Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2387: An Ziqi’s Promise (2)

The Kunlun senior brother Tang Xiaoqin had found someone a week ago. If he wanted to figure out what agreement An Ziqi and the host brother had made at the beginning, he had to hide it from An Ziqi.

It's just that An Ziqi has been extremely sensitive to him going out alone since he didn't go to the town of Delane last time.

He finally found the opportunity to go out today with great difficulty.

After calculating the time, I have to hurry home before get off work in the afternoon.

The private jet is already there.

Xiao Moli took Tang Xiaoqin straight to the plane.

The phone in his hand rang suddenly.

Seeing the smiling face on the screen, Xiao Moli's lips couldn't help showing a smile.

This little thing has come to attack the post again.

She has been idle at home recently, but she has learned to rush to check posts from time to time.

If you change to another man, you probably won't like it, but Xiao Moli enjoys it.

Compared to An Ziqi always ignoring him before, he prefers her like this.

Paying attention to him all the time, he is the only person in my eyes.

If it weren't for An Ziqi to go out, he would like to take her by his side every day, and stay with her all the time.

After answering the phone, the corners of his lips were raised high.

"Miss me so soon? Do you want me to pick you up now?"

"Smelly, I just want to say, Xiao Ai wants to eat matcha cake, you remember to bring her when you come back from get off work in the afternoon."

Xiao Moli chuckled lightly. He was clearly checking Gang, and he had to find all kinds of excuses every day.

How could this little thing be so cute.

"Do you want to eat, or Xiao Ai wants to eat?"

"We both want to eat, okay?" On the phone, An Ziqi poked Xiao Qian'ai's face with her finger.

"Daddy, cake." Xiao Qianai yelled to the phone very cooperatively.

Xiao Moli smiled and said, "Okay, the darlings are waiting for me at home."

An Ziqi rolled her eyes, "By the way, where is Tang Xiaoqin? I have something to explain to her."

Xiao Moli raised his eyebrows, knowing that this little thing would find Tang Xiaoqin to confirm his position, so he would be brought by him.

Turn on the phone and hand it over to Tang Xiaoqin, "Madam Young has something to tell you."

Tang Xiaoqin said hurriedly, "Mrs. Young, don't hesitate to say anything."

Hearing Tang Xiaoqin's voice, An Ziqi was relieved, "Well, it's nothing serious. Mo Li has a bad stomach recently. When you order food for him at noon, don't order him too much chili."

"Okay, Madam, I took it down." Tang Xiaoqin replied respectfully here.

"Anything else to order?"

"Uh, no more for the time being. If there is anything to add, I will call you again."

"Okay." Tang Xiaoqin replied.

Xiao Moli took the phone back to his ear, smiled and said, "Relaxed?"

An Ziqi curled her lips, "I don't worry, you don't like me to call, then I will not call in the future."

Xiao Moli's eyes were full of smiles, "I like it, if you can come over with me, I like it better."

"The beauty you want, I have to accompany Xiao Ai."

An Ziqi said so, but there was an unconcealable smile on her face.

"You remember to eat on time, I'm hanging up."

"En." Xiao Moli responded softly, and then hung up the phone.

The smile on his face quickly faded, and he raised his head and said to Tang Xiaoqin, "Take off."

Over the phone.

An Ziqi hung up the phone and played with Xiao Qianai at home for a while.

The phone on the table rang suddenly.

I picked it up and looked at it. It was the company's phone.

Somewhat weird picked it up.

"Young lady, something has happened!"

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