Lin Xilu frowned when she saw the wounds on her hands and knees.

He immediately took off his school uniform and put it on her.

"What about words? You have injuries on your body. Why did you come to school alone?"

An Ziqi hurriedly explained, "I'm fine, the injury on my knee is almost healed. He is busy with something and can't get out of his body, so I am here alone."

Although she didn't want to wear Lin Xilu's clothes, her clothes were wet right now, so she had to wear them first to prevent them from getting out.

"I'll take you back to class." Lin Xilu pursed his lips.

An Ziqi shook her head hurriedly, "It's really not necessary, I'm almost alright, I don't know what to say after being seen."

After thanking Lin Xilu again, he hurriedly turned and walked in the direction of the class.

Lin Xilu sighed inwardly, looking at her limping figure from behind.

In her heart, he and words are different after all.

She was not afraid of words carrying her in front of so many people yesterday.

Today he just wanted to send her back to the class, so she refused.

Obviously he knew An Ziqi first, so why did the stinky boy **** her heart first?

With a wry smile, he turned and walked towards their teaching area.

An Ziqi has been in school for a day, Xiao Moli still has not called her, and there is no news.

Lin Kelan was honest, she didn't know what she was thinking, and didn't bother her anymore.

When school was over in the afternoon, An Ziqi originally wanted to go home, so she took out her mobile phone and took a look. Xiao Moli didn't know what she was up to.

She is probably no one going home now.

She remembered that the hostess said that Jing Yu was ill, and she seemed to be quite serious, and she had been lying ill at home.

After thinking about it, in any case, she must ensure that Jing Yu is safe.

Moreover, after crossing over, she always wanted to see what the person she was saving was like.

After buying some medicines and nutritional products at an outside pharmacy, in order to avoid the recurrence of the siege last time, I called the host brother in advance.

Tell him that he is going to go there soon, and ask him to meet him outside the house for a while.

Hearing her words, the host brother over there panicked for a while, hesitated to refuse her, but couldn't find a reason.

After hanging up the phone, he immediately called Xiao Moli.

But the phone is still unable to connect.

An Ziqi took a taxi to the address told to her by the host brother yesterday.

The location was very partial. When she got there, the host brother was already waiting for her at the intersection outside.

An Ziqi got off the car and walked in with him towards the small village.

If it weren't for coming here this time, An Ziqi really wouldn't know that there is such a place on the fringe of the bustling S city.

An Ziqi looked around a few times, and the more she walked in, the more she found that it looked more and more similar to the place in her dream.

Until they walked to the small courtyard where Jing Yu and the others lived, it completely overlapped with the courtyard in her dream.

An Ziqi almost thought that she had returned to that dream. Thinking of the scenes she had dreamed of, her palms and feet felt a little cold.

"Miss An, what's the matter with you? Are you feeling sick?" Seeing her pale, the senior brother hurriedly asked from the side.

An Ziqi recovered and shook her head with a smile, "I'm okay, where's Jing Yu?"

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