Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2720: The person he likes (2)

The silver-gray dress is very picky, especially this satin, which is easy to show old age.

But when worn on this woman, she appears elegant and noble.

Standing by Chen Jun's side, the two of them looked very talented and well-matched.

Is this woman the one Chen Jun likes?

He likes to peek at him every day when he hides her picture in the drawer.

Thinking of this, Huang Ying felt a little sour in her heart, just like the sour plum soup she always liked to drink in summer.

However, since the people he likes are already by his side, she should be able to move out of his villa and return to school, right?

Don't be tortured by this **** anymore.

The little bit of inexplicable sourness in Huang Ying's heart was quickly replaced by the joy of regaining freedom.

Looking at Chen Jun with a smile, "Thank you Mayor Chen for the wine."

Gu Rui looked up at Chen Jun, and then smiled gently at the little girl, "Are you full? If you are not full, I will take you out if you want to eat for a while, and order whatever you want."

"Really?" Huang Ying smiled at Gu Rui with both eyes.

Gu Rui snorted, raised his hand and nodded on her forehead, "Really, little greedy cat."

Chen Jun looked at the brilliant smile on Huang Ying's face, but he was about to explode.

He had given her all his credit cards. She could buy what she wanted to eat and what she wanted, but she was not happy.

Wouldn't Gu Rui just invite her to a meal? As for how happy she is?

Very good, this dead girl, dare to let him dove, accompany other men to the banquet, and dare to ignore him.

After Gu Rui finished speaking, she smiled and looked up at Chen Jun. She gave Jiang Wanting a faint smile, "Mayor Chen, won't you introduce your girlfriend?"

Chen Jun pursed his lips and said directly, "She is not my girlfriend."

Jiang Wanting was never a stupid person, if she was not sure who Chen Jun was waiting for before.

After seeing the exclusive look that Chen Jun looked at her, she was already sure that the little girl with no education in front of her was the one Chen Jun had been waiting for.

Hearing Chen Jun's denial, he bit his lower lip hard and added with a smile.

"Gu Er Gongzi, hello, I'm Ah Jun's secretary, my name is Jiang Wanting, you can call me Wanting."

Huang Ying pouted, A Jun?

The call is really affectionate, obviously this woman is also interesting to Chen Jun.

Even if she is not a girlfriend now, she will definitely be in a few days.

Thinking of the three words "girlfriend", Huang Ying's heart seemed to be sour again.

Busy raising her hand to rub her chest, why is she sour?

No, illusion, it must be her illusion.

Gu Rui, who was next to her, saw her movements and asked eagerly, "Are you uncomfortable?"

Huang Ying didn't know why, and inexplicably didn't want to see Chen Jun and Jiang Wanting.

"No, I just feel a little bored here and want to go out."

Gu Rui said softly, "I will accompany you."

Raised his eyebrows and looked at Chen Jun, "Mayor Chen, I'm sorry, I missed you."

Just about to pull Huang Ying away, a figure walked towards them.

Chen Jun pursed his lower lip, and turned to look at the visitor, "Grandpa Mo."

Old Mo smiled and said, "Just now I was mentioning you with Shaotian, but I didn't find it after looking for a long time on the stage. It turns out that your kid is hiding here to hide quietly."

Chen Jun replied politely.

Gu Rui on the side also greeted gently.

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