"However, those people who are not even ants in my eyes on weekdays do not heed my plea at all. Instead, they tortured me day and night, pressing me under them one by one. Can you imagine? Even them. They all dislike my face. In order not to affect their interest, they covered my face with clothes, and then used those disgusting big hands to do whatever they wanted on me."

"I was so terrified, afraid, and broke my throat, but no one came out to save me. When they entered my body, I wanted to die, but my hands were tied by them, and my legs were forcibly entangled by them. I can’t move my body, even with rags in my mouth, I don’t even have the right to die."

"I can only let them enter my body one by one, and then be spurned. After that, they throw me into the dungeon naked and physically."

Tang Shixi looked forward, his eyes a little lost, with nausea, unwillingness and anger, and seemed to have returned to that period of time again.

"I only feel disgusting in my heart. I have tried to resist, but the more I resist them, the more excited I am, and the more tossing me. In order to survive, for revenge, I can only endure the nausea in my heart, cater to them, and go Make them happy."

"A total of seventeen people tortured me almost 24 hours a day, as long as they want to go. Even I fainted, even when I was in my menstrual period, they would not let me go."

"Later, I became pregnant, and I don’t know who it was. I thought they could see that I was pregnant and would not torture me anymore, but I was wrong. The beasts did not let me off because of it, but were more excited. They I smashed in like that, until my body began to bleed, and until they had played enough, they abandoned me to the side. I can feel my life flowing out of my body with the blood, bit by bit , I feel the fear of death."

"When they saw that I was dying, they were finally scared. They were afraid that Tang Qi would hold them accountable, so they put me in a sack overnight and threw me into the sewer. To the outside, they said that I was in the dungeon out of thin air. Disappeared, and Tang Qi didn’t hold them accountable. I was **** and curled up in the dark, stinking sewer. The severe pain in my lower abdomen almost drove me crazy. Later, If it hadn’t been for a beggar to find me by digging in the sewer, I might have died a long time ago.”

An Ziqi shook her heart violently. She had never thought that Tang Shixi would be like this after being locked up in the dungeon.

No matter what she did, Tang Qi always had a feeling of father and daughter in her heart.

That's why she was locked up in the dungeon. It was both a punishment and a protection for her.

It's just that things will turn out to be like this in the end, I'm afraid that even Tang Qi didn't expect it.

Lin Qiaoqiao turned to look at her, "For the 283 days in the dungeon, every day was a purgatory for me. An Ziqi, do you know how I spent it? It was my hatred for you that supported me. Persevering, there is no choice to die. In order to treat these scars on the face and body, do you know how painful I am? The broken bones in my legs are all separated from the flesh and blood bit by bit, and then renewed I made bones of special steel and implanted them in my legs."

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