Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2715: Active bed climbing

Lang Feng originally thought that Chen Junhui would stay in the office at night as usual.

Unexpectedly, after Chen Jun handled everything in the office, he drove home by himself.

It was late at night, and Chen Jun sat in the car and looked at the brightly lit city outside. Even he himself didn't know why he suddenly wanted to go home late at night.

When I returned home, the huge villa was completely dark.

Chen Jun entered the door, pressed the switch, and saw a mess on the table in the living room at a glance.

Going further, not only on the table, on the ground, in the trash can, there are all kinds of garbage bags and lunch boxes everywhere.

Those red crayfish heads were still on the table, and he couldn't help but feel a headache.

As Mayor Chen, who is obsessed with cleanliness, he couldn't tolerate the situation before him.

After sitting on the sofa for a while, he had no choice but to raise his hand and start packing things up.

Thinking of her angrily scolding him while still not forgetting the appearance of gnawing crayfish, she couldn't help but feel a little funny.

It took half an hour to finally tidy up the living room.

He deeply felt that perhaps the family should hire a few chefs and servants.

First, I went to the little girl's room downstairs and took a look. The bed inside was actually empty. It looked like it was clear that the bed hadn't moved at all.

Chen Jun couldn't help but curl his eyebrows. Is this little girl back to school again?

It was really the opposite. It seemed that he was still too soft towards her this afternoon, and he did not clean up too lightly.

He took out his mobile phone and was about to dial, thinking of something, raised his eyebrows slightly, and directly raised his leg to the second floor.

Pushing his bedroom aside, turning on the light at the door, it turned out that the petite figure was lying on his bed carelessly at the moment.

With two thin legs sandwiching the quilt, Zhengxiang sleeps without image.

The little girl is really getting more courageous. I used to be afraid of what he would do to her, but now it is better, and dare to take the initiative to climb his bed when he is not at home.

Looking at the ground around the bed, there were messy things thrown by her everywhere.

She raised her leg and walked into the bathroom again, and she had already been poisoned by her as expected.

It was even more headache for a while.

Resigned to tidy up all the things on the ground and in the bathroom.

After washing, she came out to the bed, bent her fingers and tapped twice on the little girl's head.

Lie down beside her, stretched out her long arms, and embraced the person in her arms.

"Liar, I want to eat you!"

The corner of Chen Jun's lips twitched, the ideal is really lofty!

The little girl murmured a few words, and then fell asleep deeply.

When Huang Ying got up early the next morning, she was still alone on the bed.

Get up in a daze and wash downstairs, only to find that the trash on the table in the living room has been cleaned up.

There was a breakfast on top, and I raised my hand to touch it, and there was still warmth.

Who did it?

Is it the snail girl?

It must be the **** who enslaved Lang Feng again.

This **** capitalist who specializes in exploiting working people!

After curling his lips, Huang Ying went directly to school after eating breakfast.

Yang Xiaoqing caringly asked her if something happened yesterday.

Huang Ying only said that it was okay. During this time, it was too tired to deliver food, so she took a day off at home.

Yang Xiaoqing always believed in her, and did not ask any more.

At noon, Huang Ying received a text message from Chen Jun, saying that he would have something to do in the evening and would pick her up in the afternoon and take her out.

Thinking of the hard-earned money she had disappeared, Huang Ying angrily replied with two words, not going.

Naturally, Chen Jun didn't take her reply to heart, but when he came to pick up someone in the afternoon, he was told that Huang Ying had already left.

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