The same goes for martial arts instructor. No one wants to be a martial arts instructor for a lifetime.

There are many martial arts instructors who want to develop into the position of martial arts star or even martial arts movie director.

There are successful cases in the circle, but the premise is that there must be a suitable boss and platform.

And Huanyu is undoubtedly the best platform.

The meaning in this instruction is very obvious, he wants to go to Huanyu to gain a future for himself.

Lin Man turned his head and smiled at him, "The competition in the circle is too fierce. There are always some people who are malicious and have other thoughts. But Director Zhang can rest assured that as long as you can ensure the safety of Hao Ziqi during the filming, everything else It's all easy to say."

"Thank you Miss Lin first." Director Zhang smiled.

Lin Man's words meant something. He had also heard some rumors about Han Mengxue and An Ziqi on the Internet.

I thought it was just a coincidence, chasing after the wind, or a newcomer Han Mengxue wanted to make a famous hype.

But judging from Linman's words, there is a real problem between the two.

Lin Man will come to check WIA, probably because she is afraid that Han Mengxue will do something.

Thinking of this, he said to Lin Man meaningfully, "In terms of safety, Miss Lin can rest assured that we absolutely guarantee that Miss An will not be harmed by anyone during the crew."

Lin Man nodded, "That's good, Director Zhang is busy first, and I will leave after checking."

"Then Miss Lin has anything to help, just speak up." After Director Zhang finished speaking to Lin Man, he turned to check other safety measures.

Lin Man raised his hand and squeezed the Wia that belonged to An Ziqi, carefully touched it with his fingers from top to bottom, and then turned and left.

When she returned to the dressing room on An Ziqi's side, An Ziqi had already put on her makeup, and was waiting for her boringly while brushing her phone over there.

Seeing her going back, he looked at her brightly, "How is it?"

Lin Man stepped forward and whispered a few words in her ear.

After listening, An Ziqi nodded with a smile.

Lin Man was not at ease after all, and he confessed to her a few more words.

"I know Sister Man, I'm not a kid anymore." An Ziqi tilted her head, smiling and leaning on her shoulder.

Lin Man gave her an angry look, "It's not a child, but it's more worrying than a child."

An Ziqi put out her tongue mischievously, and the two chatted in the dressing room.

Someone came in outside to inform An Ziqi that the filming was about to start, and she was asked to go outside to prepare.

An Ziqi nodded, and after a response, she got up and walked outside.

Lin Man was worried, and followed her.

When I walked to the outer corridor, I happened to encounter Han Mengxue coming out of another dressing room.

An Ziqi's lips curled up, and she smiled forward and said, "Senior sister, I have no talent in fighting scenes, and I would like to ask you for your advice when we are going to cooperate in rival scenes."

Han Mengxue had suffered a lot from An Ziqi before. This time she had other plans. She didn't want to have too much contact with An Ziqi until all her plans were completed.

Compared with An Ziqi, who was still silly and sweet in high school, An Ziqi has changed a lot now.

Every time, the crisis can be resolved invisibly, and she is counted in silently.

While such An Ziqi surprised her, she was also more jealous and unwilling to make a move easily.

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