Dad: My identity as Qu Dad has been exposed by my daughter

Chapter 51 A walking money-making machine, waiting for Su Dad to say the fuck

On this day, the whole of China was in a state of excitement. ReadМ

As long as you have a mobile phone,

You can definitely see Su Chen or Su Chen’s poems.

On the Weibo hot search list, the top 20 are all related to Su Chen.

1 Qu Dad: Hundreds of Poems about Drinking, I am the Immortal of Wine

2 Asking you how much sorrow you can have is just like a cup of Erguotou

3. If you are proud of life, you must have all the joy. Don’t let the golden cup stand empty against the moon.

4Poetry and wine take advantage of the youth

5Three cups lead to the road, one bucket leads to nature

6 Thousands of students from Beijing and North recited the chant, and the principal was moved to tears

20 Erguotou’s stock price soared, and the liquor sector hit its daily limit

Under these popular contents, the number of likes, comments, and reposts are all frighteningly high, with the lowest being a few million and the most popular reaching an astonishing 50 million.

Su Chen was blown away.

"Watching the live broadcast for the first time made my blood boil."

"Shame on you!! Suddenly I realized that I am a bumpkin... Look at what other people can do when they drink. I just drink like crazy."

"What a poem! What a poem! What a poem! I dreamed of going back to the Tang Dynasty."

"This is called drinking! Human beings drink with high quality!"

"Suddenly there is a sense of pride in growing up in the land of China. Look, how magnificent and brilliant our culture is."

"Su Xian! I have been your biggest fan my whole life."

"My liquor stock... is crazy! Crazy! I'm making crazy money!"

"Erguotou hits the limit!"

"Wuliangye hits the limit!"

"Who the hell told me that liquor is no longer available these days? I regret it! I sold it! It was cleared out yesterday!"

Su Chen is so drunk!

The consequences and impact are huge.

Not only did it inspire poetry and poetry among many students, it also played a terrifying role in promoting the liquor industry.

But Su Chen didn't know that at this time.

He was already drunk.

I'm fast asleep at home.

Huanyu Entertainment, the boss Zhang Ding and Secretary Gao were drunk in the office, "Secretary Gao! Do you think I found a treasure? How can I, Zhang Ding, be able to... meet such a noble person as Father Su?"

"Boss! You must have accumulated good deeds in your previous life, and God will favor you in this life." Secretary Gao sat on the ground, found an unopened bottle among a pile of wine bottles, opened the bottle, and poured the wine, "Today is crazy... everyone The world is going crazy and our stock is at its limit.”

"This is Daddy Su's card." Zhang Ding sighed.

Who would have thought that in just one day, his company and his net worth would skyrocket due to Su Chen's stock price, "Dad Su! He is... a walking money-making machine."

"Yes, a ruthless money-making machine." Secretary Gao agreed.

"Come on, come on, cheers, drink... I have wine today, I'm drunk now, I'll be worried tomorrow."

Composition Department, Director's Office.

Du Yuan jumped up and yelled and screamed in the office!



"Su Xian!"

He held his head and walked quickly back and forth in the office. He was so amazing. These poems were so amazing. It was so amazing that he almost wanted to go crazy!

How many geniuses does it take to write such a poem?



Qu Dad Club WeChat group.

The group has been flooded with Su Chen's poems.

I am Huang Yaoshi: I am already numb! @老衲李宗胜@罗老奇@西瓜林西@ I’m Dugu Wenshan, come to my house for a drink!

I'm Dugu Wenshan: Su Xian, please fly up in the daytime, I'm already trembling.

Old monk Li Zongsheng: I, the sweeping monk, don’t dare to go out to sweep the floor. Su Xian is the real sweeping monk.

Xidu Linxi: He is in the arena and has been killed.

Seeing the ancient poems one by one, the best lines one by one, no one dares to say a word of dissatisfaction, not even the Five Guys!

It’s not songwriting though.

But this kind of ancient poetry is a thousand times more difficult than writing lyrics.

He Gaojian: Go study! It’s getting harder and harder to get along in this music world. Asking for a copy of "Sunflower Collection"

Xiao Shiyilang: I have the "Evil Sword Manual" here, how about it?

Little Blue Fairy: Do you practice the Jade Girl Heart Sutra?

He Gaojian: @蓝小仙女, the room is open, come quickly.

Little Blue Fairy: lsp

He Gaojian: I mean masturbate... "Glory of Heroes"

Little Blue Fairy: You should DIY.

Tomson first grade.

Su Chen and Shu Ping were fast asleep.

Shu Wan and Shen Chunzhi looked helpless.

Su Xiaoxi curled her lips and said: "Mom, has Dad been able to get through the Ren and Du second line? He suddenly recited a lot of ancient poems."

Su Xiaoxi was still young and had limited knowledge, so she thought it was recited by her father.

Shu Wan was angry and funny when she heard this, "Your father is on top..."

"Oh." Su Xiaoxi asked again, "Drinking can make people smarter, right?"


"Then why are dad and grandpa so smart?"

Shu Wan:......

The corners of his mouth twitched wildly.

The audience in the live broadcast room was amused.

"Hahaha, Xiao Xi is so cute."

"Xiao Xi: emmm~ I also want to drink and become smarter."

"I really want to see Daddy Su wake up and suddenly realize that he is extremely hot!"

"That must be another famous scene!!"

"Looking forward to it!! Everyone, the famous scene is coming soon!"

"Preview of famous scene, Su Daddy gets up: Damn it!"

"'s weird that it rhymes."

"I can't help it. Being influenced by Daddy Su, my talent in poetry was inspired."

"Fuck you, you bastard."

Su Chen slept so soundly that he slept until nine o'clock in the evening, then woke up in a daze.

A splitting headache.

I drank too much this time.

He vaguely remembered drinking and reciting poetry.

It's just that now he is very thirsty, his mind is not fully awake yet, and he is in a short-circuit state.

Carrying a chicken coop on his head, he staggered downstairs in his slippers to get a drink of water.

At this time, Shu Wan had just finished telling Su Xiaoxi a bedtime story, and Su Xiaoxi fell asleep. Seeing her husband walking out slowly, she went up to help him, "Husband...are you feeling better?"

"I have a bit of a headache." Su Chen rubbed his head.

"Honey, slow down," Shu Wan helped Su Chen go downstairs and sit down on the sofa, "I'll pour you some water."

Soon the water came.

Su Chen drank a cup in one gulp.

The refreshing feeling permeated my internal organs, and my mind finally became clearer.

"Where's dad?" Su Chen asked.

"I haven't woken up yet." Shu Wan said reproachfully: "It's all your fault... Fortunately, dad has exercised, otherwise you would have forced him into the hospital this time."

"Dad and I..."

"We call you brothers," Shu Wan said, "Dad calls you brother, you call dad brother..."

Shu Wan burst into laughter as she spoke.

She remembered the same scene when Su Chen went to her house for the first time, and it was still the same scene when she got married...

Famous scene!

Scored three times.

Su Chen's facial muscles twitched crazily, "Damn..."

"Then... live broadcast?" Su Chen suddenly thought of a fatal question.

"Everyone has seen it." Shu Wan said.

"I..." Su Chen felt his scalp was numb, how could he forget this, "You look drunk...won't be ugly, right?"

At this time, the live broadcast room will end in half an hour.

When the audience heard this, their defenses instantly broke.

"After Su Daddy woke up, he was actually concerned about his own image!"

"This damn desire to live."

"Dad Su: You won't lose fans, will you?"

"Goddess Shu Wan, please let Daddy Su look at his phone!"

"Hahaha, famous scene warning! It's coming! It's coming! It's coming!"

"Sit back and wait for Daddy Su's trouble."

The audience laughed wildly.

PS: Third update, please recommend votes, monthly votes, and rewards. The better the data, the more powerful the updates will be. Get rid of everyone. Data on recommended positions is critical

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