It is best to quickly scab off, and then there is no trace of injury.

Lin Man was also speechless, "I knew it now, why should I be in the first place."

"Sister Man, don't talk coldly, and quickly help." An Ziqi untied the bandage and applied medicine.

Lin Man looked at her frantic and had to step forward to help.

An Ziqi was busy applying medicine, after thinking about it, she asked, "Sister Man, do you think I am getting worse and worse now."

"This is not bad, this is a growth that everyone will experience. Even if you don't make a move today, Han Mengxue may make a move on you tomorrow. The consequences will be more unpredictable and more serious."

"Now, it's just that you take the initiative to protect yourself. Not only can you minimize the consequences, but you can also keep things within your control. This is a wise move."

"The entertainment industry has always been a place where people can eat people. If you don't eat people, others will always stare at you and want to eat you. Although Mr. Xiao protects you, when everyone is negligent, he becomes strong. This is the foundation. I am also very happy, and I am very grateful that you have grown up like this."

Lin Man looked at her seriously and said.

Since An Ziqi has grown up, whether it is the contemplation and control of people's hearts, or the meticulousness of everything that is considered to be complete, it is completely beyond her expectation.

If she had a little wrong judgment about Han Mengxue's reaction, her plan would never be successful.

Although she was shocked by this in her heart, but at the same time she was shocked, she was more gratified.

Because she knows that from now on, even if she can't be by her side, she will not let others calculate and bully.

An Ziqi smiled and said, "Sister Man, thank you for understanding me so much."

"Don't be happy too early, it's never too late to be happy when you get it done." Lin Man carefully re-wrapped the last bandage on her knee.

An Ziqi poked her mouth, thinking of Eric, and asked hurriedly.

"By the way, how is Eric? Is he injured badly?"

The two of them were taken to the emergency room separately. She still doesn't know what happened to Eric.

She remembered Eric let out a muffled grunt when she fell, and later looked pale, obviously injured.

"One of the ribs in the chest is cracked, but it's okay, there is no fracture, there are no other major problems, and there are still some bruises.

Lin Man replied.

At that time, even though she knew An Ziqi would fall off in advance, she did not catch up to catch her.

Eric didn't have any preparations, but he rushed over and caught her at an astonishing speed.

This can only explain one problem, that is, Eric's attention has always been on An Ziqi, paying attention to her all the time.

Otherwise, it is impossible to react in such a short time.

That guy seems to really like An Ziqi.

It's a pity that he likes An Ziqi.

This flower not only has a very domineering and powerful master, but it is also extraordinarily slow.

I am afraid that by now, An Ziqi still doesn't know what Eric thinks about her.

Lin Man couldn't help but slap his tongue at the thought of this, the couple really recruited one by one.

I always felt that Xiao Moli recruited women for fear that An Ziqi would suffer.

Now it seems that neither of them is better than either.

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