Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2573: make a mistake

"No, are you Jing Yu's boyfriend? If you love Jing Yu, follow me immediately for her good." An Ziqi gritted her teeth.

Xiao Moli had already chased him from behind, glanced at the surroundings with a sullen face, paying no attention to anything, and quickly reached out and took An Ziqi into his arms.

Shen said, "Danger, go away."

The host brother just heard that An Ziqi mentioned Jing Yu and was very surprised. The city is so big that it is impossible for anyone to know him and Jing Yu casually on the street.

Before he recovered from the shock, Xiao Moli rushed over.

He is not an ignorant person. Hearing the words of the two of them, he immediately guessed that the matter was not easy, and the injured person in front of him was definitely not one of his participation.

Moreover, An Ziqi said before, for the sake of Jing Yu.

I don't know why, although he saw An Ziqi for the first time, he had an inexplicable trust in her.

Gritting his teeth and glanced at the injured person in front of him, he was about to leave with An Ziqi.

The man stood up abruptly, raised his hand and grabbed his clothes.

A pair of eyes looked at him tightly.

The hostess was held in place by him, and some didn't know what to do.

Fortunately, the man just looked at him for a while, then gave up and let go, leaned back on the wall, his head slightly hanging, not knowing what he was thinking.

Xiao Moli's face was gloomy, he raised his hand and hugged An Ziqi, protected her by his side, and walked directly in the direction of the car.

An Ziqi hurriedly called to the residence senior, and let him get into the car with him.

Xiao Moli stepped on the accelerator and galloped all the way back home.

His complexion was extremely ugly all the way, until he took An Ziqi home.

Then he angered at her, "Do you know how dangerous it was just now? I don't know how many snipers are lurking in the dark. Once I shoot you, I won't have time to save you."

An Ziqi didn't know the situation at that time, and she didn't have time to think so much. All she knew was that she had to prevent things from happening, and the host brother might get her back in the future.

Biting his lip, he raised his hand and gently hooked the finger on his side with the tip of his finger, "I'm sorry, I don't know."

Xiao Mo's angry whole person was about to explode, "Is there anything you can't tell me? Even if you don't know the situation is dangerous at the time, you should always take care of the injury on your leg, right?"

This is where he is most angry. The person who had just confessed to him that he wanted to be with him forever, in a blink of an eye, ran to save people regardless of his own safety or his injuries.

Originally wanted to throw her hand away and give this stinky girl a severe lesson.

But looking at the snow-white gauze on her hand at this moment, a little blood has leaked out.

Finally endured it and didn't shake her off.

"I know it was wrong, don't you think I am okay now? Don't be angry, okay?" An Ziqi blinked and said.

The uninjured finger hooked the hand beside him and shook it coquettishly.

"It's okay? If something happens, is it too late?" Xiao Moli glared at her fiercely and said angrily at her.

An Ziqi rubbed her small face on the back of his hand, and said flatteringly, "Okay, I really know that I was wrong. I promise to listen to you in the future. I will do what you ask me to do, and you will not let me. I’ll do what I’m doing.”

Having been with Xiao Moli for so many years, she was already comfortable with how to coax him.

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