Chapter 38: Is It Because I’m Cute?

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
He stood so close that she could feel his breath and smell the minty fragrance on his breath.
Amidst her nervousness and panic, her entire body was already lifted up by Zhao Gushen.
By the time she regained her senses, she was already sitting on the front passenger seat.
She only heard the car door close with a ‘bang’ and Zhao Gushen had gotten into the car too.
But after waiting for a long time, she didn’t see Zhao Gushen start the car.
Confused, Ye Fei looked over at him. In the end, she realized Zhao Gushen was also looking at her.
He could see that Ye Fei’s entire face was written with: ‘What are you looking at me for?’
Zhao Gushen couldn’t help but laugh. “Put your seatbelt on.”
Ye Fei’s face burned red in an instant. She felt like her brain was going to explode open with a ‘boom’.
To think that she still had the cheek to stare at him like that just now!
She was the embarrassing one here!
Ye Fei lowered her head and put on her seatbelt silently.
Besides that, she didn’t know why the usually talkative Ye Xiaomo was so quiet at this moment.
From looking through the rearview mirror, it turned out that the little guy had fallen asleep at the back.
Two short legs had opened up into a huge figure of eight and his pair of feet dangled at the edge of his seat.
He had leaned his head back onto the back of the chair. With his mouth open, there was even drool flowing out from the corner of his mouth.
He was extraordinarily relaxed as he slept.
The atmosphere felt too awkward. Ye Fei was embarrassed to stay silent during the ride.
She could only summon up her courage to think of a discussion topic. “Back then at the kindergarten, you said that if the kindergarten expels Xiao Mo, you would make sure that the Wang family wouldn’t be able to pay the sponsorship fees again.”
Zhao Gushen tapped his fingertips on the steering wheel. “Of course, I did that to scare them. How could I possibly go through the hassle of getting rid of a company for someone whom I only just met today?”
But whether he truly thought so, no one knew.
However, when Ye Fei heard what he said, she heaved a huge sigh of relief.
She became relaxed as she laughed. “That’s right, I thought so too. Otherwise, if you extended such a big helping hand to everyone whom you just met, you would be way too busy.”
At first, Ye Fei felt rather stressed from his actions.
Although she knew that he must have been scaring the principal on purpose… Because how could he possibly take action against the Wang family just for them and create such a big fuss?
But Ye Fei felt that she wouldn’t be at peace if she didn’t ask him clearly.
Even though Zhao Gushen had intimidated the principal on purpose, only his words could have scared the principal.
Anyone else wouldn’t be able to scare him.
But even so, that Zhao Gushen personally came forward to solve the problem for Ye Xiaomo…
Ye Fei still felt a great deal of pressure about that.
Just like what Zhao Gushen said—they only just met for the first time today. They weren’t acquainted with each other in any way, yet Zhao Gushen especially came forward to help her out today.
Even if it was an effortless gesture on his part, it still mattered whether the other party was willing to make the effort.
At this moment, they met with a red light.
The car came to a stop.
Zhao Gushen turned his head to look at Ye Fei. “Even if we hadn’t just met, I don’t just randomly help anyone.”
“Is it because I’m cute?” Ye Xiaomo suddenly stretched his head over to them. They didn’t know when he had woken up.
“Hah. Hah,” Zhao Gushen laughed coldly. He let Ye Xiaomo ponder over it himself.
His face was a little too thick!
“Quickly, sit properly,” Ye Fei reminded Ye Xiaomo, “The car is moving now.”
Ye Fei didn’t dare to talk to Zhao Gushen anymore.
This person always spoke in a way that seemed to make other people misunderstand deliberately, so she didn’t know how to answer him either.
Unexpectedly, once she stopped talking, Zhao Gushen looked at her several times instead.
After some time, he looked at her again.
Ye Fei’s face was burning red and she mumbled softly, “Focus on driving the car properly.”
What did he keep looking at her for?
“You haven’t told me your house address, yet,” Zhao Gushen said.
Ye Fei: “…”
Everything was all her imagination again. How embarrassing.
Ye Fei quickly told him her address. Then, she became adamant not to make another sound.
Zhao Gushen stopped the car right below Ye Fei’s house. The three of them took the elevator up the building together.

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