Chapter 21: She Must Be Blind

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Zhao Gushen’s gaze deepened.
Children were delicate and fragile so even a tiny wound would be painfully obvious to see.
Ye Xiaomo had bruises all over his body. There were even scratches!
This person called Wang Zishuai was such a vicious manipulator. He did not lay a finger on Ye Xiaomo’s face and only inflicted all of the harm in places where they wouldn’t be easily seen.
“This is too much!” Xiao Ruofeng could not help but shout in rage.
Although medicine was already applied, these wounds would obviously not disappear so easily.
It would still take some time for them to heal and vanish.
Ye Xiaomo pulled down his T-shirt.
Ye Fei said, “I only sent my child to your kindergarten because it was ranked highly in B City with expensive fees. However, my child was beaten up, humiliated, and lost yesterday, yet none of you knew anything about it. How dare you have the face to blame it on my Xiaomo?”
Ye Fei took a deep breath and continued coldly, “Ye Xiaomo was wrong to get into a fight…”
“However, why is your kindergarten neglecting the reason as to why the fight started? I do not want to suspect that it is because Wang Zishuai’s family is sponsoring the kindergarten which is why you guys are biased.”
“The sponsorship is their family’s business. However, all of us paid the same kindergarten school fees with not a cent less. Why is my son suffering in your kindergarten? If that’s the case, your kindergarten is terrible!”
The label Ye Fei had put on them was too great.
Although it was the truth, Teacher Lin could not admit to it!
“Xiaomo’s mother, you are mistaken. We treat every child in the kindergarten fairly, how can we let that happen? It was my oversight earlier,” Teacher Lin replied immediately.
Ye Fei did not utter a sound.
Did he think he could end this matter by just admitting his oversight?
“So? Do Wang Zishuai’s parents want us to take responsibility?” Ye Fei said coldly.
Teacher Lin could not acknowledge it. This was a matter between the parents.
As such, Teacher Lin said, “Xiaomo’s mother, Wang Zishuai’s mother will be coming to the kindergarten at 1.30 PM. We hope you can come as well. It’ll be even better if Xiaomo comes too. We can talk it out together if there are any misunderstandings.”
“Sure,” Ye Fei nodded happily.
Teacher Lin did not expect Ye Fei to agree so easily. He even planned to slowly convince her.
After hearing that, Teacher Lin replied with joy, “We’ll be waiting for you at the kindergarten.”
Ye Fei scoffed at the “we”.
Ye Fei hung up the call and said to Zhao Gushen and Xiao Ruofeng, “Mr. Zhao, Mr. Xiao, sorry for the trouble today. I have to bring Xiaomo to the kindergarten now…”
As Ye Fei spoke, she paused for a while and dug out a food container from her bag.
“I made the beef strips in this container myself.” Ye Fei placed the beef strips on Xiao Ruofeng’s office table.
She originally planned to give them to Xiaomo as snacks. But since she did not have any other things on her person right now that she could give as a polite gift. She had no other choice but to take out this container of beef strips.
She continued, “Try them. If you like them, I can make more. There are other snacks too. I find that it is pretty convenient to eat them when you are hungry at work.”
Ye Fei felt a little embarrassed.
Xiao Ruofeng did not think the same and accepted the gift in surprise. “This is too generous, I also did not do much.”
“No, you were of great help to us,” Ye Fei said quickly.
Zhao Gushen squinted his eyes at the side.
How did Xiao Ruofeng end up getting all the credit?!
Without his approval, anything Xiao Ruofeng said would have been useless!
This woman did not only show any gratitude to him—who was the greatest decision-maker—but she even ignored him and thanked Xiao Ruofeng instead?
She must be blind!

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