Chapter 6: Skin So Thick That It Was Scary

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Xiao Ruofeng also felt that this little guy’s skin was so thick that it was scary.

Us?! Who was ‘us’?

“Once you are done eating, I’ll get my assistant to send you to the police station,” Zhao Gushen said.

At least, this child was rather helpful. Since they had already sat down, Zhao Gushen ordered a bowl of wontons for him too.

Ye Xiaomo hugged himself in fright, “I didn’t do anything wrong! Why do you want to send me to the police station?”

“…” Zhao Gushen replied with a stiff expression, “Didn’t you get separated from your family? Of course, you should get help from the police.”

“But I remember her phone number, so I can contact her,” Ye Xiaomo answered.

Zhao Gushen: “…”

Why didn’t this child say that earlier?

“Uncle, lend me your phone for a while, okay?” Ye Xiaomo said, “I want to give my mom a call. She must be searching for me now.”

Zhao Gushen: “…”

Since you know that your mom is looking for you frantically, how do you still have the mood to eat wontons here?

Wait, that wasn’t right. Since you remember her number, why didn’t you make the call sooner instead of telling me that now?!

There were too many loopholes in his logic. Zhao Gushen didn’t even know which one to complain about first.

Zhao Gushen fished out his cell phone, unlocked it with the password and handed it to Ye Xiaomo.

Ye Xiaomo immediately dialed a number.

At this moment, Ye Fei was riding her small electric scooter. It would take her around 10 more minutes before she could reach the kindergarten so she was very anxious.

Suddenly, her phone rang, so she stopped her vehicle by the side of the road and took out her phone. But the call came from an unknown number.

Ye Fei picked it up. “Hello?”

“Mom,” Ye Xiaomo’s voice traveled out from the phone.

Immediately, Ye Fei’s entire body relaxed and it felt like she was going to collapse completely, “Ye Xiaomo! Where are you now? I’ve been calling you since just now! Why didn’t you pick up?!”

“My phone broke,” Ye Xiaomo replied weakly.

He had run out on his own because he wanted to repair the phone secretly.

He didn’t dare to let Ye Fei know that he had gotten into a fight with someone in the kindergarten and his phone had even been dropped and broken by the other party.

“Then, where are you right now? Whose phone did you borrow?” Ye Fei asked instantly.

“I’m at that wonton stall—with long queues—near the kindergarten. I borrowed this phone from a kind-hearted uncle,” Ye Xiaomo glanced at the kind-hearted uncle, Zhao Gushen.

Zhao Gushen: “…”

“You wait there, I’m going to come over now. Don’t you dare run off again, do you understand?” Ye Fei ordered immediately.

“Mmhm. I won’t leave, I’ll wait for you. You don’t have to worry, be careful of your safety on the road,” Ye Xiaomo spoke meekly.

Initially, Ye Fei was so angry that she wanted to beat him but then, she just happened to hear him saying something so sensible.

However, Ye Fei was still angry and distressed, “You already know that I will be worried, yet you still ran away on your own! You wait for me. I’ll be there right away.”

Ye Fei hung up the call and rushed over on her scooter.

She knew about that particular wonton stall. Every time she went to fetch Ye Xiaomo, she would pass by it.

But she had only looked at it from afar so she didn’t understand it well and had never gone there to eat before.

“Thank you, Uncle,” Ye Xiaomo returned the phone to Zhao Gushen.

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Because of the sheer number of customers, they still had to wait for their meal.

The three observed the stall owner in the meantime and found that he possessed a pair of incredibly swift hands. His left palm held the wonton skin. With a small wooden spoon, he placed the stuffing, which was only about as big as the size of a finger, inside the skin. When he closed his left hand, a small wonton was rapidly formed in his palms.

After 10 plus minutes, Zhao Gushen’s phone rang again.

Zhao Gushen picked it up and listened to the person on the phone. His face darkened. “Understood.”

After hanging up the call, Zhao Gushen said to Xiao Ruofeng, “I have to return to the company first. When the wontons have been served, you have a taste to see if there is anything different about it. Then, report back to me.”

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