For the first time in so many years, he felt lonely.

As for why he felt lonely, he didn't have the time to think about it.

I only silently calculated how to catch the little girl and teach her a profound lesson after I went back.

After the birthday celebration, performances began on stage.

The birthday banquet in the audience is a self-help situation.

After Lang Feng first entered the door, he didn't know where he disappeared.

Chen Jun was too lazy to deal with the women who kept coming forward to greet him, and hid directly in a corner with a glass in his hand.

"A Jun." A voice rang beside him.

Chen Jun turned his head and saw Jiang Wanting wearing a silver-gray dress, coming towards him.

The long hair behind his head was rolled up high, with an elegant smile on his face.

Chen Jun twisted his eyebrows slightly, "Why are you here?"

Jiang Wanting raised her hand to pick up the broken hair beside her ear, and smiled and replied, "I was good friends with Miss Shen Jia when I was studying in D country. She was bored alone, so I asked me to accompany her. "

Chen Jun nodded and said nothing more.

"By the way, A Jun, why are you here alone?"

Jiang Wanting looked around Chen Jun and asked strangely.

Chen Jun looked down, raised his hand and took a sip of the wine in the glass, and pursed his lips, "She can't get anything temporarily."

Jiang Wanting squeezed her handbag tightly.

He refused her request to come and accompany him for her.

She couldn't get anything because Chen Jun would rather come alone than call her.

She is really curious now, who is the sacred woman who was saved as an idiot on Chen Jun's phone?

In the end, what kind of face and charm is there to make Chen Jun, a cold stone-like person, moved his heart.

He smiled calmly on his face and said, "It's okay, Miss Shen just happened to have something over there, I'll accompany you."

"No, I have something to do, so I won't stay here for more." Chen Jun pursed his lips and refused.

That hard tone made Jiang Wanting feel as if she had been stabbed with a knife in her heart.

She is now Chen Jun's secretary, and she knows what's going on in the city hall better than anyone else.

Chen Jun's work tonight has already been sorted out, and there is nothing he needs to deal with.

Over there, Chen Jun was about to turn around and leave after speaking, but when he raised his eyes, he inadvertently saw a familiar figure appearing not far in front.

Chen Jun squinted and looked over carefully. It turned out that it was Huang Ying's little girl.

At the moment, she is wearing a light purple dress.

A graceful clavicle was exposed under the white and slender neck.

The tailoring of the upper body sculpts her body that is not yet fully mature.

The skirt at the bottom of the dress is fluffy, making the waist slim.

Normally, the black and straight long hair was perm into slightly curly hair, scattered behind him.

He wears a thin pearl hairband on his head, and the whole person looks playful and cute.

He was holding a large plate of food in his hands, his mouth was full, and his cheeks bulged like a little hamster.

Gu Rui didn't know what was said, smiled and raised his hand to wipe off the oil stain on the corner of her lips.

Huang Ying smiled brilliantly and looked up at Gu Rui beside her.

The expression on Chen Jun's face instantly sank.

Damn, he deliberately texted her in advance to say hello, and ran to the school to pick her up.

She not only let go of his pigeons and refused to answer his phone calls, she also dared to accompany the **** Gu Rui to the banquet.

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