With Audrey's "11 points" rating, "Titanic" became an unstoppable hit.

It was a big hit.

The rating has remained at 10 points!

Although more people later rated it, it gradually dropped to 9 points.

But 9 points is already the top in the entire film history.

"The rating will definitely drop." Nalan has always believed that "Titanic" has been rated, and he has been waiting for the rating of this movie to drop.

It would be best if it dropped to below 6 points.

This would be worse than "Red Scandal".

But unfortunately...

The rating of "Titanic" has remained stable at 9 points and has never dropped.

"Is it really not a rating?" Nalan had doubts.

If it was really a rating, it would not be so strong. He pays attention to the situation of "Titanic" every day.

It just makes him a little disappointed every day.

He looks forward to bad reviews or a downhill road.

But "Titanic" seems to be deliberately going against him.

The score has been rising all the way.

There was no sign of decline at all.

This made him curious...

What is so special about this movie?

He has read a lot of film reviews recently, but film reviews are just for reading. Whether the film is good or not, you still have to go to the cinema to see it yourself.

So he found a way to get a ticket.

He sneaked into the cinema.

At the same time, at the artist agency entertainment company, Narita, who ranked third in the Hall of Fame TOP100, released a new single.

Now it is October.

It's time to start the impact of this year's Grammy Awards.

Especially after the Blue Star Village Cultural Exchange Plan is fully signed, the Grammy Awards will be collected and selected from music works all over the world.

Although it was also selected worldwide before, European and American countries accounted for 90%.

But this time is different.

This year, the probability of songs being selected in various countries around the world is the same.

As long as the work is good, there is a chance to be shortlisted.

So even for a world-class top singer like Narita, she dare not guarantee that she can win the award this time.

After all, there are all kinds of birds in the forest.

Just like Su Chen and Shu Wan who suddenly appeared in China.

These two dark horses are coming with great momentum.

They made Narita and her singer friends feel great pressure.

Especially the concert called "HELLO".

Is that what a human would do?

They started with two albums of high-quality works that killed people...

Now these works are still on the charts of major music platforms.

The popularity remains high.

With this deadly amount of works, Narita felt that Su Chen and Shu Wan must have a place in the Grammy Awards this time.

So she started to release songs to compete for the charts.

Not only that, as far as she knows, Michael, William, Meni, and Audrey are all busy with their new singles recently.

As for the new album.

She hasn't heard about who will release a new album yet.

Anyway, because of Su Chen and Shu Wan's disruption, the entire music industry has been rolled up.

No one dares to be careless.

No one wants to miss the Grammy Awards.

And if Su Chen and Shu Wan take away too many awards this time, Grammy, as the lead singer of European and American singers, will lose face.

So whether it is for the award or for face, they must fight for it.

Su Chen and Shu Wan cannot be too arrogant and complacent.

They should be suppressed when it is time.

Narita's new song "Try".

This song still follows the hot song route that she is best at.

Hot and spicy.

Full of rhythm.

As soon as you listen to the song, you can think of Narita's dark skin and tight long legs...

Very personal.

Narita has many fans all over the world, and the release of her new work soon caused a huge sensation.

This song "Try" quickly topped various charts.

Even "Billie Jean" was suppressed.

This really made many European and American singers breathe a sigh of relief.

"Finally knocked Su Chen off the top spot!"

"It's refreshing!"

"So it's not that Su Chen is too strong! It's that we haven't done enough!"

"Big brothers, hurry up and release songs to compete for the top spot!

Knock Su Chen and Shu Wan off!

Their dominance makes me want to vomit when I see the charts recently... The first few dozen songs are all his songs!"

"Suppress the arrogance of Su Chen and Shu Wan."

Su Chen and Shu Wan gained a lot of fans and reputation at the "HELLO" concert, but at the same time, there are also many people who can't stand them.

They think this couple is too high-profile.

Too arrogant.

Too rampant.

But they can't do anything with Su Chen and Shu Wan.

They can only attack... but they can't get rid of them.

Now Narita has released a new song, and the new song has topped the charts, which gives them hope.

They see the hope of suppressing Su Chen and Shu Wan.

It feels great!

Narita was also quite satisfied with her new work reaching the top, "It seems that Shu Wan and Su Chen are not that scary..."

She believes that her fan base and global influence are much stronger than Su Chen and Shu Wan.

The clues can be seen from the release of this new work.

The moonwalk is as popular as the song "BillieJean".

But even so.

She beat them with a new song.

This is the strength and appeal of the world's top singers!

She was quite proud of it.

After she released "Try", she had been waiting for a counterattack from Su Chen or Shu Wan.

She reached the top.

This couple should compete for the list, right?

But the other party did not move...

Until Narita paid attention to the movie "Titanic" and the comments and discussions about the movie on the Internet.

"To be honest! I can give this movie 12 points! And its theme song "My Heart Will Go On" I can give 100 points! Note! The full score is 10 points."

"I cried a lot after watching it."

"The song "My Heart Will Go On" is really beautiful! It's so touching! Only after watching the movie can you deeply understand the meaning of the lyrics."

"It's a pity that the soundtrack of the movie has not been released yet... If you want to listen to it, you can only go to the cinema for the second and third time."

"Please give the movie soundtrack! Release it soon!"

"Release the soundtrack soon!"

The whole network is asking for the soundtrack of "My Heart Will Go On".

Fans' private messages have exploded under the Weibo of Starlight Pictures and Su Chen.

Narita saw these comments, "10 points out of 10, should I give this song 100 points? Is it that good?"

She was very curious.

And skeptical.

She wanted to listen to this song, but couldn't find the resources...

She had no choice but to find a movie ticket and go to the theater... Well, listen to the song!

She didn't like watching movies.

So she had no interest in the movie "Titanic" itself.

She was only interested in this song.

So she really spent money to listen to the song... Suddenly I found that listening to a song written by Su Chen was so expensive. It cost the price of a movie.

And you can only listen to it once.


It seems to be more impressive than releasing a single by yourself.

She also disguised herself.

But when she found her seat and sat down, she found a strange man on the right who was disguised like herself.


It was a bit familiar.

The man also found Narita.

The two looked at each other for a long time and finally said in unison.

Narita: "Director Nalan?"

Narita: "Narita?"

Then the two fell into a long silence.

Narita had never expected to meet Nalan here. Isn't this too coincidental?

He is the director of "Red Scandal"... He actually came to see "Titanic" secretly. Ah this...

And Nalan wanted to hide himself.

Come to see the competitor's movie... Well, to admire it, but ended up running into an acquaintance. Social death.

And Narita also knew that Narita basically didn't watch movies. She was the opposite of Audrey. Audrey loved watching movies to the bone.

And Narita might not step into the cinema for several years.

And now she actually came to watch a movie...

You can imagine how fatally attractive and influential this "Titanic" is. She must not have watched "Red Scandal"...Nalan was actually a little disappointed.

Narita saw through Nalan's thoughts, so she said: "I came to listen to the music."

Nalan felt much better after hearing this.

Watching a movie just for a song... it's rare.

Okay, I will invite big-name creators to help create my movies in the future, and invite superstars like Michael to sing... Narita can sing, too.

Soon the two stopped talking.

The movie started.

The two were immersed in it unconsciously.

Nalan originally just wanted to watch it casually, but unexpectedly, he was moved as he watched, and said to himself: "It's so well shot..."

Narita wiped her tears and thought: "Oh no... maybe this song will dominate the charts again."

Three hours passed quickly.

The two were still not satisfied.

Narita asked Director Nalan: "Director Nalan, what do you think of the movie "Titanic"?

Nalan said: "The song is very nice. What about you? What do you think of the song "My Heart Will Go On"? "

Narita: "The movie is very good."

Both of them avoided the main point.

Obviously, they were all shocked and hit in their respective professional fields...

After Nalan returned, he never mentioned the ratings of "Titanic" again, but said: "This movie is supported by the theme song."

After Nalita returned, she rarely mentioned the song "My Heart Will Go On", but said: "It is all thanks to the movie that this song has gained popularity."

Anyway, they will never admit that it is good.

This may be the last stubbornness of the top director and the top singer.

On the night when Nalita finished watching "Titanic", Starlight Pictures finally released the soundtrack of the film and television at the request of the fans.

The top song was "My Heart Will Go On"!

It was released only thirty minutes later!

The song "My Heart Will Go On" rushed to the top of the list.

It suppressed Nalita's "Try"!

"This time it was really kicked down...The song name should be "Kick"" Nalita was amused and cried when she saw this result.

She thought she could dominate the list.

But others stole the tower in an instant.

She lost miserably.

The release of "My Heart Will Go On" also made fans all over the Internet excited.

"I have watched the movie twice! I have always wanted to play this song on repeat, woo woo woo, you finally released it."

"If you don't release it! I will go to the cinema to watch it three times."

"It costs 50 yuan to listen to it once in the cinema!

! Too luxurious. "

"Hahaha Su Daddy's single is worth the price."

"I feel so too."

The rapid dominance of "My Heart Will Go On" on the charts also left the music industry bosses speechless.

Narita has unilaterally announced her kneeling.

Audrey became a fan of Shu Wan and Suchen, "Their works are really good."

Hills often said of Audrey: "a traitor."

Audrey: "Music has no borders... I really write well."

Hills: "Well... I'm superficial."

When Michael saw "My Heart Will Go On" quickly reaching the top of the charts, he listened to it many times over and over again, and then asked Audrey: "Watching a movie is this the best song to listen to?"

"Of course." Audrey said proudly.

"Then...shall I invite you to watch a movie?" Michael invited.

"Uncle Michael." Audrey pretended to be a little girl, "You'd better ask Aunt Meni."



Meni: Where's my knife?

"Titanic" and "My Heart Will Go On" are extremely popular in countries around the world.

The song "My Heart Will Go On" can be heard in the streets and alleys.

Some jewelers immediately approached Starlight Pictures and launched a "Titanic" co-branded necklace - Heart of the Ocean.

It is also selling very hotly.

What deserves the most attention is the Hall of Fame TOP100 list. Shu Wan's ranking on it has undergone new changes.

After the HELLO concert, her ranking rose to ninth place.

After the song "My Heart Will Go On", her ranking rose again, reaching eighth place!

Just behind Audrey who ranked seventh.

Audrey became nervous instantly.

Michael said: "Audrey, if you don't stand up, you will be exploded... ahem, you will be rear-ended!"

Michael's Chinese is not very good.

But he knew that a certain word was inappropriate.

The word tailgating should fit the context, right?

who cares.

Anyway, I can't find a more appropriate word.

Audrey was rear-ended like this...

After entering the top ten in the Hall of Fame's TOP100 list, Audrey and others know very well how difficult it is to move up a noun.

At least the order of the top ten list has not changed in the past three years.

Audrey has been in seventh place for five years.

No one expected that Su Chen and Shu Wan would be among the top ten not long after the Lanxing Village Cultural Exchange Plan was fully signed.

Not only that, as soon as someone releases a new song, their ranking will jump up.

Simply unbelievable.

For example, if she releases a new song now, her ranking will definitely stay at No. 7.

But if Shu Wan releases another song, then maybe it will happen.

Or if Su Chen sings a new composition by himself, the ranking may not stay where it is.

This shows from a certain level that the songs written by Su Chen are poisonous!


Even a top singer like her couldn't help but want to be a fan of this man.

While thinking about Audrey and listening to "My Heart Will Go On", I recalled the plot of the movie in my mind, and the song blended with the story.

Jack and Rose's love...

She couldn't tell.

It feels sad and wonderful at the same time.

Maybe this is the so-called beauty of imperfection.

The ranking changes on the Shu Wan Hall of Fame list gave the top seven singers a huge sense of crisis.

Follow this rhythm.

If they don't roll up anymore, I'm afraid sooner or later they will become the dead souls killed by Su Chen and Shu Wan's sword. No one wants to see their ranking drop.

Therefore, these kings and queens who originally planned to take care of themselves began to become jealous again.

Actively preparing for his new work.

At this time, Shu Wan's change in the Hall of Fame list became a hot search topic on Weibo, and the entire Internet exploded in an instant.

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