Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2352: The last side

There was a blank head in his head, a rumble in his ears, and I couldn't hear anything.

I stood there for a long time in a daze.

"Classmate Huang Ying, classmate Huang Ying?" The teacher next to her called her aloud.

Huang Ying recovered and shook her head desperately, "I don't believe it, I don't believe that my mother will not leave me, you must be lying to me, my mother will not leave me."

"Student Huang Ying, calm down." The head teacher said from the side.

"I don't believe it, where is my mother?"

Huang Ying roared with red eyes.

How could she be calm?

"Central Hospital."

Huang Ying turned around and quickly ran in the direction of the school gate.

How could her mother leave her alone in this world?

Impossible, it must be fake.

She kept telling herself in her heart that the pace under her feet was fast.

Ran to the school gate and stopped a taxi.

"Go to the Central Hospital, I'm going to the Central Hospital."

Huang Ying almost collapsed and shouted.

When the driver saw her like this, he didn't ask much, and rushed all the way. After ten minutes, he was at the door of the hospital.

Before the car stopped, Huang Ying opened the door and rushed straight down.

He ran to the reception desk, grabbed a nurse, and asked with a trembling voice, "Is there a patient named Long Xinyi?"

"Little girl, don't worry, I'll check it for you."

The nurse comforted, turned on the computer to search for a moment, and paused in her hand.

When I looked up at her again, there was already a trace of sympathy in his eyes.

"Sorry, according to our records, Long Xinyi's rescue was ineffective and she has died."

Huang Ying's face was pale instantly, and he staggered back.

"Impossible, it is impossible for my mother to leave me, it must not be her."

Huang Ying shook her head desperately, holding back the tears in her eyes.

The nurse saw a lot of these scenes in the hospital. Seeing that she was young, she felt pity and sighed.

"She should still be in the hospital now, I will take you to see her."

The nurse took her to the morgue.

When they rushed there, the caregiver said that the family had signed to take the body away and took it directly to the crematorium.

I also showed them the signature sheet.

See the big three characters Huang Qichao above.

The belief in Huang Ying's heart collapsed completely, and tears could no longer be controlled, and she instantly fell.

The crematorium, why did he drag his mother to the crematorium.

Huang Ying turned around and ran towards the outside of the hospital with weak legs.

She is going to see her mother, she is going to see her mother.

An hour later, when she finally rushed to the crematorium and rushed into the hall, she saw one of the staff members walking out of one of the doors holding a small black box in his hand.

Huang Ying's body paused in place, watching the staff go further and closer.

A small black-and-white photo is attached to the small black box.

Looking at the familiar face, Huang Ying rushed forward and snatched the box from the staff.

Holding the light and fluttering box in his hand, Huang Ying only felt heavier than a thousand catties.

He fell and sat on the ground, his hand holding the urn trembling violently.

Looking at the small black and white photo on the urn, I don't know when tears have already flowed down his face.

She didn't understand why she just didn't visit her for a week, and her mother would leave her alone.

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