She doesn't have a mobile phone, so she can't call for help.

Waiting for someone to come to take a bath and find her, it's probably going to be the next night to study.

Moreover, even if someone comes, it will not necessarily help her.

Taking a deep breath, bent over and picked up the underwear on the floor.

Back in the cubicle, looking at the ice cubes scattered on the ground, he sighed.

The so-called wall is pushed down by everyone, and she has been concealed countless times in the past month.

The first anger is gone for a long time.

Moreover, she is not in the mood to settle accounts with those people now.

Compared to her being bullied, she is now more worried about her mother's situation in prison.

I haven't visited her for a week.

She can only wait until school is over in the afternoon before she goes to see her again.

Turn on the shower and wash away the coolness from the ice on your body with warm water.

Wipe off the water with a towel and put on underwear.

Looking at the underwear on her body, she bit her lower lip.

This is the school, she can't run around just wearing underwear.

Looking around, he raised his hand and tore off the small curtain hanging at the door of the compartment.

She made a skirt shape around her body, then pulled a curtain next to her, tied a tight knot on her upper body, and made a simple tube top.

I looked in front of the mirror, and it looked like a complete set of clothes.

Although a little exposed, it's better than just wearing underwear.

Walked to the door, took a deep breath, and walked out quickly.

Sure enough, as soon as he walked out, he was immediately pointed and pointed from behind.

There were also people taking pictures with their mobile phones nearby.

Huang Ying had to bite the bullet and ran back to the bedroom quickly.

Yang Xiaoqing had already bought the rice and was waiting for her in the dormitory.

Seeing her come back dressed like this, she asked in astonishment, "Where's your clothes? Why do you dress like this?"

Huang Ying opened the cabinet and changed her clothes, and simply told her what had happened in the public bathroom.

"It must be Mu Tiantian. She was jealous of you before. Now that she feels that no one is protecting you, she wants to take the opportunity to bully you. I will go to her to settle the account." Yang Xiaoqing immediately got up and went out.

Huang Ying raised her hand and pulled her back.

"Forget it, there is no surveillance in the public bathroom. She doesn't admit that no one can do it."

"Then you can't let her bully you like that." Yang Xiaoqing said angrily.

Huang Ying pursed her lips, "My mother's business is more important. I cannot be expelled now, otherwise no school would dare to accept me."

Although Yang Xiaoqing was angry for her, she couldn't help it.

Thinking of what, he asked hurriedly.

"By the way, didn't you mean to go to the mayor for help? Did you see the mayor? Isn't it super handsome?"

Speaking of the mayor, Huang Ying was angry, "Don't mention it, he is a **** mayor, and Huang Qichao is the same thing, bad things can't be bad, you don't want to be idiots here."

"Have you really seen it? Where is it?" Yang Xiaoqing's eyes were venting.

Huang Ying gritted her teeth, raised her hand and knocked on her head, "You are worse than being idiots here, or Ye Dao."

Yang Xiaoqing pouted, "But they are all married and have a wife."

"Then President Yun, President Ye, there are a lot of fresh meat in the entertainment industry, and any one is better than him."

"But, with so much fresh meat, I admire Mayor Chen. Tell me quickly."

Huang Ying was so mad at her **** girlfriend, she knocked at her several times before she finally shut her mouth.

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