Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2306: Find a better man

Hearing what Xiao Chen said, An Ziqi understood.

Xiao Moli's current situation is definitely not a big problem, Xiao Chen is joking with her.

However, concealing her transfer of the Gu technique, she still wanted to wash her memory before she had time to settle accounts with him?

Very good, the courage is really getting bigger and bigger, not only dare to lie to her, but also want to push her away personally?

Very well, she must teach him a profound lesson this time.

Turning to look at Xiao Chen and nodding, "Yes, it makes sense, I should really consider finding another one."

"Wife." Xiao Moli hurriedly said from the side, "Don't listen to him talking nonsense."

An Ziqi didn't look at him, but said to Xiao Chen, "Then trouble you, there is a good man to help me find."

Xiao Chen smiled and blinked at her, cast a wink, reached out and patted her shoulder, "Don't worry about giving it to me, I will definitely find a better man for you."

After speaking, he got up and left.

An Ziqi wants to get up to see him off.

Xiao Chen hurriedly pressed her back, "Don't, you still have a wound on your knee, be careful to tear it, or just rest here first, I'll send someone over to bring you breakfast later.

An Ziqi nodded, and said nothing more.

Xiao Chen turned his head, smiled triumphantly at Xiao Moli, then turned around and walked out of the house.

Xiao Mo almost didn't jump up directly.

in the room.

Xiao Moli looked at An Ziqi cautiously, "Wife."

An Ziqi ignored him, supported the armrest beside the sofa with her hands, and stood up with difficulty.

"What do you want to do? Let them come in and help you. You have an injury on your leg. You just bandaged it. Don't move." Xiao Mo said hurriedly.

An Ziqi leaned straight on the wall and walked in with difficulty towards the bathroom.

After washing, he twisted the towel out again.

He stepped forward and sat down by the bed, wiped Xiao Moli's face, then took his hand and wiped it carefully.

Two slender little hands held his hands, as if carefully wiping a baby.

Xiao Moli looked at her blankly, trying to reach out and hold her little hand, but he didn't have the slightest strength in his hand, so he could only move his fingers in the end.

"My wife, I know it's wrong, don't you be angry, okay?"

An Ziqi was indignant, this guy is like this every time.

He kept everything from her, and then apologized afterwards and fooled her.

This time she must correct his stinking problem.

A few minutes later, someone knocked on the door and delivered breakfast in.

An Ziqi sat on the edge of the bed and helped Xiao Moli up from the bed with difficulty.

The person looked at her strenuously and wanted to step forward to help, but was directly rejected by An Ziqi.

"No, you can go out, I can."

After putting down the things, the man turned around and went out.

An Ziqi struggled to support the person up, half leaning against the head of the bed, holding up the bowl on the table, and scooping a spoonful of porridge to his lips.

"I'm not hungry, you eat first."

Xiao Moli naturally loves his wife.

An Ziqi put the spoon on his lips and watched him silently.

Xiao Moli had to open his mouth and drank the porridge from the spoon.

After An Ziqi had fed him breakfast, then she ate a little bit by herself.

After breakfast, a servant came in to take away the things.

Xiao Yining heard that An Ziqi was awake and ran to see her.

Xiao Chen had already told them about his father's current situation.

It is just a temporary sequelae, not a big problem.

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