Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2792: Get out of the entertainment circle and add more

An Ziqi responded hurriedly, "Uh-huh, husband, tell me I'm really going to starve to death."

Xiao Moli snorted before reaching out to untie the bandage on her wrist.

Seeing that the white wrist was strangled red, I couldn't help but rubbed it distressedly.

An Ziqi didn't care. She stretched out her hand to serve a cut steak from the side table, and while holding a fork into her mouth, she said, "My husband, you are so sweet."

Knowing that she doesn't like to cut steak, so I cut it for her in advance.

Xiao Moli sighed helplessly as he looked at the person eating like a squirrel.

This is his wife, the person he loves most in his life, what can he do with her?

This little woman dared to be so confident that he could not do anything with her.

Xiao Moli took out his cell phone and called Tang Xiaoqin.

"Let the Media Department issue a statement that because Han Mengxue made hands and feet on Avia, An Ziqi fell into a dislocation of the lumbar spine and needed to rest. We will pursue legal responsibility for Han Mengxue and M Entertainment, as well as the personal injuries and losses caused by this. "

An Ziqi's mouth was stuffed to the side, "It goes without saying that my lumbar spine is misaligned and Han Mengxue will definitely not be able to stay in the entertainment industry anymore."

Xiao Moli gave her a sideways glance, did he say it for this?

An Ziqi received his eyes and hurriedly lowered her head to continue eating.

After lunch, Xiao Moli asked people to pack things out.

An Ziqi leaned against Xiao Moli's arms and found a comfortable position.

Take out your mobile phone and open the website to see how the battle is on the Internet.

Huanyu Media’s statement has been issued.

Immediately following the statement of the crew and film crew, it was also sent out quickly, giving a rough overview of what happened on the set in the morning.

There are also press releases that were interviewed by the media that were blocked outside the crew at the time.

However, in just a few tens of minutes, there was another uproar on the Internet.

After the news of An Ziqi's injury was spread, some people on the Internet began to speculate that it was Han Mengxue's hands and feet.

Now that Huanyu and the crew have issued a statement, they have directly proved to everyone that this speculation is true.

For a time, the Internet has severely condemned Han Mengxue's behavior.

An Ziqi has a lot of fans and influence in China.

When Han Mengxue did this kind of thing, someone had already started calling Han Mengxue out of the entertainment circle.

An Ziqi curled her lower lip slightly. In this world, most people have a herd mentality.

As long as someone shouts Han Mengxue out of the entertainment circle, as time goes by, and public opinion ferments, more and more people will shout.

When the number of people reaches a certain level, M Entertainment can no longer ignore it.

As Han Mengxue's brokerage company, if you don't deal with Han Mengxue in time, you will hate M Entertainment with everyone.

In recent years, the domestic film market has grown bigger and bigger.

Hollywood film companies also want to get a share of the pie, which is why "Super League" will ask her to be the heroine.

M Entertainment is no exception. With the help of Han Mengxue's return to China, it will attract domestic audiences and fans to M Entertainment.

Then you can enter the domestic market as a matter of course.

Now, they are hated by everyone before they have time to do anything, and then their plan to enter the domestic market will inevitably die.

At that time, she won't have to do anything, M Entertainment will definitely weigh the pros and cons, and take the initiative to give up Han Mengxue for the company's future development.

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