Dad: My identity as Qu Dad has been exposed by my daughter

Chapter 90 Can I learn design from you? (Fourth update)

"Su Chen, you discovered a new way to open my wife.


Hearing this, Su Chen's breath suffocated slightly.

"Old Wang...don't say such nonsense." Su Chen reminded him immediately.

Wang Yuangui smiled awkwardly, "Words don't express what I mean, words don't express what I mean, but you exploited my wife... Hey, anyway! My wife is so beautiful today!"

"Great designer! It turns out that my wife can still have such beauty."

"I feel like I suddenly don't recognize my wife anymore... It's like I have a different wife."

Wang Yuangui was extremely excited.

Lao Wang's repeated verbal mistakes made the audience in the live broadcast room burst into laughter.

"Is it okay to discover your wife's new way to open up?"

"Dad Su: Don't talk nonsense! My wife is still here."

"You exploited my wife... Hahaha, you said it completely."

"Change a different wife? Lao Wang! It's so exciting."

"But it does feel like I have a new wife! Xu Yagong is so beautiful now. I even want to call her wife."

Shadiao netizens, you say something to me.

Xu Qing was completely shocked by this dress.

A layman can still see the strong national style in this outfit.

As a professional designer, her scrutiny is even more critical.

The feeling of being so natural, that the clothes and the person were perfectly integrated, made her scream in her heart.

Gradient purple, fluttering butterflies.

From a distance, Xuya Palace looks like a beautiful and elegant flower, attracting a group of dancing butterflies.

Although I have studied Su Chen's works countless times.

But I saw Su Chen’s new work.

The shock in my heart is still beyond words.

Sincerely in awe!

Sincere respect!

This kind of design concept and unique aesthetic is something she doesn't have yet.

"Teacher! This dress of yours is truly stunning!" Xu Qing believed that no matter how much you praise this dress, it is hard to overdo it.

It's really amazing!

That kind of national style is so beautiful that it’s so beautiful that it’s to the bone.

"Thank you." Facing Xu Qing's exclamation, Su Chen just said lightly.

But Xu Qing did not give up the opportunity to communicate and learn with Su Chen, "Teacher, what is your name for this dress?"

Every costume designer.

Especially high-end fashion designers, when designing clothes or preparing for a fashion show, they will choose a name based on their intention, or choose one word to summarize the theme of the fashion show.

"Purple Dream Orchid." Su Chen replied.

"Purple Dream Orchid." Xu Qing repeated in a low voice.

Looking at Xu Yagong at this moment, she felt more and more that the name was very appropriate, "Purple dreamy, looming and hazy like a dream. The embellishment of butterflies is used to predict the fragrance of flowers... The whole dress has no floral elements, but it makes people seem to see orchids. , smelling the fragrance of flowers.”

"Considering the wearer as the subject and the orchid, it instantly acquires a classical and elegant charm."

"People are as light and natural as orchids."

"Clean tastefully."

"So even if it is paired with a flirty purple, it will not affect the overall temperament and style."

"Teacher, is my analysis correct?" Xu Qing is like a studious student now.

Su Chen frowned slightly when he heard this.

Well, when I was designing, I just drew it casually and didn’t think too much about it. I just drew it based on my own feelings.

He didn't pretend to be pretentious. He told the truth, "It's not that complicated."

"Huh? Teacher, can you explain it in detail? I don't quite understand what you mean." Xu Qing had already taken out her notebook.

As a designer, she has the habit of recording inspiration at all times, and carries notebooks and pens with her.

When Su Chen saw Xu Qing acting like this, it seemed like she wouldn't give up until she said something.

So he described his true creative state, "It is essential for designers to have professional design knowledge."

"When seeing good designs and beautiful things, it is the professional habit of many designers to examine them with a professional eye, or it can be called an occupational disease."

“But I think that instead of analyzing and examining beauty, it’s better to feel and enjoy it.”

“Then turn these enjoyments and feelings into your own inspiration.”

"do you understand me?"

Su Chen said a lot, but Xu Qing seemed to understand and shook her head, "I can understand every word of your words, but when you put them together... I don't understand them very well."

"Beauty is not designed." Su Chen continued.

This sentence gave Xu Qing a huge impact, "Then... what is that?"

"Beauty is natural." Su Chen said about his experience, "Is the sea beautiful? Are the rivers beautiful? Are the peaks beautiful? Are the blue sky and white clouds beautiful?"

"Beautiful." Xu Qing replied.

"Then tell me who designed it?" Su Chen asked.

boom! ! !

Xu Qing felt as if she had been struck by lightning.

His body trembled violently.

A wave of sudden enlightenment ran from my scalp to my toes!

The beauty of the enlightenment shocked her.

"I! I understand!" Xu Qing felt that the shackles that had imprisoned her were instantly opened, "You mean that the design does not need to be so deliberate and there are not so many rules, right? You should learn from nature! Seek natural inspiration for creation, right? I I finally understand why the works you design are so natural and soft, but my Chinese style clothes are always stiff. It turns out that this is the problem! ”

Xu Qing's excited voice fell.

Suchen also received feedback from the system.

Teacher style +1

Teacher style +1

Teacher style +1

Su Chen had no intention of earning the status of a teacher at that time, but he really wanted to share his understanding and insights.

But I didn’t expect there would be an unexpected gain.

"This is exactly the truth." Su Chen said, "Whether you are doing design or anything else, you should pay attention to it strategically, but despise it tactically. Designers must have excellent knowledge of design theory. But they cannot be framed by theory. In When designing, you should put aside these constraints and just use your pen to interpret your wonderful inspiration. ”

What Su Chen said was not a very cool theory in the textbook.

Just his personal experience.

But this is something Xu Qing has never heard of.

Suddenly I felt that what Su Chen said was so awesome.

He is indeed his idol.

The admiration for Su Chen is like a torrential river that cannot be stopped.

So he got excited and said, "Teacher...can I learn fashion design from you?"

boom! ! !

As soon as Xu Qing said these words, the situation exploded.

"Damn it!! Xu Qing actually became a disciple of Su Daddy on the spot?"

"Xu Qing is one of the top designers in the country! It is said that she even has her own apprentices! She actually became a disciple of Su Daddy?"

"I've been completely conquered by Su Daddy, okay?"

"Daddy Su's card!"

"I went up in one go."

Su Chen took a breath.

This is live broadcast!


Last time, Ye Lang knelt down to himself when he was a disciple, and this time it was a well-known designer.

The identity of the piano instructor can be concealed.

But it seems too high-profile to accept Xu Qing as a disciple.


It seems like rejection is more high-profile! Xu Qing asked you to be her teacher, but you refused! Do you think Xu Qing is not worthy of being your apprentice?

Just as he was hesitating, the system voice sounded:

[Ding dong! Option trigger]

[Option 1: Accept Xu Qing as a disciple]

[Reward: Peak-level clothing design skills]

[Option 2: Reject Xu Qing]

[Reward: A second-hand erhu]


If you want me to choose option one, just say so.

What is a second-hand erhu?

What he currently possesses is professional-level clothing design skills, which are considered to be at the pinnacle level in China.

If he obtains the pinnacle level, then looking at the world, his design level will also be at a high level.

Anyway, the identity of the designer has been exposed!

A second-hand erhu is of no use!

Do you still have to choose?

Dog comparison system!

PS: The fourth update is delivered. The new book is ranked eleventh on the monthly ticket list, and there seems to be a bonus for the top ten. Anyone with a monthly pass can help me. Thank you guys for your support. The new book’s bestseller list is 12, let’s break into the top ten.

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