Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2725: Li Shao Lie Gun (1)

Gu Rui had learned a lot of talents before, but Kungfu was definitely not included.

If Chen Jun really does it, Gu Rui will definitely be injured.

And it will cause trouble at this big man's birthday banquet.

Busy rushing to face Gu Ruidao before Chen Jun.

"Brother Gu Rui, thank you for taking me here to the banquet, that... that's all here today, let's go first."

Gu Rui pursed his lips, but still did not let go. "Xiaoying, don't be afraid of him. It doesn't matter where Gu's family is. The big deal is that I will take you back to Country M. I will protect you in the future. No one will interfere."

He knew that Chen Jun's domestic power was something he couldn't contend.

Most of Gu's industries are in country M, although there are plans to return to China for various reasons.

But domestic is not the only option.

Although it is not clear why Huang Ying had a relationship with Chen Jun, he already regretted it and did not rush back when Huang Ying needed him the most.

Regret for not having confessed to her in advance for so many years.

If you really want to choose between Gu's domestic development and Huang Ying, he would rather take Huang Ying away, and then go to other countries to seek new development.

Hearing Gu Rui's words in Chen Jun's ears was tantamount to provocation.

He had endured Gu Rui all night, if it hadn't been for Grandpa Mo's birthday banquet, he would have been rude to him.

At this moment, the anger in my heart can no longer be restrained.

Seeing that Chen Jun was about to start, Huang Ying hurriedly threw herself on Chen Jun, holding his waist tightly with both hands.

Turning his head and winking at Gu Rui, he pushed Chen Jun out.

Chen Jun glanced at Gu Rui coldly, feeling the petite body that hugged him around his waist, finally suppressing the anger in his heart, and being pushed out by the little girl.

Standing on the side of the corridor, Gu Rui watched Huang Ying and Chen Jun go out, raised his hand and punched the side pillar.

Once again, she was taken away by Chen Jun in front of him, but he could only watch and couldn't do anything.

What Huang Ying had just said flashed in his mind, and let's go first.

She said that we, perhaps even she herself did not realize that in her subconscious, she and Chen Jun were together.

Even if she was drunk and unconscious, as long as Chen Jun appeared, she would follow him without hesitation.

Gu Rui took a slight breath, turned and walked towards the other side.

And Jiang Wanting, who was standing in the other corner, looked at the figures of Huang Ying and Chen Junyuan outside the door, and squeezed her palms tightly.

the other side.

An Ziqi leaned against Xiao Moli's arms and glanced around boredly.

Those who came to the birthday banquet were not only the big figures of the two political and business terms, but also the ladies of S City and some female stars.

Dressed up like butterflies and flowers, with a sweet smile, they wandered in the crowd.

I probably want to take this opportunity to catch a beetle-in-law.

If it weren't for her, Xiao Moli would definitely be their prey now.

However, even if Xiao Moli and her were married, they still had two children.

Even if she was by Xiao Moli's side, she still couldn't stop those women from thinking carefully.

After such a short time, I don't know how many eyes secretly glanced over.

If the expression in her eyes could be substantive, then she might have been sifted by those women's eye knives.

She naturally saw what happened to Huang Ying and Chen Jun just now.

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