After the release of "Leon: The Professional", Starlight Pictures immediately launched the fourth season of "Sherlock Holmes".

"Sherlock Holmes" also ushered in its final chapter.

This time, there was no update one episode at a time.

Instead, all three episodes were released directly.

It caused a huge sensation instantly.

"Finally, the fourth season has come."

"Ahhh my Sherlock Holmes."

"What should I do? I am reluctant to watch the last season."

"I always hope that it will never end."

Recently, Su Chen has not released many new songs. Bai Ruoxi is a little bored and can only listen to Su Chen's previous works repeatedly.

The rest of the time is spent watching TV and movies.

Music and chasing dramas are his favorites.

After the fourth season of "Sherlock Holmes" was updated, she clicked to watch it immediately.

The first episode of the fourth season is a blockbuster. Watson and Mary's child is born, and then Watson cheats?

In the second episode, the rich man is actually a perverted killer! The ultimate BOSS appears.

In the third episode, Sherlock actually has a sister...

Bai Ruoxi is very interested in Sherlock's family members.

So she focused on watching the third episode.

Let's see what Sherlock's sister is like.

And the last episode!

It will also be accompanied by a final mystery to be solved.

Bai Ruoxi watched it with great interest.

At the beginning of the third episode,

Mycroft was watching an old movie at home leisurely, but a video of his childhood suddenly appeared on the screen.

But before he had time to recall the past, the words "I'm back" popped up on the screen.

The scene was very scary.

It made Bai Ruoxi feel like she was watching a horror movie.

And then a woman's voice sounded in the dim room, "Mycroft..."

The voice sounded like a ghost in the dark.

It was extremely scary.

Bai Ruoxi was watching it in bed.

She was so scared that she even pulled up the quilt to cover her neck.

When she was scared, she would cover her neck tightly.

"Show up, I don't have time to play with you." Mycroft said to the darkness.

"We have time, good brother." The woman's voice sounded again.

Only the voice was heard, but no one was seen.

Then a "ghost scream"!

McCoff heard someone running upstairs, turned around, and saw the back of a little girl...

McCoff was scared.

He chased after her.

However, when he chased to the corridor on the second floor, the portraits hanging in the corridor had bright red blood flowing out of their eyes!

Bai Ruoxi's body was already trembling slightly.

He turned on the lights in the room one after another.

It was too scary.

At this time, the barrage was already dense.

"Fuck! I was so scared that I shivered all over."

"I got goose bumps all over my body, and my hair stood on end."

"Are you sure this is not a horror movie?"

"If I hadn't confirmed again and again that this was Sherlock Holmes... I really thought it was a horror movie."

"McCoff: I was scared to death!"

The atmosphere of terror continued.

McCoff chased after her, and then he saw a clown. He wanted to shoot, but found that the bullet in the gun had been taken out.

In a moment of panic.

Suddenly the lights in the house came on.

Sherlock appeared everywhere in the building...

It turned out that all this was planned by Sherlock, just to confirm from Mycroft's reaction that he had a sister.

And from Mycroft's reaction,

Sherlock confirmed this.

He did have a sister.

"Hahaha Sherlock suddenly became naughty."

"Mycroft: Your brother is almost scared to death by you."

"Starlight Pictures has a talent for making horror movies. Please make a horror movie."

"In the middle of the night... I'm scared!"

This part is scary, but it also confirms one thing to the audience!

Sherlock does have a sister.

And this sister has been imprisoned in a high-security prison since she was a child.

And Mycroft is very afraid of this sister.


In the next conversation, the truth of the matter was gradually revealed.

Mycroft was angry at Sherlock's "childish" behavior, but soon he learned a shocking news from Sherlock: their sister escaped from prison.

And he also gave Watson a shot of anesthetic.

Although Mycroft was very unhappy, he still came to 221B Baker Street the next day.

He reluctantly came as a customer and

talked about his sister "Oros".

Oros means "God of the East Wind" in Greek.

And the reason why Sherlock has become so cold and indifferent now is all caused by his sister Oros.

Suddenly Bai Ruoxi became interested in this sister.

Why do I always feel that!

This sister is a villain?

Just thinking about this, Mycroft's story continued...

What Sherlock couldn't figure out was why he forgot that he had a sister and had no impression of her at all.

Mycroft explained the reason.

There are three children in the Holmes family. Mycroft is the eldest, seven years older than Sherlock, and Oros is one year younger than Sherlock.

Although Oros is the youngest.

But Oros's IQ is extremely high.

It is evaluated as a [genius who can change the times].

Even surpassing Newton.

Bai Ruoxi sighed when she saw this: "Sherlock's family are all geniuses...Sherlock is so smart, how smart can his sister be?"

She likes characters with high IQ.

She likes villains with high IQ even more!


Come on stage quickly.

Oros has a very high IQ, so she has mastered a lot of knowledge when she was young.

For example, once,

she cut herself with a knife, not to hurt herself, but to see how muscles work. Mycroft asked her if it hurts?

She said: "Which muscle hurts?"

Speaking of this past, Mycroft recalled Musgrave Manor.

This is the ancestral home of the Holmes family.

There are many tombstones with wrong dates in front of the house.

When Sherlock was a child, he always played nearby. He also had a dog named Redbeard.

It was Sherlock's best playmate in childhood.

But once, his sister took Redbeard away and locked him up.

He didn't dare to reveal the hiding place.

He just kept repeating a nursery rhyme and said that the answer was in the lyrics.

"Buried deep under the old beech, I ask for help. The east wind rises, sixteen times six, let's go down together..."

This nursery rhyme reminded Bai Ruoxi of the nursery rhyme murder in "And Then There Were None".

Sure enough, the big pig's hoof and the squid had communicated with each other when they wrote it...

The ideas are very similar.

Until one day, the sister started shouting "drowned red beard", and everyone realized that the puppy was dead.

And Sherlock's spirit was greatly traumatized by this.

So he went from being emotional to being unkind.

After this incident, Oros also burned down the entire old house.

His parents realized the danger of Oros and had to send him away, but Mycroft felt that an ordinary mental hospital could not supervise Oros at all.

So he lied that Oros had set fire to himself again, and then with the help of Uncle Rudy, he secretly sent his sister to Chariford Prison.

This is an isolated island specially used to imprison [people who cannot be trapped].

It is known as [the safest place in the world].

So later, Mycroft did not believe that Oros could escape.

They were talking.

At this time,

Suddenly the glass in the room broke.

The nursery rhyme sounded, and a drone flew in from the broken window.

Sherlock noticed that the drone was equipped with a special [patient bomb].

Once its sensor was activated, no one around could move, otherwise the bomb would explode.

And its power was enough to destroy the entire apartment.

At this time, the landlady was cleaning the house downstairs with a vacuum cleaner. Sherlock reasoned that they would be safe in two minutes.

But after two minutes, when the landlady finished cleaning the room, she would probably put down the vacuum cleaner and go upstairs, and then trigger the bomb...

They must escape the explosion range within three seconds of triggering the sensor.

When the vacuum cleaner sound stopped.

Sherlock began to count down!




Then Sherlock, Watson, and Mycroft jumped in three directions respectively.

Sherlock and Watson broke out of the window, and Mycroft jumped out of the door of the room.

Then boom!

The bomb exploded.

The apartment was engulfed in flames from the explosion.

At this time, the barrage style was also very strange.

"Fortunately, there is no anti-theft window."

"You can tell at a glance that the glass is not made by our China, it is so easy to be smashed..."

"The landlady has already fainted from tears: My house!"

"It's the end if the glass is not broken."

"Uh... This episode is the end, okay? It's reasonable to be blown to death."

Bai Ruoxi couldn't help laughing at the barrage.

What kind of people are these audiences...

Let's say that the Shariford Prison will report to McCoff regularly, and there is no news of the escape of his sister Oros.

But the sister has indeed escaped.

It's really very strange.

Maybe we need to conduct a field investigation to know the truth.

One day after that, the guards of Shariford found two crew members on the beach, and there was a note next to them saying [Tell my sister, I'm here].

And this is exactly what Sherlock and Watson did.

The warden of Shariford wanted to contact McCoff.

But he was told that he was seriously injured and unconscious due to the explosion.

At this time, the guards found Watson and an old boatman on the beach to the north. If Watson is here, then Sherlock must be here.

So the warden thought that the old boatman was the great detective in disguise.

And arrested both of them.

Then, he sent a guard to check whether Euros' cell was safe.

He stayed to expose the great detective's trick.

But the truth is...

The old boatman was disguised by Mycroft.

And the guard who just left was Sherlock.

Sherlock was on his way to see Euros.

Euros was locked in a transparent room and played the violin every day. Sherlock asked Euros directly how he escaped.

But the other party did not give a direct answer.

Instead, he blamed Sherlock for forgetting her after rewriting his memory.


she also mentioned Red Beard.

Sherlock didn't understand his sister's implication, and the other party asked him to play a song that could express himself.

Then Sherlock played a song he had played for Irene...

After hearing the song, his sister asked directly: Have you made love?

Sherlock asked her why she asked that.

Then Euros said:

"This music... I've had sex. A nurse was careless, and I liked it, but it was a mess. People are so fragile... I didn't care about the gender in the excitement, and I couldn't tell it after it was over..."

Bai Ruoxi saw this, and she was sure of the degree of her sister's perversion.

Can't tell the gender...

Is this dismembering the person?

Although it is not explicitly stated in the play, Bai Ruoxi can make such a reasonable guess... Otherwise, with Oulus's IQ, how could he not tell the gender?

He is not an easy person to deal with.


Sure enough, people with high IQ like violin.

Sherlock and others can easily sneak into the prison, which shows that the warden's supervision is very flawed. In addition, the warden ignored the danger of Oulus and talked to her and conducted a mental diagnosis without authorization.

McCoff revoked his position.

Then he watched the treatment video in the office.

Oulus in the video was eloquent, as if he could capture people's hearts.

This is an ability she has had since she was a child.

Previously, a doctor who tried to treat her killed his entire family because she brainwashed him.

Mycroft knew this very well.

So he stipulated that only he and his sister could be alone.

But strangely, at Christmas, he not only gave his sister a violin as a gift, but also let her meet guests.

Although he swore that he knew everything.

But was there really no omission?

As he said that, Watson found something unusual in the video.

In addition to the voice of Orros, the voice of the warden was also in the video.

If everyone who was close to Orros would be brainwashed, then the warden might have been controlled by her. In other words, the person who was in charge of the prison was actually Orros.

At this moment, everyone realized the danger.

For Sherlock's safety, Watson immediately notified the other party with the code of the Vatican gem in the communicator, but Sherlock took off the communicator.

It seemed that Watson and Mycroft had no way to escape.

Watson then made clear his suspicion of the warden, and the warden did not deny it, although he arrested Mycroft and Watson.

On the other side,

Oros asked Sherlock to come closer, saying that she liked teasing Sherlock more than Mycroft. Once they had a great time, and Sherlock kept laughing.

But to others, Sherlock was actually screaming.

Oros's words reminded Sherlock of Redbeard.

"Sherlock, you know nothing. Touch the glass and I'll tell you the truth." Orros said, "If you're scared, I'll be with you."

As he said that, Orros put his palm on the transparent glass.

His palms were facing Sherlock's.


When their palms were facing each other!

Orros grabbed Sherlock's hand through the "glass"!

Their fingers were interlocked!

"What's going on?" Bai Ruoxi's heart skipped a beat.

Then she understood what was going on.

It turned out that there was no so-called glass here!

All this was an illusion created by Orros after he took control of the prison.

Orros used a throat microphone to let the sound come out of the speaker, creating the feeling of speaking in a closed space.

In fact, she didn't have to "escape" at all!

Then Sherlock was knocked unconscious by Euros before he could react...

On the other side, Watson took advantage of the soldiers' unrestrained restraints, but he saw!

Moriarty's image appeared on many screens!


His voice spread throughout the space!

"Miss me? Miss me? Miss me..."

Moriarty became a ruthless repeater.

This scene instantly shocked and stunned all the audience.


"Isn't Moriarty dead? How could he..."

"So all this is related to Moriarty?"

"What's going on!"

The appearance of Moriarty completely hooked all the audience.

I couldn't help but continue to read on,

to find the answer.


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