Dad: I Was In College and Was Blocked By the Goddess of the School Flower

Chapter 340: The baby is just small, not stupid, but angry

He went to see Erbao, Erbao did the same operations as Dabao.

The same is true for the Three Treasures, I would rather let Aunt Wang hold them than him.

Qin Lang was confused.

Su Shihan also looked confused.

Qin Lang continued to tease Erbao and Sanbao unwillingly, thinking that the two daughters who stuck to him the most would not refuse to let him hold him.

"Yutong, Kexin, come, let dad hug you."

The two little guys glanced at him, then turned their heads to look at Su Shihan and Aunt Wang.

Don't let Qin Lang hug.

Moreover, the look of Qin Lang's special indifference made Qin Lang feel very uncomfortable.

What's wrong?

His sons and daughters were not allowed to hold him.

Still looking at him with indifferent eyes?

"Wife, what's the matter?"

"I don't know. Before you came back, the three of them were the same as usual. What's wrong?"

"Xuanxuan, Yutong, Kexin, can you give your father a smile, okay?" Su Shihan teased Dabao in her arms, Yutong who was holding Aunt Wang, and Kexin who was lying on her lap.

But the three brothers and sisters seemed to have negotiated, they just didn't give Qin Lang a smile.

Aunt Wang looked at it for a while and said, "It should be the three little guys who are angry with Mr. Qin."

"Furious at me?" Qin Lang was stunned.

"I didn't seem to be doing anything today."

"As usual."

Aunt Wang thought for a while and said: "Mr. Qin, think about it, did you say something today that provokes the three babies?"

"The babies are less than five months old, but they are not stupid, they are just small."

"They understand what our adults say."

"If you make them upset, they will still be angry."

"I see the situation of the two of you. It should be today that the baby started to be angry. It is much better than my daughter. In the past, when my daughter was in confinement, when I changed her diapers, I said, "How is she?" After pulling so much, she became unhappy and refused to drink my milk for one day..."

"At that time, we thought that my daughter was not willing to breastfeed if she was sick, and took her to the hospital to see a doctor. The doctor said she was angry."

"The little one knows that he is angry when he is still in the confinement."

"After coaxing for two days, I apologized to her, and finally she was willing to eat my milk, otherwise she would rather eat a bottle..."

"After we talk, we will pay attention to it. We dare not treat her as a baby who doesn't understand anything. Talking to her is like talking to an adult."

"It saves a lot of heart."

Qin Lang and Su Shihan thought about it all night, but Qin Lang didn't think he would make the three babies angry.

When it was time to go to bed at night, the three little guys wouldn't let him hold them, they all wanted their mothers to hold them.

After Su Shihan hugged the three little guys to sleep, she lay down beside Qin Lang. Seeing that Qin Lang was still looking at the ceiling with his eyes open, she said softly, "Husband, I'm asleep."

"Can't sleep." The son and daughter suddenly ignored him, and when they looked at him, they still had indifferent eyes, almost as if they had broken up with the one they loved.



Su Shihan thought for a while and asked, "Did you go out too long today? So the babies are angry?"

"When I went to Shandong Province to apply for a bank card a few days ago, I also went there for most of the day, and they were not angry and ignored me." At this point, Qin Lang suddenly remembered something and said to Su Shihan, "I was originally at noon today. I was playing with them three and having a good time, and then I received a call from Shi Hourong, asked me to go out for dinner, and let his son see the situation."

"Then I gave the three of them to Aunt Wang and went out."

"Before going out, did you tell them that you want to go out?" Su Shihan asked.

Qin Lang thought for a while and said, "No, I just said to Aunt Wang, I'll go out for lunch."

"That might be that they thought you were just going out for a while, but they didn't expect to be angry with you after waiting for a long time? When you went out before, you would tell them that you were going on a business trip or something. In class, or when I was at home, I would tell them that Dad was going on a business trip. I came back later today, only half an hour earlier than you, so I haven’t had time to tell them. You went to class and haven't come back yet." Su Shihan said.

Qin Lang said, "It may be so! They thought I didn't want them anymore, so they were angry."

"I will ask the babies tomorrow morning."

"Then apologize to the babies and tell them that next time Dad goes out, he must tell them in advance. Dad didn't want them."

"Yes." Su Shihan nodded.

After thinking of a solution to the problem, Qin Lang finally felt more comfortable and looked forward to speaking with the babies tomorrow morning.

He turned around, put his arms around Su Shihan, and asked softly: "My wife, when you were pregnant before, did the three little guys kick you often?"

Aunt Wang told them today that when the babies are in their mother's belly, they are actually emotional.

Will be angry.

For example, if a baby is hungry, he will kick his mother in the stomach and tell her mother that they are hungry and want to eat.

Let mothers eat, they will also absorb nutrients.

There are also babies who start to eat complementary foods. If the steamed pumpkin he is eating says that he is eating paba, his face will change immediately and he will throw away the spoon and never eat pumpkin again.

Su Shihan said: "There was no fetal movement at the beginning. They were very well-behaved. They started to move at the 17th week. It was fine at the beginning. Later, the fetus moved very frequently."

"Kick me from time to time."

"Especially in the later stages of pregnancy, when one foot comes out, the belly can be bulged, and the small shape of the cleaning can be seen."

"I almost frightened me back then, I'm afraid they would blow my belly..."

"They will still roll in their stomachs, like waves, rolling around."

"During the last check-up, the umbilical cords of the three of them were all wound together. Fortunately, they chose a caesarean section to make it easier to give birth."

Qin Lang kissed Su Shihan's head affectionately, and imagined that there was something in his belly suddenly, and then punched, kicked, and rolled in it. Thinking about it, it all felt uncomfortable.

And Su Shihan has fetal movement since the baby’s 17th Throughout the pregnancy, for several months, not only must he have a big belly, be inconvenient to move, but also be affected by the three in the belly from time to time. Little mischievous kick.

Su Shihan hugged Qin Lang, "Now the babies are born, and when I look back, I don't feel too tired to be pregnant with triplets."

"Thanks a lot."

"Seeing the lovely and loving Xuan them, I don't think everything is hard."


The next day, early in the morning, Qin Lang hugged the three little guys to the balcony to bask in the sun. The three little guys held grudges, but they ignored Qin Lang and refused to let Qin Lang hold them.

When Qin Lang wanted to hug them, they turned away.

Qin Lang smiled in his heart. The babies have been angry for a long time. It seems that their memory has improved.

On the face, he didn't smile, thinking about what Aunt Wang said to them yesterday, he wanted to treat the baby as an adult.

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