"1" became Shu Wan's masterpiece album that helped her gain a firm foothold in the world music scene. Google search reading

Fans especially brought up the song "Red".

They said that Su Chen wrote this song on purpose!

It indicated that after the release of "1", Shu Wan would become famous, famous all over the world.

And the fact is true.

Shu Wan became popular!

With the album "1", she dominated the world.

After listening to the album "1", Emily, the top female singer in the country of Liberty, immediately canceled her plan to release a new album.

Because she had a premonition that Shu Wan's "1" would probably continue to dominate the charts.

It was unknown how many weeks it would dominate the charts.

But releasing a new song or a new album in the last one or two months would simply be courting death.

Because it is very likely that there would be no place to stand on the new song charts.

"1" is too strong.

After Su Chen created this masterpiece album for his wife, he did not stop.


This is not the end.

Shu Wan can go further.

Two days ago, news came from Europe that the Fairy Tale Town Park built in Great Britain, located in the suburbs of London, has been fully completed.

It is about to have a grand opening.

As Su Chen owns the Fairy Tale Town Park (as a major shareholder), he naturally has to rush to the opening site.

Shu Wan also went there as an invited guest.

On the day of the grand opening, "Frozen" was also released.

Its theme song "Letitgo" was sung by Shu Wan.

After the opening ceremony, "Frozen" was released in the Yida Cinema of the Fairy Tale Town Park, attracting countless parents and children to watch it.

Su Chen, Shu Wan, Su Xiaoxi, a family of three, also went to watch the movie as soon as possible.

Su Xiaoxi wanted to watch this movie a long time ago.

Because Su Chen taught her to sing the song "Letitgo" in advance.

She likes this song very much.

Therefore, she also likes this movie that she has not seen yet.

Wang Doudou is Su Xiaoxi's playmate. He often hears Su Xiaoxi singing "letitgo" recently. After asking, he found out that there is an animated movie called "Frozen" coming out soon.

They can't go to Great Britain.

So the family went to the Magic City Fairy Tale Town to watch it.

What made Wang Doudou speechless was that

most of the people who came to watch the movie were girls and their parents. Wang Doudou was a rare boy who walked into the cinema.

He felt a little ashamed.


The style is not right.

When he saw the movie poster, he understood... It seems that this movie is more suitable for girls.

But who is he, Wang Doudou?

He still went in with a stiff upper lip.

Dad said: Pass through a sea of ​​flowers! Not a single leaf touches you.

They bought popcorn and Coke in the second to last row... Although his mother doesn't like him to drink Coke, saying that drinking Coke will make him grow up, but he will not believe her lies.

Drinking Coke and not growing up is a lie to children.

And he is already in the first grade!

Long gone from being a child...

Wang Doudou never thought of himself as a child.

This is probably why he likes to discuss how to pursue girls with senior boys at school.

The story of "Frozen" is not complicated.

There are two young princesses living in the Kingdom of Arendelle.

White-haired elder sister Elsa.

Brown-haired younger sister Anna.

Elsa has innate magic.

Can use all kinds of ice and snow magic.

One night, younger sister Anna took her sister to play in the snow in the hall of the palace, and her sister used magic to make a snowman for her sister.

Named it Olaf.

Sister Anna liked this snowman very much.

While playing, the sister's magic accidentally hit the sister's head, causing the sister to faint and turning a small tuft of hair white.

The king quickly took sister Anna to the goblins for help.

After seeing Anna, the goblin elder sighed that fortunately it was not the heart that was injured, but the problem of the head was easy to solve.

The goblin modified her memory.

All traces of magic were eliminated.

Then he cured her.

And warned her sister Elsa that her magic would become more and more dangerous. This scene was seen by Kristoff, a little boy who was digging ice by.

From then on, Elsa lived in seclusion and no longer met her sister Anna.

To prevent her magic from hurting her sister again.

In order to prevent the magic from getting out of control, Elsa needed to wear a pair of special gloves. And Anna didn't understand why her sister didn't want to meet her, and sang in front of her sister's door to ask for the door to be opened.

But her sister never opened the door.

Once the old king and queen went out on a boat and encountered an accident. From then on, only two sisters were left in the palace to depend on each other.

Anna came to Elsa in mourning clothes.

But Elsa still didn't open the door.

When Elsa's coronation day came, Elsa had to come out to face the public. Anna was very excited when she knew she could see her sister, and wandered around the kingdom.

Met Hans, the prince of the neighboring country, and fell in love with him at first sight.

After the coronation ceremony was completed, Elsa became the queen of this kingdom.

At the banquet, Anna introduced Hans to her sister.

And hoped to marry Hans.

But Elsa opposed the marriage.

Because they had just met for a short time.

Because of this, the two sisters had a big fight.

Anna accidentally snatched Elsa's gloves, causing Elsa's magic to be out of control and seen by everyone.

Many people regard Elsa as a monster.

Frightened, Elsa used her ice magic to escape across the lake.

The whole kingdom was covered in ice and snow.

Elsa walked far and far alone and fled to a snowy mountain, where she threw away all her shackles and built an ice castle with magic.

She was the queen here alone.

Anna hoped to find her sister and remove the ice and snow from the kingdom.

She rode Hans's horse to the snowy mountains in the north, but the horse was frightened and ran away. In a store, she met Kristoff who was digging ice.

At this time, Kristoff was driven out because he had no money to buy the goods of the profiteers.

Anna bought the goods he wanted.

And asked him to pull a cart and take her to the north.

On the way, they were attacked by wolves, but they cooperated with each other and successfully overcame the difficulties.

They finally came to the snowy mountains.

On the snowy mountains, they saw a talking snowman, who called himself Snowman, and was made by Elsa accidentally.

Anna gave Olaf a nose and asked it to lead the way to Elsa's castle.

After many twists and turns,

Anna finally met her sister Elsa.

But Elsa was unwilling to go with Anna because she had no way to unfreeze.

In an accident, the emotional Elsa accidentally hit Anna's heart with magic. Although Anna did not faint immediately, her hair began to turn white.

She was hurt by Elsa's magic.


Kristoff found that Anna's hair was getting whiter and whiter, and knew that Elsa's magic hit her, so he took her to see the goblin friends.

The goblin elder told them that if the frozen part was the heart, only an act of true love could unfreeze it.

So Kristoff sent Anna back to the kingdom, wanting Hans to kiss her and save Anna's life.

But Hans did not kiss her.

Because Hans did not love her at all.

He wanted to marry her only because of the interests of the kingdom.

Hans extinguished the stove that Anna used for heating and locked her in the room to die.

Then he pretended to be a messenger of justice and announced to everyone that his newly married wife Anna was killed by Elsa.

He wanted to kill Elsa to save the kingdom.

Kristoff saw something strange in the kingdom and was worried, so he ran back to find Anna.

In the end, Anna escaped successfully.

At this time, Hans found Elsa in the ice and snow, and he told Elsa that Anna was "killed" by her. Elsa felt guilty.

Anna saw Hans was going to kill Elsa.

After a moment of hesitation, she rushed to Elsa and blocked Hans's sword with her body.

And at that moment!

Anna was completely frozen into ice.

Saved Elsa's life.

Elsa saw her sister frozen into ice and hugged her sister and cried.

But she didn't expect that her true love tears melted the ice and snow, and the ice and snow on her sister's body were removed, and her hair returned to its original color.

Then the whole kingdom was unfrozen.

Hans and the duke who attempted to assassinate Elsa were driven away.

Kristoff got the new sled given by Anna, and the two fell in love.

Elsa became the queen of the kingdom again!

The whole movie ended like this.

The most impressive part is the most beautiful animated song and dance scene so far.

The song "Letitgo" sung by Shu Wan also became popular all over the country after the movie was released.

A long shot with a very long view appeared in front of the audience, and the lonely queen wandered on the snowy mountains in the dark night. The empty night and valley, together with the camera, created a natural stage.

The magic of ice and snow became the shining background on the stage.

"The snow is falling on the night"

"Not a footprint to be seen"

"A kingdom of isolation"

"And it looks like I'm the Queen"

"The wind is howling, and it seems to be brewing a storm

I can't hide anymore, God knows how hard I've tried

Don't let others know, don't let others see

You are a good girl, you must always be

Hide, don't be sincere, don't let others know"

Su Xiaoxi couldn't help singing along when she heard this song. Seeing the beautiful scene in the picture, the ice and snow, and the effect of Elsa's magical magic.

Su Xiaoxi immediately felt the beauty of this song.

As if!

Just sing along with this song!

You can have magic.

The song enters the chorus, ushering in its climax and the emotional collapse.

"Letitgo! Letitgo (Follow your heart, follow your heart)"

"Anyway, I can't hide it anymore"

"Letitgo! Letitgo (Follow your heart, follow your heart)"

"Turn around, close the door, don't care about what people say, just let the horses come, the cold can no longer bother me."

At this point, Elsa untied her cloak.

The cloak flew away with the wind.

It seemed to have untied the shackles of fate on her.

In this icy and snowy land, Elsa found herself, found herself, and she could finally live here to her heart's content.

Soon the song ushered in the second verse.

"The funny thing is that distance makes everything small

The fear that once controlled me

can no longer bother me

It's time to show my true self

Break through my limits

No longer bound by rules


Elsa used ice magic to build an ice bridge, she ran on it, cheering for finding her true self.

Ice magic is gorgeous and beautiful.

The picture and music form a perfect match.

Enrich each other.

"Let it go, let it go!"

"You'll never cry"

"This is my proposition

This is my insistence

Just come on"

Elsa used ice magic to build her own ice castle, which was magnificent.

She was dancing in the ice castle.

Free and easy.

"My magic will fall from the sky

My soul will circle up with the ice flakes around me

Thoughts will turn into crystals like a gust of ice wind

I will never look back

The past is a thing of the past

let it go! let it go!

I will rise from the ground like the rising sun

let it go! let it go!

That perfect girl is gone

I will stand under the sun

Let the storm roar

The cold will never invade me again! "

The singing stopped abruptly!

The perfect combination of sound and picture moved people to tears.

Su Xiaoxi was moved to tears when she saw that this part had been beautified.

She loved the dress on Elsa so much.

"Dad...can I have that dress? So beautiful!" Who can resist a princess dress for a little girl?

And it was the gorgeous dress on Elsa.

How dazzling it would be to dance in it, huh?

It was so beautiful.

Although the little girls in the theater did not learn the song, they remembered the phrase "letitgo" and hummed it throughout the whole process.

The atmosphere was great.

They also liked Elsa.

They coveted Elsa's clothes.

Their parents were also amazed by such a beautiful scene.

"This song is so beautiful."

"The combination of the song and the picture is perfect! Another movie-level MV."

"Dad Su and Shu Wan are absolutely amazing."

"Is this an animation? It's art! The art is so excellent."

"A conscientious work. ”

Frozen has always been at the top of the box office in animated films. It is a global box office.

This shows how well the film was made.

After it was broadcast on Blue Star, its reputation quickly spread at home and abroad with its perfect production.

The song "Letitgo" also became popular.

The box office exceeded 10 billion in one week!

Frozen easily joined the 10 billion box office club!

This makes Hollywood very timid.

Because Xinghai Pictures has been active recently, Hollywood, the leader of the film industry, feels great pressure.

Sherlock Holmes beats The Apprentice!

Recently, I heard that Sherlock Holmes was nominated for the Emmy Awards!

Maybe it can win this heavy award by the end of the year.

Now Frozen is well-made, and the global box office exceeded 10 billion in one week!

This arrogant The achievements of people, Hollywood films rarely reach this level.

Whether it is "Sherlock" or "Frozen", this makes Hollywood realize that Starlight Pictures is a strong opponent worthy of attention.

The movie is popular!

The song is popular too!

After Shu Wan released her new album "1", it has swept the top twelve of the new song charts of major music platforms!

Now this song "Letitgo" has come out of nowhere.

And it quickly made the list!

Now on the new song charts of major platforms, the top thirteen songs are all Shu Wan's!

And it is on the Hall of Fame TOP100 list.

Shu Wan's ranking rose from 47th to 45th!

Another two places up!

This made the singers on the list tremble.

The ranking rose sharply as soon as the new song was sung.

I always feel that I will be slaughtered soon.

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