Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2506: First encounter (4)

But compared to the few tall, short, fat and thin ones that Lin Xilu had shown her before, this one was the most likely.

The more An Ziqi thought about it, the more excited she became, and the eyes that looked at him couldn't help but start to shine.

The person who was sleeping at the table was not affected by her hot gaze at all, and was still sleeping peacefully on the table.

An Ziqi walked up to her, raised her hand and poked lightly at his bent arm on the table.

The person sleeping on the table did not respond.

An Ziqi reached out and poked again, but there was still no response.

Isn't it lying in bed and sleeping like this?

When her finger was about to poke him for the third time.


A cold voice suddenly sounded before her finger poked him.

The voice was like ten thousand years of ice, and An Ziqi couldn't help but startled.

Subconsciously, he took a step back and raised his hand to cover the scared little heart.

"Hey, what's your nerve, I haven't done anything to you, why are you so yelling."

"I said go, don't let me say it a third time."

Words were still lying on the table, without even raising his head.

It was obvious that the impatience inside could be heard in the voice.

The girls next to her are even more gloating.

An Ziqi hasn't seen what he looks like yet, so she is naturally unwilling.

I couldn't help thinking bitterly, if this guy is really Xiao Moli, he would dare to be so fierce to her and dare to let her go.

Wait until she goes back to see how she cleans up him.

Gritting his teeth, "I won't roll, get up and give me a look."

The girls next to them heard An Ziqi's words and couldn't help but laugh sarcastically, covering their mouths.

One of the girls in the yellow dress spoke disdainfully, "Isn't it just trying to hook someone, and don't pee to see what she looks like."

"That is, Senior Lin gave her a bit of color, really thought she was a god, and now I want to seduce words." Another girl next to her echoed.

"Senior Lin left a long time ago. If it's really interesting to her, how could she leave her here alone to face her words."

"Who knows what shameful means she used against Senior Lin secretly."

The other girls also agreed, and the eyes that looked at An Ziqi were full of disdain and contempt.

"She seems to be a freshman in high school."

"The little girls nowadays are really amazing. As soon as they entered school, they started to seduce people everywhere."


They dare to talk so presumptuously in front of words so quietly, naturally because words never care about it.

Moreover, people they can't get by themselves naturally don't want others to get it.

Of course, the most important thing is that they have to admit that An Ziqi has a good appearance.

Although she was still a little bit green and immature, she could vaguely see that she would definitely be a big beauty in the future.

Coupled with her clean and pure temperament, people can't help but be attracted to her.

An Ziqi had already made Lin Xilu look at her with admiration, and they naturally didn't want her to get verbal attention again.

These words were originally spoken to words on purpose.

An Ziqi raised her head and looked towards the door, but she didn't see Linxi Road, and she didn't know when he had already left.

She had been looking for Xiao Moli for so long without news, and she felt a little disappointed in her heart.

Now it's hard to come across a suspected object and get scolded.

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