Dad: My identity as Qu Dad has been exposed by my daughter

Chapter 34 Creativity worth billions and billions (3rd update)


Yida Group.

Yang Fan, Su Chen's professional "tool man", flew here on a 6am flight and arrived at the airport at 8:10am. The VIP car for first-class passengers took him directly to Yida Group.

It was 9am.

Large conference room.

Cai Jun brought a group of capable colleagues from the planning department and the business department to meet Yang Fan.

"Hello, Mr. Yang Fan, I am the director of the business department of Yida Group." Cai Jun took the initiative to extend his hand and shake hands with Yang Fan, "This is Xu Qing, the director of the planning department."

After the introduction, Cai Jun asked: "Mr. Yang Fan, you... came alone?"

She was a little surprised.

I thought Mr. Andersen would come with me, so they attached great importance to it and made plans and PPTs overnight.

But it seems that...

"Yeah." Yang Fan nodded, "Mr. Andersen is abroad, and the negotiation matters have been fully entrusted to me."

Yang Fan watched the live broadcast of Su Chen's family.

Since the boss said Andersen is abroad, I'll say he is abroad to avoid being exposed.

This is where Yang Fan is smart and serious.

There is a reason why he can gain Su Chen's complete trust.

After a brief greeting, Yang Fan said, "Then let's get straight to the point?"

"Okay." Cai Jun winked at Xu Qing.

Then Xu Qing, the director of the planning department, actually presented the creative plan of the "Fairy Tale Town" project to Yang Fan.

Yang Fan listened carefully and kept taking notes in his notebook.

He had learned some general ideas about this project from his boss, and the boss also sent him an extra email this morning, stating the boss's own ideas for the "Fairy Tale Town" project.

He had read it on the plane and remembered it in his heart.

After listening to Xu Qing's project creative presentation, Yang Fan applauded, "Very good project planning."

"But the pattern is still a little bit small." Yang Fan has made a lot of money with his boss over the years, and at the same time, his way of speaking has been greatly influenced by Su Chen. "In this regard, Mr. Andersen has a little bit of ideas, I think it may be the best supplement for this project."

"Can I use the projector?"

"Please." Cai Jun made a gesture of invitation.

Yang Fan opened his portable laptop.

He walked to the front of the conference room and connected the projector.

He played the PPT.

He had made this PPT last night. After receiving the second email from his boss today, he revised it on the plane.

If Su Chen were here,

he would be able to see at a glance that this was definitely a perfect replica and sublimation of the "Disney" theme park.

"Your idea is still stuck in building a large theme park. It cannot be said that it is not good, but you have not fully explored the value of the idea of ​​"Fairy Tale Town".

"Mr. Andersen has a mature idea for this."

"Why don't we build it into a theme park?"

Yang Fan's words immediately attracted the interest of Cai Jun, Xu Qing and others.

"Theme park? Isn't it the same as a theme park?" Xu Qing noticed the difference in one word.

"Of course it's different," Yang Fan said pretentiously: "Although it's only one word difference, the meaning is very different."

"Please see the presentation."

Yang Fan played the PPT to the next page.

Suddenly, the overall framework of the Fairy Tale Town theme park was presented.

"The theme park is just one of the sections of the theme park. In addition to the theme park, we can also provide theme hotels, theme towns, theme parks and other entertainment facilities."

"Our goal is to build it into a fairy tale town resort..."

Yang Fan was well prepared and understood the central idea of ​​the plan given by Su Chen, and talked about it freely.

Cai Jun, Xu Qing and others were stunned.

Compared with their original plan, Andersen's idea was indeed more interesting and grand, and closer to a great theme park concept.

"Not only that, Mr. Andersen will create a series of fairy tales to enrich the connotation of the fairy tale town. At the same time, we will also cooperate with Starlight Pictures to launch a series of animated films based on the fairy tales of the fairy tale town, enriching the theme while also promoting it vigorously."

"This is not just a magic city project, it is a mature framework, and it can be opened in Kyoto, Europe, and America in the future... until our fairy tale town park is popular all over the world."

Yang Fan became more and more excited as he spoke.

While speaking, he thought to himself: The boss is the boss! ! This idea is awesome! The pattern is so big that it reaches the sky.

Look at them all listening in shock.

This guy,

He is so cool.

Yang Fan spoke passionately and described the boss's ideas and plans.

In the large conference room, everyone held their breath.

It took a long time before everyone applauded, and the applause was thunderous.

"Mr. Yang Fan... you... Mr. Andersen's idea is really grand and wonderful, but this way, it is far beyond our budget. At the same time, the land in Shanghai is not that big." Xu Qing pointed out the problem.

"If the budget is not enough, you can add more." Yang Fan was full of anger, "As for the land, you took this plan to bid in Shanghai, and you are still worried that you can't get more?"

Cai Jun and Xu Qing looked at each other.

Finally, Cai Jun said: "Mr. Yang Fan, we can't make this decision... Please wait a moment."


After that, Cai Jun went out to call Chairman Zheng Wancheng to explain the situation.

"Have a good treat for Mr. Yang Fan. I'll be back soon." Zheng Wancheng was very excited after hearing Cai Yun's description.

This Mr. Andersen is not only a fairy tale king!

He is also a business genius!

He was moved.

Very moved!

In fact, real estate has become increasingly difficult in the past two years. The general policy of housing for living and not for speculation, and allowing everyone to have a house to live in, has poured cold water on the hot real estate.

It is related to the people's livelihood of the country.

Zheng Wancheng has always responded positively.

In the future, the revenue of the commercial housing sector will definitely shrink significantly, and Yida also needs to make a rapid transformation.

The world-class fairy tale town park envisioned by Andersen!

Perhaps it is a breakthrough.

Half an hour later, Zheng Wancheng rushed to the company and talked to Yang Fan about the project in person.

"Good! Good! Good! Great!" Zheng Wancheng quickly read the project concept and presentation.

It is ten times better than what he heard on the phone.

It can be said that it is already a very complete project plan.

Andersen is awesome!

Business genius!

Not only has the Fairy Tale Town theme park been laid out, but also fairy tale creation, animation and film, and even many derivative peripherals, multilateral linkage.

This is a business empire visible to the naked eye.

It's really a treasure!

Zheng Wancheng was excited and felt his blood pressure soaring.

"Of course, our Yida Group will not refuse such cooperation," Zheng Wancheng looked at Yang Fan, "Since Mr. Andersen has entrusted you to come to us with a mature business concept, I think there should be some requirements, right?"

"Of course there are requirements." Yang Fan smiled slightly.

"Tell me." Zheng Wancheng leaned forward slightly, indicating that he was ready to listen attentively.

"Mr. Zheng, as you can see, Andersen built a huge business empire." Yang Fan emphasized the word "business empire", "It can be said that a business closed loop has been formed. It's just that Mr. Andersen wants to concentrate on creation and doesn't want to be distracted by trivial matters. It just so happens that your company has brought it up, so Mr. Andersen simply sent me here."

"Andersen means that he will hold shares but not invest money. He will be responsible for improving the story universe of Fairy Tale Town and making the entire business ecosystem healthier and more promising. He will not participate in operations. All operational activities will be carried out by your company. Of course, he can provide some plans and help as a business consultant."

After hearing this, Zheng Wancheng fell into deep thought.

It's great that Andersen does not participate in operations.

It's normal to hold shares.

After all, this is a perfect business plan proposed by others.

"Then how many shares does Mr. Andersen want?" Zheng Wancheng threw the question out.

Yang Fan is also an old bird. Whoever reveals his trump card first in negotiations loses. He did not answer, but asked: "Mr. Zheng, how many shares do you think Mr. Andersen is worth?"

Zheng Wancheng's heart skipped a beat.

He remained calm.

Just looking at Yang Fan's eyes, there was a little more appreciation.

Good guy kicked the ball back again.

How much shares Andersen is worth, this question is tricky.

If you say too much, you will suffer.

If you say too little, it seems that you are not sincere.

He took a sip of tea, and after about 30 seconds, he said: "So, I will provide funds to create a subsidiary under Yida Group. This subsidiary is mainly responsible for the construction and operation of the Fairy Town Theme Park."

"I will give Mr. Andersen 30% of the shares."

"Too little." Yang Fan said lightly.

"Then how much do you think is appropriate?" Zheng Wancheng kicked the ball back again.

"I can't say for sure." Yang Fan is also an old hand. You want me to show my cards? Dreaming. He also took a sip of tea and said: "To tell you the truth, Andersen is my boss, and Starlight Pictures was acquired by him. You should know that he is not short of money. In fact, he can do this project by himself..."

Zheng Wancheng was shocked when he heard this.

He knew that Starlight Pictures was wholly acquired by a mysterious boss.

In fact, Yida Group was also negotiating with Xingguang for the acquisition, and was about to start, but someone got there first.

Unexpectedly, this person turned out to be Andersen.

He is not only the king of fairy tales, but also a boss?

No wonder he has such a unique vision and vision.

If he was nine points excited when he saw this project, he was twelve points excited after hearing that Andersen was also the mysterious boss who acquired Xingguang.

Cooperating with such an insightful and capable boss.

This project is nine out of ten reliable.

"45%!" Zheng Wancheng made up his mind.

This idea is worth 10 billion! 100 billion!

As long as he is still the largest shareholder, there will be no problem.

"Deal." Yang Fan smiled slyly.


PS: The third update. Keep your word. During the recommendation period, various data are very important. Please vote for recommendation, monthly tickets, and rewards.

PS: I beg all readers to give me some recommendation votes. As long as there are recommendation votes, monthly votes, and rewards, I am willing to update four, five, six, or seven times a day. I will be as crazy as you can be. The author thanks you here.

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