihan sat in the back seat with three little guys and went to Zhang Ping's house.

In the car, after Xuanxuan began to play Poo Poo, Yu Tong and Ke Xin also followed.

Because Yutong and Kexin will start to grow teeth in the past two days, both of their sisters have learned the **** skill in the past two days.

The three babies slobbered together, Qin Lang and Su Shihan were too busy to slobber them.

Fortunately, it didn't keep pouting all day. When it was at Zhang Ping's house, the three little guys stopped and stopped pouting.

Eating the teether intently.

Yuan Guilan was overjoyed when she saw three round and cute little guys. She hugged the big fat boy and looked from left to right. "Qin Lang, your son is so handsome! This head is sleeping." It's so good!"

"And these two daughters are so beautiful, they will definitely be peerless beauties like their mothers in the future."

"Oh, it's so cute."

"If you let your brother Songsong see it, he probably wants to find a girlfriend to have a baby."

Zhang Yuansong is the son of Zhang Ping and Yuan Guilan.

Going to school now, not at home.

After chatting for a few words, Yuan Guilan asked Qin Lang and Su Shihan to sit freely. She went to the kitchen to prepare meals. Before leaving, she asked Su Shihan if she could eat green onions and peppers.

Qin Lang said that Su Shihan eats green onions, but not too spicy, and is still breastfeeding.

Yuan Guilan smiled and patted her forehead, and said: "Yes, you can't eat too spicy food during lactation. Auntie remembers. You talk, aunty went to the kitchen to cook."

Yuan Guilan went to the kitchen, Qin Lang and Zhang Ping chatted, and they came up with the topic of today.

Su Shihan plans to open a cartoon company in the future, and the direction of the cartoons he makes is the fantasy cartoons that are now popular.

I would like to ask how the future market of fantasy cartoons will be.

Because although it is popular now, it takes at least half a year or even a year to make a cartoon. She is also worried about what to do if it won’t be popular then?

After listening to Qin Lang and Su Shihan's thoughts, Zhang Ping told them that he was also paying attention to the fantasy cartoon market in the past two years.

Because what he writes is fantasy.

There are many readers who talk about fantasy. The most popular wireless article of the year was fantasy, and the stickiness of readers and fans was higher than that of the city.

It was said that Xuanhuan released the copyright before, but it was not enough to make a few TV dramas, which caused the copyright to be difficult to sell for a period of time. Then Xuanhuan suddenly became popular in the cartoon market, and the copyright value of Xuanhuan became high again.

It's still just the development period of the fantasy cartoon market. If you want to enter the venue, you have to be as early as possible to avoid too serious homogenization at that time, which will cause the audience to experience aesthetic fatigue.

And, after the cartoons are completed, they can be made into real fantasy TV series in the future, instead of the 50-mao special effects, fighting spirit and horse TV series that are now being broadcast.

When talking about this, Zhang Ping had a lot to say, and he was very excited.

Because this is his area of ​​expertise.

Zhang Ping started to write about Chinese web on the largest online literature platform.

But there is no hot money, so I haven't made too much money, but fortunately, my income is very stable, and I can earn four to five million yuan a year.

He also has a dream of developing copyright.

After all, it is the dream of every author to adapt what I wrote into a cartoon, TV series or movie, and put it on the big screen.

While chatting, Zhang Ping turned on the TV and played the now popular cartoon "Douqiong".

Talking about some of his opinions while watching cartoons.

Both Qin Lang and Su Shihan have seen fantasy, but because they are not authors, they are not as detailed as Zhang Ping. Because Zhang Ping is a professional fantasy author, he will often study the plot and what readers like to watch.

The atmosphere was always good until one o'clock in the afternoon.

Yuan Guilan came out of the kitchen with the cooked dishes, smiled and said to Qin Lang that Zhang Ping would talk non-stop when he chatted, so that they would not be surprised.

Qin Lang said that they also like to hear Uncle Zhang say these things.

During the meal, Zhang Ping suggested that if Su Shihan wanted to set up the cartoon market, he could start a company as early as possible, instead of waiting until after graduation.

The golden age has been in these few years.

Enter the game earlier, earn more money, and seize more opportunities.

Because now the fantasy cartoon market has opened up.

There will be more and more web-text companies and other cartoon companies entering the venue. If you wait another two years, not only will the competition become more and more fierce, but you may only have soup.

Su Shihan said that if he enters the venue now, it will take tens of millions of funds to open an animation company. Their family will buy a house next year, which is a little bit stressful.

If you start a company in another two years, the pressure will be much less, because at that time, the house was also bought.

And in the past two years, she can also learn more professional skills and give Qin Lang more time to make money.

Zhang Ping said that it does require a lot of money to make cartoons. For an episode of cartoons, the effective duration is only 16 or 7 minutes, but it costs millions.

Especially fantasy has a lot of special effects. UUreading has to do a lot of rendering, and to do 3D rendering, not only requires a huge data center, but also takes a long time to produce.

While eating, Zhang Ping thought of another thing, “It’s really expensive to do a good job, but in the early stage we can do a little bit lower quality. I watched so many cartoons, and I think the content of the story is the most important! Well, even if the quality is slightly worse, the audience can still accept it."

"Moreover, if the first animation produced results, the major video companies will invest funds to produce the subsequent animations, which can greatly reduce the pressure."

"Fantasy, in addition to the need for magnification skills, there are also types of pretenders. It is similar to this TV series. Everyday pretends and requires not many stunts. You can save a lot of money for rendering. Try to do four in one episode. The cost of half a million yuan."

Speaking of this, Zhang Ping kept talking with Qin Lang and the others until they finished eating, and then continued to sit on the sofa to watch cartoons and chat.

Talk to five o'clock in the evening.

Qin Lang and Su Shihan are going back with the babies.

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