Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2798: Pack Han Mengxue (4)

Han Mengxue gritted her teeth, and the more affectionate Xiao Moli expressed towards An Ziqi, the more unwilling she was in her heart.

What's so good about An Ziqi?

Why can she get such affection and pampering as Xiao Moli?

At the beginning, she obviously entered Xiao Moli's world first.

But An Ziqi kicked in and forcibly intervened.

How could she be willing?

Xiao Moli used his hand and gradually tightened, "Han Mengxue, I warned you for the last time, if you want to make any crooked ideas, come at me. If you dare to do something against An Ziqi, I will kill you. Then bloodbath your whole family. I, Xiao Moli, have never been a good person. If I can tell, I will definitely be able to do it. For her, I am willing to fall into **** forever after death."

The killing intent in his eyes has been undisguised.

Han Mengxue was frightened all over her body instantly as if she had fallen into a ten thousand year ice cave.

She had no doubt that as long as she dared to say a word, Xiao Moli's big hand pinched between her throat would break her slender neck directly without hesitation.

After Xiao Moli finished speaking, before Han Mengxue could answer, she used her hand directly and threw her against the wall again.

Han Mengxue snorted, and hurriedly supported the wall next to her with her hands, and barely supported her body from falling down.

Xiao Moli didn't care about her life or death at all, turned around and walked outside.

Seeing Xiao Moli was about to go out.

Han Mengxue knew that this might be the only opportunity in her life to be alone with Xiao Moli.

Gritting his teeth, plucking up his last courage, shouted, "Xiao Moli."

Xiao Moli paused as he walked out, and said directly, "If you want to die now, I can fulfill you."

Han Mengxue raised his hand into the neckline, pulled a pendant with a red string from his neck, and raised his hand high towards Xiao Moli.

Trembling voice said, "Do you remember this thing?"

Xiao Moli looked back at the thing in her hand.

A crystal-like pendant was hung under the red rope in her hand, and the sunlight coming in from outside hit the pendant, emitting a bright light.

Xiao Moli pursed his lower lip, turned around and walked back to her, slowly speaking, "No matter what you hold in your hand, no matter how it gets into your hand. Those are not important to me, I You don’t need to know what you are holding, and you don’t want to know at all. It has nothing to do with me."

"For me, my world is only An Ziqi. Maybe I used to be special to you, but no matter what it was, it was definitely not because of liking. So, put away your unrealistic fantasy."

As he said, he raised his hand to pinch the pendant and pulled it from Han Mengxue's hand.

Using fingertips, he threw the pendant directly onto the wall next to him.

The pendant smashed on the wall, broke into several pieces, and then fell to the ground again.

Xiao Moli glanced at the fragments, no matter what Han Mengxue's reaction was, he turned around and walked out of the detention room without hesitation.

The door slammed shut in front of Han Mengxue.

The last ray of sunlight coming in from outside the door also disappeared completely as the door closed.

It seemed to be cruelly declared to her that from now on, her world was only dark, there was no light, let alone a bright future.

Han Mengxue forcibly endured the severe pain in her body and walked to the wall.

Squat down, reach out and pick up the pendant pieces scattered on the ground.

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