Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2358: Spoil your wife

Xiao Moli's forehead fell off the black line, An Ziqi couldn't help but pursed her lips.

After returning from Long Yuan before, she found Xiao Qian'ai a kindergarten.

However, Promise and Xiao Chengyu both felt distressed. Before Xiao Qianai couldn't say anything, a group of people stopped directly.

Promise moved out for this reason, Xiao Moli was an example of self-taught at home before the age of five.

An Ziqi had no choice but to put her school aside.

They have moved back to the Xishan Villa, Xiao Moli's current physical condition, she is not assured that he will go to work alone.

After breakfast, the two sent Xiao Qian'ai back to Xiao's house, and then An Ziqi accompanied Xiao Moli to Huanyu.

She is no longer picking up work. When Xiao Moli is dealing with documents, she is lying on the sofa to surf the Internet, watch the news, and play games.

The alarm clock kept ringing all day, Xiao Moli stroked his forehead, and immediately asked Tang Xiaoqin to find someone to buy a piece of land in the desert and give it to An Ziqi, who asked her to remotely control the planting of trees.

I also helped her find a designer who specializes in garden planning. An Ziqi stood in front of the big screen excitedly and discussed with the designer for a day.

The designer stood there to discuss planting trees with An Ziqi because of unknown reasons. He deeply felt that he did not understand the rich world very well.

Tang Xiaoqin had long been accustomed to the president's beloving wife, and arranged everything calmly.

Chen Jun called to talk about the time of the evening banquet.

An Ziqi was still discussing planting trees enthusiastically with the designer, but Xiao Moli directly took it away.

After arriving in the car, I still talked with Xiao Moli Barabara for a long time.

"I plan to go to the desert to inspect the scene in a few days."


Xiao Moli held the document in one hand to read the information, and the other hand took the person into his arms.

"When will you have time to stay with me?" An Ziqi asked, turning her head, lying on his shoulder and pulling a small strand of hair near his ear.

Xiao Moli turned his head and kissed her lips with satisfaction.

His wife finally knew that she had taken her husband when she went out.

"Wait for me to arrange my work these two days."

"Oh." An Ziqi nodded, nestled in his arms honestly, took out her mobile phone to look at her land.

The driver in front consciously raised the baffle in the middle of the car.

It was not until the car stopped outside the hotel and got out of the car that An Ziqi found that they had not returned home.

Inexplicably turned his head and asked him, "What are you doing here?"

"There is a banquet here tonight."

Xiao Moli talked and walked directly towards the hotel, leading the people.

"Ah, don't you tell me early if there is a banquet, the clothes haven't been changed, the makeup hasn't been put on, how do you let me see people."

An Ziqi hurriedly took out her phone as a mirror and took a picture.

After spending a day in the office, his hair was messed up. This image of accompanying Xiao Moli at the banquet was a shame.

Xiao Moli looked at her and smiled, bowing his head in her ear.

"No matter what kind of you are in my eyes, you are the most beautiful."

He doesn't need An Ziqi's flamboyant fashion to cater to others, he just wants her to live simple and happy and be herself.

An Ziqi glared at him irritably, and groaned, "Spoken words."

But the corners of his lips were raised high.

A smile appeared in Xiao Moli's eyes, and he walked directly toward the hotel, hugging her.

Although Xiao Moli didn't mind, in the elevator, An Ziqi still straightened her hair slightly in front of the mirror on the wall.

Xiao Moli watched his wife toss her hair amusedly.

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