Dad: My identity as Qu Dad has been exposed by my daughter

Chapter 37: The noble character of the ages, all other words are useless (3rd update)

There are still many fans who know what they are talking about in the live broadcast room. Read М

They can tell at a glance that the lyrics of "Wishing You a Long Life" are written according to the tune "Shui Tiao Ge Tou".

Then think of "Quiet Night Thoughts" recited by Su Xiaoxi before.

Fans instantly linked Su Chen and Li Bai together again.

"It's confirmed!! Dad Su is definitely Li Bai!"

"Don't pretend!! Dad Su, your identity as a poet has been exposed!"

"It's amazing! Dad Su is actually a poet! Whether it's "Quiet Night Thoughts" or "Wishing You a Long Life", I feel like they were written by ancient people."

"Dad Su: Stop pretending! In fact, I am a time traveler! I traveled through time from ancient times."

This time, there seemed to be no voice denying that Li Bai was Su Chen.


Su Chen's father-in-law, Shu Ping, a professor at the School of Literature of Shancheng University, was also watching the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala.

"Is this... a lyric written by Xiaochen?" Shu Ping was so excited that his whole body was shaking.

Su Chen did not hide from his family that he was a talented scholar.

Although the lyrics written by Su Chen before were amazing, they were just amazing. Shu Ping admired his talent.

But this time was different.

The lyrics of this song "May We Live Long" could no longer be described as amazing. With his years of research, he could tell at a glance that this was the tune of "Shui Tiao Ge Tou" and the lyrics were created strictly in accordance with the rules of the tune!


There were golden sentences one after another!

There were witty words frequently!

Bold and romantic, unconventional!

The words and sentences were not inferior to the ancient talented scholars and writers!

"Xiao Chen has such poetic talent?" Shu Ping was excited.

For lovers of ancient poetry and prose! To get such a good sentence! It's happier than marrying a beautiful wife.

And at noon, Su Xiaoxi also recited a poem "Quiet Night Thoughts"!

This is simply double happiness.

He immediately found a pen and paper to play and replay, and copied down the lyrics of "May We Live Long", reading every word and appreciating every sentence.

When will the bright moon appear? Ask the blue sky with wine. How bold and romantic! The character of the literati is fully revealed.

I want to ride the wind back...

People have joys and sorrows, separations and reunions, and the moon waxes and wanes.

May we live long and share the beauty of the moon even though we are thousands of miles apart.

It is truly wonderful!

At the same time, the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala is broadcast live nationwide.

Many professors of literature and masters of ancient poetry and prose are watching the show. When they heard the lyrics of "May we live long", these masters couldn't help but applaud.

Even they, who have always been low-key, couldn't help but post the lyrics of "May we live long" on social platforms such as Weibo, and gave pertinent comments and high praise.

Jing Feng, associate professor of the School of Literature of Rongcheng University: "May we live long and share the beauty of the moon even though we are thousands of miles apart! This poem and this sentence, even if placed in ancient times, should be a masterpiece of all ages!"

Tao Lai, professor of ancient poetry and prose of Jinghua University: "This poem is of high quality and will last forever!"

Geng Guiren, dean of the School of Literature of Jingbei University: "Mid-Autumn poems, once this poem is published, all other poems will be abandoned!"

Jing Feng, Tao Lai, Geng Guiren!

These three are all masters of ancient poetry and prose.

As soon as the three of them spoke, the whole network exploded.

"Fuck!! All three big guys were blown away."

"A famous line for all ages! A high style for all ages! All other words are useless! Is Su Dad really that awesome this time?"

"Look at the titles of the big guys, Beijing University, Jinghua University!! The evaluations of the deans and professors of the two top universities in China!! Do you think it's that awesome?"

"Su Dad's lyrics are directly superb!"

"The big guys were conquered."

"Mid-Autumn Festival lyrics, all other words are useless! It directly hit my G-spot."

"I suggest you recite the whole text!"

"Everyone stand up! Pay homage to Su Dad!"

"Kneel down to Su Dad! Su Dad is immortal!"

"May We Live Long" on Weibo has become so popular because of the high evaluations of these three big guys, and it has been directly pushed to the top of the list.

At the same time, "Quiet Night Thoughts" was also turned out.

Comparing the two, everyone also found the common point between the two poems, that is, they are related to the moon.

Mid-Autumn Festival.

How many people are wandering outside?

Although the voice and video calls on mobile phones have solved the problem of spatial distance to a certain extent, people's homesickness is not so strong.

But after all, they are still thousands of miles apart.

You can say a thousand words on the phone, but it is not as exciting as the hug when you meet, and it is not as tearful as sitting together to eat a home-cooked meal and chatting about family matters.

"I miss home."

"I haven't sat down to eat with my parents for a long time. I miss the taste of my mother."

"Look up at the bright moon, look down and think of my hometown... The moon tonight is so round."

"May we live long and share the beauty of the moon. I want to cry for no reason."

"Just now my mother asked me what I ate during the Mid-Autumn Festival, and I said I had hot pot with my friends outside... But in fact, I just ate a bowl of instant noodles in the rental house."

"Ahhh! Suddenly I realized that these two poems are sentimental poems."

People's thoughts were aroused and spread quietly.

At this moment.

Qudie Club WeChat group.

The screen recording video of "May We Live Long" was posted in the group.

"I'm kneeling right down! Big guys! Is this a human-written lyric?"

"Make way, let me kneel down too."

"After listening to this, I want to quit the group."

"I just want to quit the circle..."

"Is the songwriting industry so competitive now? They've started... ancient poetry!"

"The style is so high that it will last forever! All other lyrics are useless! Listen! We are all younger brothers! Call Su Daddy!"

"Su Daddy!"

The fifth brother also saw this video.

Totally captivated by the lyrics.

"@Poet Luo Laoguai, I'm here for you. Take action to suppress him." I, Dugu Wenshan, will always be the most naughty and active one among the five.

"Suppress it with a hammer!" The poet Luo Laoguai said, "I want to change my ID. I am not worthy of the title of poet."

The poet Luo Laoguai is good at creating lyrics based on ancient poems.

The lyrics he wrote were gorgeous and artistic, so everyone called him a poet.

But when I saw the lyrics of "May I Live Longer\

,"He suddenly realized what the hell he had written.

The next generation is to be feared. The next generation is to be feared.

After chatting for a while, Li Zongsheng, the oldest member of the Five Guys, said: "There is a storm in the world."

Everyone had a premonition,

Because the identity of Su Chenqu’s father was exposed,

music scene,

A terrible storm is coming.

Coupled with the gradual advancement of the Blue Star Village plan in the near future, even the five of them may be involved in this torrent of the times.

The Mid-Autumn Festival Gala has rich programs and is full of sincerity.

Su Chen's most immediate feeling was that the atmosphere and charm of traditional culture were much stronger than those at previous Mid-Autumn Festival parties.

This is probably also related to the country’s policy of revitalizing traditional culture.

This is a good thing.

After Shu Yao came off the stage after singing, Su Chen and his family watched the two-hour Mid-Autumn Festival Gala together in the audience.

Among the entire party's song programs, the most impressive one was "Hope You Live Longer".

So the party ends,

When Su Chen's family walked out of the venue, a large number of reporters immediately rushed up.

Interview with Su Chen.

"Dad Su, there are rumors on the Internet that you are Li Bai, right?" reporters asked questions one after another.

Su Chen had a headache.

The song "May I Live Longer" was given to Shu Wan by Su Chen before his identity was revealed. Anyway, no one knows who I am, so I can write whatever songs I want.

Unexpectedly, Qu’s father’s identity was later exposed by his daughter.

My daughter recited another poem this morning...

It was not easy to fool him with Li Bai.

But things in the world are unpredictable and interconnected. As soon as "May People Live Forever" came out, the lyricist signed it as Qilin Talent!

I can't hide my identity as a poet no matter what.

However, if he admits that he is Li Bai now, it will definitely cause a chain reaction and make him completely lose the trust of his fans.

Because he said Andersen was his friend before.

Since Li Bai, this friend can be his true self.

Why can't Andersen?


I absolutely cannot admit it!

"I'm not Li Bai." Su Chen said, "I am me, and Li Bai is Li Bai. We are two completely independent people."

Nothing wrong!

Apart from reciting countless poems by Li Bai, I have no relationship with him at all.

"If you are not Li Bai, how do you explain the lyrics of "May I Live Longer"?" the reporter asked.

"I am also a lover of ancient poetry." Su Chen replied.

"Can a lover write such a poem?"

"Then...I'll call myself a poet."

"Do you admit that you are Li Bai?"

"No, no, no, Li Bai is my friend." Su Chen said: "Li Bai is very talented. I studied with him and benefited a lot. After all, he is still my teacher."


"Yes, the enlightenment teacher of ancient poetry." The first poem I memorized in elementary school was "Quiet Night Thoughts". Isn't it my enlightenment teacher?

"Then he must be a master of ancient poetry in China, but I have never heard of the name Li Bai."

"This is the name of a flower." Su Chen made it up: "The teacher calls himself Qinglian layman. He lives in seclusion, is indifferent to fame and fortune, and doesn't want to be disturbed."

Worried that the reporter would keep asking questions, Su Chen simply silenced the reporter with "I don't want to be disturbed."

After hearing Su Chen’s explanation,

The live broadcast room suddenly exploded!

PS: I want to be on the list, send me to the list. The list will be updated and we will do what we say.

PS: I beg all readers to give me some recommendation votes. As long as there are recommendation votes, monthly votes, and rewards, I am willing to update four, five, six, and seven times a day. As much as you can do it, I will do it. Crazy. Thank you to the author here.

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