Dad: My identity as Qu Dad has been exposed by my daughter

Chapter 22 This is a work of art (3rd update)

The time for the online sales of "Fairy Tale Town" was finalized.

9 am the next day.

It was released at the same time as Chen Guang's "Elf Forest".

At 6 pm, the recommendation position of Shanhai Bookstore's online store was changed, and Chen Guang's "Elf Forest" was promoted on the homepage.

Shanhai Publishing House's social media accounts also began to warm up, with all kinds of publicity flying all over the sky.

"Fairy Tale Master Chen Guang's new work "Elf Forest" is coming! On sale tomorrow at 9 o'clock!"

"Two years of polishing, a masterpiece! Master Chen's "Elf Forest" is so exciting!"

"Fairy Tale Town" only has a miserable text promotion.

Newcomer and master!

The treatment is not a little different.

As soon as the news of Chen Guang's new work was released, netizens immediately became excited.

"I've finally waited for Master Chen's new book."

"My daughter likes Master Chen's fairy tales very much... I've bought all of Master Chen's works, but my daughter still clamors to buy new ones after reading them. Now she finally has them."

"Tomorrow is the weekend, so I'll get up early and go to Shanhai Bookstore to queue up."

"Why queue up? Just buy it online."

"Are you sure you can get it online? Every time Master Chen's new book is released, isn't it sold out in seconds?"

"Okay... I'd better queue up! At least you still have a chance to get it if you're in the front. Hehe, queue up and grab it online at the same time, two-pronged approach."

"Hey, actually I really want to buy Andersen's fairy tale collection, but why doesn't this guy publish a book? Obviously his fairy tales are all popular."

"I think so too. Now my daughter asks me to tell Snow White every day... I'm tired of telling her stories. It would be great if there was a picture book for her to read by herself."

"It's a pity there isn't one, hey..."

I don't know who started it, but under the promotion of "The Elf Forest", mothers actually started discussing Andersen and his fairy tales.

As he was talking, someone suddenly said:

"Surprise! Surprise! I saw Andersen's fairy tale collection!!! It's on the online store of Shanhai Bookstore, called "Fairy Tale Town"


"How could it be false? I read the introduction, and it clearly says that it contains Andersen's popular fairy tales such as "Snow White" and "Little Red Riding Hood"! This is the link entrance!"


"Fairy Tale Town", what an interesting book title."

"It's also sold online and offline simultaneously! I've decided! I'm going to get up early tomorrow to line up no matter what! Master Chen and Andersen! I want both!"

"That's great!! But Andersen is too miserable, isn't he? He only got a mosquito leg recommendation. Compared with Master Chen, the treatment is too far behind."

"I want to tell this good news to my friends."

Moms have a strong desire to share.

They not only show off their babies, but also form groups of moms to share parenting experiences or just gossip.

For a while, many sister groups and mom groups began to tell each other.

"Sisters! Andersen's fairy tale collection "Fairy Tale Town" will be released tomorrow. Let's line up to buy it?"

"Moms, Andersen has finally published a book. Let's get together tomorrow to buy it?"

"My daughter has been talking about it for a long time. I must go."

"I just happened to buy Master Chen's "Fairy Forest". I bought it together."

The news that "Fairy Tale Town" will be released tomorrow spread like wildfire.

It was widely discussed in the mother circle.

However, the scope of dissemination is still very limited. Most mothers still don't know about the release of "Fairy Tale Town".

Compared with the overwhelming publicity effect of "Fairy Forest", it is a world of difference.

And Su Chen didn't pay much attention to all this.

At this moment, he was having dinner at home with his wife and daughter.

"Dad, I want to go to the amusement park tomorrow, Saturday." Su Xiaoxi said, "Dad went to ride the Ferris wheel last week, I also want to go... Hehe, I also want to eat ice cream."

"Then Dad and Mom will take you to play tomorrow." Su Chen and his wife looked at each other and quickly reached a consensus tacitly.

The next day.

The day when the fairy tale master Chen Guang’s new works “Fairy Forest” and Andersen’s “Fairy Tale Town” were released.

“Fairy Forest” is Chen Guang’s work, which is not only sold through the online and offline channels of Shanhai Bookstore, but also sold in Xinhua Bookstore and many private bookstores.

It is not comparable to “Fairy Tale Town” which was only tested in the Shanhai Bookstore channel.

Long queues formed in major bookstores early in the morning.

While queuing.

The mothers held their mobile phones and waited for the online store to go on sale, while chatting with the mothers in front and behind.

"I came here at six o'clock, but I didn't expect to be so far in line."

"After all, it's Master Chen Guang's new work, and it's a sincere work that has been carefully prepared for two years, so of course there are a lot of people."

"What if it's sold out later?"

"What else can I do? Just consider myself unlucky... Well, see if I can get it online. Anyway, I haven't gotten it."

"I asked my husband to go to another bookstore to queue up, and the two of us tried to get it online at the same time, so we tried all four ways."

"If I can't get "Elf Forest", I'll buy "Fairy Tale Town". "Fairy Tale Town" shouldn't be so popular."

"Uh... I hope so. But Andersen's fairy tales are very popular recently, and there should be a lot of people buying them. Anyway, I'm going to buy them."

Everyone queued and chatted.

Time slowly approached nine o'clock.

Moms and dads sat in front of computers, holding their mobile phones, or queuing up, and their moods became nervous.


The countdown started on the sales page of "Elf Forest" online store.

zero! ! !

When the countdown reached zero, the purchase button changed from gray to red, and countless mothers and fathers rushed in. The page freezes momentarily.

"I can't get in..."

"Stuck on the payment page."

“It keeps spinning in circles, but I can’t jump to the payment page.”

"What the fuck? Are you so hot?"

In order to grab "Elf Forest", everyone's blood pressure went up instantly. The page turned and turned, and finally it came out, but everyone was dumbfounded.

sold out! ! !

"This!! It just stuck! Damn it, it's sold out?"

"Three hundred thousand copies were gone in an instant?"

"That's crazy!"

"This is Master Chen Guang's appeal! How terrifying!"

"Forget it! Let's just buy it offline. If you don't have a 6G mobile phone, you can't get it."

“Go watch Once Upon a Time”

So many people searched for "Once Upon a Time".

Compared with the 300,000 copies of "Elf Forest" sold online, only 30,000 copies of "Fairy Tale Town" are on sale, and the other 20,000 copies are distributed in Shanhai Bookstore's offline stores.

At this time, "Once Upon a Time" had sold only 10,000 copies.

There are still 20,000 volumes in stock.

"Fortunately, no one snatched "Once Upon a Time"."

"Uh... Andersen wants to beat you to death after hearing this. What do you mean no one is robbing Fairy Tale Town? It seems like Andersen's fairy tales can't be sold."

"It's true that it didn't sell well. Look, how long has it been before we sold 10,000 copies?"

"Is 10,000 copies very few? Andersen has just made his debut recently, so it can be considered a debut...Comparing him with a master like Chen Guang, there is no comparison. But 10,000 copies is also very powerful. And Andersen also There is not much publicity. Master Chen Guang’s publicity is overwhelming.”

"Yes, then I will buy a copy of "Once Upon a Time" to support the miserable Andersen."

At the same time, offline bookstores have also started selling.

A long line of ‘readers’ poured into various bookstores.

In order to prevent booksellers from queuing up to grab books, each bookstore stipulates that each person can purchase a maximum of two copies of "Elf Forest".

The offline "Elf Forest" also saw crazy buying scenes.

There are only 20,000 copies of "Once Upon a Time" offline.

Sales are mainly concentrated at Shanhai Bookstore in Kyoto.

This book is not available in other bookstores such as Xiangmao.

When mothers in Kyoto rushed to buy "Elf Forest", they also bought "Once Upon a Time" home.

Twenty thousand copies sold out quickly.

"And "Once Upon a Time"?"

"No more. There are still 20,000 copies in the online store. You can order them online."

At the same time, "Once Upon a Time" is not available in bookstores across the country.

People will also ask, "Is there a "Once Upon a Time"?"

"No." The boss and salesperson could only explain patiently. "I've never heard of the book Once Upon a Time."

"It's Andersen's fairy tale."

"Who is Andersen?"

"Boss!!! Don't you watch the live broadcast and hot searches? It's the fairy tale king Andersen who is very popular recently!"

"I don't understand."


"Elf Forest" was sold online and offline. One million copies were sold on the first day and sold out quickly.

Major media outlets rushed to report on it.

"Master Chen's "Elf Forest" was online within a second, and the online store was sold out!"

"On the first day of release! One million copies of "Elf Forest" were sold nationwide in one hour!"

Master Chen and his "Elf Forest" shine brightly.

But Andersen and "Once Upon a Time" seem dim at this moment, and even seem to have been forgotten.

Online, readers and mothers are shouting:

"@山海书社! Hurry up and print "Elf Forest", I didn't get it!"

"I'm asking for "Elf Forest" at a high price. Is there any friend who bought two copies? Give me a copy. I didn't get it, and my daughter cried."

There is a lot of discussion about "Elf Forest".

Chen Guang and "Elf Forest" were on Weibo's hot searches.

The scenery is unparalleled.

Shanhai Publishing House.

The editor-in-chief showed the sales data to Canghai: "One million copies of "Elf Forest" were sold out in half an hour! Do you know Master Chen's appeal now? Look at "Once Upon a Time", which is your Andersen. How long has it been? There are still 20,000 copies left in the online store... I said 100,000 copies, but you want to print 250,000 copies now? "

Canghai was choked and speechless.

After a long while, he said: ""Once Upon a Time" is very good. I believe it will definitely open up sales... The reason why it sells so well is because there is a lack of marketing publicity both online and offline. As long as there is a little publicity and notification, I believe it will sell quickly. Will get up."

"Are you asking me for promotion funds?" the editor-in-chief said angrily, "I have already invested so much money, and you still want me to throw in promotion funds? Impossible! Not even a penny!"

"Then..." Canghai was speechless.

"I don't care what method you use! Whether it's discounted or sold by the pound! There are still 200,000 copies of "Once Upon a Time" left! You have to sell me back the cost! Okay, let's go down."

Canghai wanted to say something, but in the end he just sighed and left the editor-in-chief's office.

at the same time.

The first batch of mothers who bought "Once Upon a Time" in offline stores have already returned home.

When Zhang Ying returned home, her three-year-old daughter immediately came to greet her. "Mom, Mom! Have you bought Uncle Andersen's "Once Upon a Time"?"

"I bought it, I bought it."

"I want to watch it now. Mom will watch it with me."

So Zhang Ying held her daughter on the sofa and took out the newly bought "Fairy Tale Town".

"I want to read Snow White first." The daughter said softly.


Zhang Ying turned to the page of "Snow White".

In an instant, the exquisite painting page appeared in front of her. Snow White was extremely beautiful. Her skin, her eyes, her nose, her lips, her skirt...

Every detail deeply shocked Zhang Ying.

"Is this a picture book?" Zhang Ying's head was buzzing, "Is it a work of art?"

She had only seen such exquisite paintings at art exhibitions!


PS: Today's three chapters are all 3,000 words, almost 10,000 words. I beg all readers to vote for me. As long as there are recommendation votes, monthly tickets, and rewards, I am willing to update four, five, six, and seven times a day. How powerful you are, I dare to be crazy. The author thanks you here.

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