Chen Jun raised his eyes to Xiao Moli.

Can you control your wife?

No, everything my wife says is right.

Xiao Moli replied with a clear look in his eyes.

The corners of Chen Jun's lips twitched, and his eyes swept towards the two men in black, "What do you two do for food? I can't even catch a little girl."

The two men in black were big heads for a while, and everyone in this VIP room was a big boss. How dare they really chase people wantonly.

Although they knew that Shao Li and Mr. Yun both had superb strength values, nothing would happen.

But there are An Ziqi and Xia Xing in this little VIP room.

Especially An Ziqi, but Shao Li's heart-warming pet was still held in Shao Li's arms at this moment.

Xia Xing is today's bride again, next to Ye Dao's wife.

If they accidentally angered that little girl, causing injury to one of them, they couldn't bear the responsibility.

Hey, the baby feels bitter, the baby will not say.

The two had to block left and right.

Huang Ying jumped up and down after being chased, and was almost on the roof, without showing weakness.

"Chen Jun, did you also take the benefit of Director Huang and embarrassed him? I'm going to report you to the Commission for Discipline Inspection. No, I'm going to the capital to report you."

"You'd better be able to get out of S City before talking." Chen Jun said directly.

This is their site. Without their permission, let alone go to the capital, it would be difficult to get out of this hotel.

Huang Ying gritted his teeth, "Mayor Chen, you...If you bully me like this, I will cry to you. I...I will broadcast live, let everyone see what kind of bad person the mayor they respect in their hearts. "

As he said, he took out a cell phone directly from his pocket, and ran out of breath, while stretching out a little finger to click on the screen.

From time to time, his eyes secretly glanced at Chen Jun to see how he reacted.

She doesn't know where it is not easy to ask the mayor for help.

However, her mother was framed and kept in prison at the moment.

The prison is a cannibalistic place. Even a man can't stand it, let alone her mother.

If it wasn't really impossible, how could she venture so hard to get in here and use this method to find the mayor for help.

Chen Jun said calmly, "Go and let someone cut off the signal here."

Hearing this, Huang Ying exploded in an instant. Does this make people live?

"Chen Jun, you are a mayor who doesn't do things for the people or us. You might as well go home and sell sweet potatoes."

An Ziqi watched curiously as she watched the whole room jumping up and down, flexible like a little monkey, and her mouth was not idle.

Hearing this, Chen Jun's brain filled the appearance of selling sweet potatoes with a cold face, and finally couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Ye Wuge and Yun Yi both clutched their stomachs and laughed in an instant.

"Hahaha, Yun Yi, don’t I remember that you had a cooperation project with some sweet potato king last time. I will call someone to send two carts of sweet potatoes to our Mayor Chen and let him start to work this evening. Sell ​​sweet potatoes."

Ye Wuge said breathlessly with a smile.

An Ziqi smiled and fell into Xiao Moli's arms, almost unable to breathe.

Xiao Moli looked at her with a fond look, stretched out his hand and gently patted her chest.

Xia Xing and Lan Yue next to them, Jia Yin and the others also couldn't help laughing.

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