Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2392: My husband will be angry

An Ziqi scanned the materials falling on the surrounding ground.

Obviously, they had just cleaned up the secretary's room downstairs. When they rushed up, there was a fierce conflict between the two sides.

Bend down and picked up the scattered paper on the ground, looked down at it, and then looked at Song Yang and said.

"It wasn't that I opened the door. You have seen it. There is a code on this door. Only Xiao Moli knows it. I can't open it even if I want to."

The corner of Song Yang's eyes moved, saying that she didn't know the password, who would believe it.

"Mrs. Xiao, if this is the case, then we can only take strong measures."

"Mr. Song, if you insist on forcibly breaking into the president's room, I am a little girl who can't stop it. However, all the information in the president's room involves Huanyu’s business secrets. If it is leaked, it will cause huge economic losses to Huanyu. Are you responsible?"

"Xiao Moli went out to negotiate for a 300 billion investment project this morning. If the information is leaked in advance before they reach an agreement, are you responsible for the 300 billion investment?"

Song Yang sneered, "If Mrs. Xiao is just an ordinary young woman, are there any shrewd and capable women in the world?"

"Don't say that. My husband will be angry when he hears it. He only likes me as a little woman."

An Ziqi curled her mouth and said, Xiao Moli could only wish that she would do nothing and do nothing every day, and only accompany him to be his little woman.

"Mr. Xiao and Mrs. Xiao really love and envy others."

Song Yang raised his lower lip, "Of course we cannot bear the responsibility for these 300 billion. However, we still have to do the work that should be done. We are only checking the information, and we guarantee that the information on the information will not be leaked."

"There are so-called people with many eyes, Mr. Song, can you not leak out, but there are so many people here, who knows if other people will have other thoughts and will leak out?"

An Ziqi held up the paper in her hand, "These information related to commercial secrets have been thrown on the ground by you, maybe they have been leaked out now. What's more, the information in the president's office is top secret."

Xiao Moli had just left the company this morning, and she didn't even know that these people got the news so quickly.

Someone in the company must be bought by them.

Moreover, since Song Yang could deliberately rush to come here when Xiao Moli was out with someone, he must have been determined to win.

It is not easy to send him away.

She is now betting that Xiao Moli has a clear control of the company's dynamics in order to hide it from her.

Even if he is out of town at the moment, as long as he gets the news, he will definitely rush back quickly.

She can only postpone time temporarily, and try her best to delay Xiao Moli's return.

Even if Xiao Moli can't make it back, Chen Jun will definitely get the news and won't allow Song Yang to be like this.

Song Yang dared to come here and naturally wouldn't be frightened by a few words of her. He raised his lips and watched her replied, "If Miss An is not at ease, you can go back with us and supervise it until the end of our investigation. "

An Ziqi saw a figure flashing by the stairs from the corner of her eyes. She smiled and looked at him. She changed the conversation, "Mr. Song came to Huanyu today, does Mayor Chen know?"

"Our inspection team is directly assigned to the capital, independent of the political and legal system of S City."

Song Yang answered simply, but the meaning in the words was also obvious.

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