Xiao Moli threw the bicycle in his hand, got into the car directly, and stepped on the accelerator.

Along the way, the speed of the car has almost been driven to the extreme by him.

Before reaching there, the phone in his pocket rang again.

Xiao Moli freed up a hand and reached out to take the phone. The number above indicated that it was Xue Shaoqian.

He answered quickly, and before he could ask questions, he heard a rapid gunshot from the phone.

Immediately afterwards, the phone was hung up.

Xiao Moli's heart sank instantly, and when the call went over, it was already in a state of no one to answer.

He knew that those who lost things would never let Xue Shaoqian go so easily.

Although he had sent someone to protect them secretly, he didn't expect that the level of confidentiality had reached this level before opening the U disk.

Even more unexpectedly, those people would shoot so quickly.

Therefore, not many people have been sent.

He pressed his feet to the extreme, and Xiao Moli couldn't wait for the speed at which he drove the car out of the plane.

He should have thought that since An Ziqi knew the hidden secrets and ignored her to stop Xue Shaoqian, she would not be assured that Xue Shaoqian would go back and leave nothing.

I regret very much, I shouldn't open the U disk rashly yesterday.

Otherwise, it would not have been so long in Yunxiao not to go home and let An Ziqi go there alone.

Quickly called Uncle Yun, briefly explained the situation, and asked him to send all the nearby personnel over immediately.

It was originally a journey of tens of minutes, but at the speed that Xiao Moli was about to fly, he arrived there in 20 minutes in a daze.

The gunfire was still ringing, and at the entrance of the village, there were a few people lying down, and blood was spreading under them.

Obviously someone wanted to run out of the village before, so he was shot.

His position was particularly conspicuous at this moment, and just as he stopped the car, a bullet came directly from the dark.

"Bang Bang Bang" hit the car.

Xiao Moli quickly got out of the car and hid behind it.

Their men signaled him with gunfire.

Xiao Moli hid behind the car. After squinting at the direction where the opponent's bullet was coming from, he raised his hand and shot it there.

Accurately hit the sniper lurking there, and the gunshots in that direction stopped instantly.

At the same time, a bullet fired from the other directly towards the fuel tank of the car.

Xiao Moli quickly took advantage of the momentum to roll forward on the ground, and then rushed in the direction of their people.

The car behind him banged and exploded, and the flames burst into the sky.

After Xiao Moli hurried to where their people were, he asked about the specific situation.

According to estimates of the situation in which they played each other, there should be about 20 or 30 people on the other side.

And well-equipped, there should be four snipers to get rid of the sniper Xiao Moli killed before.

Compared to other people, snipers are the most difficult to deal with.

Under normal circumstances, a small team equipped with two snipers is already the top configuration.

Here are five at once.

They originally had fewer than ten people, so it was even more difficult.

Almost everyone is injured in varying degrees, but no one has ever thought of running first.

Xiao Moli pursed his lips, "How is the situation in the village? Has anyone attacked it?"

The leader nodded.

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