Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2364: Try to see if he will be tempted

The storm has come, even if he drives away Ding Xiaoying, there will still be Zhang Xiaoying, and Sun Xiaoying will be sent here.

It's useless to say more, everything is just beginning.

"Miss Ding is good." Huang Qichao on the side greeted Ding Xiaoying with a smile.

Ding Xiaoying nodded at him, and then just got up and left, turning a blind eye to his enthusiasm, without even asking his name.

Huang Qichao touched his nose. Although he was a little dissatisfied, he didn't take it seriously.

After all, his purpose of coming here is to find Chen Jun, not Ding Xiaoying.

"Mayor Chen, why did Ding Xiaoying transfer her from Beijing? Isn't she trying to do something against our S city, right?"

Chen Jun raised his eyes to look at him, and said faintly, "It's just a decision from above, just do your job well."

This Huang Qichao really must report for her teeth. Ding Xiaoying ignored him just now, and in a blink of an eye she turned around in front of him and put her on small shoes.

"Yes, Mayor Chen is right." Huang Qichao replied with a smile.

Chen Jun put down the cup in his hand, "Is Director Huang still looking for me? If it's okay, I still have some work to do."

Huang Qichao hurriedly smiled, and pulled the girl beside him to speak to Chen Jun.

"Mayor Chen, this is my daughter Huang Ling. This girl has always admired you before. I heard that you are also attending the banquet tonight, so I have to let me take her over to see you, and I will also gain insight by the way.

After speaking, he turned his head and said to Huang Ling, "Xiaoling, haven't you been arguing that Mayor Chen is your idol, don't you hurry up and say hello to the mayor."

Huang Ling's cheeks flushed slightly, with a hint of shyness. He stepped forward, bit his lip and said to Chen Jun, "Mayor Chen, hello, this is Huang Ling."

Chen Jun raised his eyes and glanced at Huang Ling.

He was wearing an exquisite dress, with expensive jewelry, and delicate makeup on his face.

At a glance, it seemed to be no different from the other women in the banquet hall at the moment.

Huang Qichao brought Huang Ling to find his purpose, and Chen Jun didn't need to think about it.

But like other people, I want to give him a beautiful woman, and try to see if he will be tempted.

If you are tempted, naturally it is best.

Not only is his future career worry-free, his daughter's future happiness is also guaranteed.

He has a good calculation.

Chen Jun raised his hand from the table to lift the wine glass in front of him, sipped his mouth lightly, and said faintly, "I remember your information seems to say that you have only one daughter and your name is Huang Ying?"

Huang Qichao was taken aback, saying that their mayor was shrewd and had a clear grasp of everything in his hands.

He didn't believe it before, but now it seems to be true.

He and Chen Jun didn't have any particularly deep relief on weekdays, and didn't expect Chen Jun to even know this.

Busily replied, "The information in the system was filled in a long time ago, and I have been busy here again, and some mistakes have not been corrected. I have two daughters, Huang Ling is my other daughter, because of me before. It’s inconvenient, so I have been raising it in my hometown, and I just took it over recently."

Chen Jun pursed his lips, eyes drooping, and gently shook the goblet in his hand.

Huang Qichao tried hard for this daughter, and found such an excuse.

At such a young age, she started to bring her to such occasions to make arrangements for her future.

But, don't know why, a trace of anger surged in Chen Jun's heart.

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