Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2709: She appeared

Sighing, she raised her hand and gently rubbed her red face.

Carefully took her hands and feet away, got up gently, picked up the phone on the table and looked at it.

It's already noon.

A message from Langfeng half an hour ago was also displayed on the phone.

Can't help raising his hand and rubbing his brows. When did he become so alert? I didn't even hear the text message.

I swiped the screen and looked at it. There was only a simple sentence in the text message, asking him when to go back.

Lang Feng has always been a very measured person. If he had to, he knew that he had not rested for a few days and would not disturb him at this time.

He pursed his lower lip, answered a few words casually, and went back immediately!

Then he turned to the bathroom outside and took a quick shower. After changing a set of clean clothes, he returned to the bedroom.

The little girl still opened her small mouth slightly, sleeping Zhengxiang.

Chen Jun reached out and took out his wallet from his pocket, took out a black card from it, and placed it on the bedside cabinet.

He took out a piece of paper and pen from the drawer under the cabinet, and wrote a few words quickly.

The card does not have a password, so she will order takeaways after she wakes up, and she will go to school tomorrow morning and she is not allowed to deliver takeaways to work.

After confirming that everything was explained, the black card was placed on the paper.

Then finally I glanced at the sleepy little **** the bed. Even if he sold her now, she probably didn't know.

Stepped lightly and walked out to the outside of the room.

Randomly picked a car from the garage and drove directly to the city hall.

When he returned to the door of his office, there was still a few steps away, but Chen Jun saw that the door of the office was slightly opened.

Chen Jun couldn't help but frowned.

When he is away, his office has always been forbidden to anyone to enter.

Of course, Chen Jun had completely forgotten that the little girl was still ruling in his office a few days ago and messed up his office more than once.

Lang Fengming knew that he would be there soon, who would let him enter his office alone at this time?

In other words, what happened to Langfeng?

Although this is the city hall, it is not impossible if someone really wants to sneak in.

Chen Jun's eyes became sharp instantly.

He quickly drew a gun from his waist and moved forward lightly.

Through the gap where the office door opened, he could see a slender woman standing at his desk.

He was facing away from him at the moment, with his head down, not knowing what he was holding in his hand and looking at it.

Chen Jun pursed his lips and quickly stepped forward and opened the office door in front of him.

Without waiting for the person inside to make any movement, he shook his body, and instantly he was behind the person, and directly put the gun in his hand behind the person's head.

He said coldly, "Turn around."

The person in front of him seemed to be taken aback by his sudden movements.

Standing stiffly on the spot, he even forgot to make a sound.

Chen Jun squinted, too lazy to talk nonsense with her.

With a snap of the gun in his hand, he opened the safety latch directly.

The person in front of him finally recovered and turned around hurriedly.

"A Jun, it's me!"

Her forehead was pressed against the muzzle of the black hole.

She didn't know if it was because of fear or something else, her voice was trembling slightly.

Looking at the face that suddenly appeared in front of him, Chen Jun couldn't help frowning slightly, and pulled his lips together to close the gun in his hand.

"Why are you here?"

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